chapter 45

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a black Mercedes pull on the side parking area, as the brunette looks confusingly at the ravenette, giving a small smile jeongguk point on the sign board, instructing that four wheelers are any further

taehyung scrunch his nose a bit nodding his head earning a fond chuckle from his husband who unbuckle his seatbelt, getting down from his car he run on taehyung's side

"you don't mind walking a bit, right?" he asked opening car's door as he extended his hand forward, taehyung glanced down smiling happily he put his hand on jeongguk's, stepping outside--

"and if I don't want to walk then?" he titled his head up staring up at his husband, a teasing grin adoring his lip when the ravenette frowned "then? we'll go back___"

"what no! I was just joking around" taehyung whined out, panicking internally because he knows jeongguk indeed can do that, but the ravenette break into a laugh shaking his head "I know" he mumbles tucking a hair strand behind his husband's ear

"and don't worry, if you feel tired just tell me hmm, I'll carry you anytime" he whispered gazing down at taehyung who's smiles back nodding his head

the couple walk on the street, holding each other's hand, as taehyung had his hand wrapped around jeongguk's forearm, walking with small steps, they weren't in rush

taehyung sneakily glance up at his husband seeing other looking ahead as he heart swell with fondness, adoration---

this feels so dreamily--

he smiled at his thought, when jeongguk turned looking at his confusingly he raised his eyebrows questioningly, taehyung quietly shakes his head grinning ever so happily

the ravenette didn't question anything, because whatever is the reason, he is just content with seeing his husband's smile--

when they noticed the fair entrance "jeongguk there!" a very excited taehyung's eyes shine, pulling his husband inside the fair, immediately his wide eyes look at their surrounding in awe while Jeongguk frowned---

he never had liked crowd area, he rather like staying in his home, however to see the wide smile on taehyung's face he can go anywhere

as long he stay happy---

"let's go there?" taehyung asked already dragged the ravenette towards a fancy stall, and the ravenette let himself dragged everywhere he wants quietly listening to his husband ramble about things he has no idea, nodding his head silently

but the whipped fond gaze never vanished, even for a bit---

the brunette's excited steps halt when he saw a food stall few steps away from them "fish cake!" he squealed taking jeongguk there immediately ordering fish cake for them

blowing the hot fish cake, he extended it first towards his husband, nudging him to taste it "you know jeongguk, fish cake and I have a memorable history" taehyung giggled taking a bite

"why?" jeongguk asked gazing at the brunette who just laughed sheepishly "in my childhood in was obsessed with fish cake--" taehyung laughed

"I would demand for it in breakfast, in lunch, even in dinner, dad used to scold me alot" he chuckled "but then there is my hyungs, whenever I feel sad they would sneakily bring fish cakes for me"

he smiled dulls thinking about his father and brothers, before he shrugged his upsetting thoughts not wanting to overthink about it---

Jeongguk noticed the sudden change in his husband's behavior, his brother in laws always had a sensitive matter to discuss they rarely talked about them, or even mention them

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