chapter 05

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"mr jeon, your husband has mesothelioma cancer----"

jeongguk's heart dropped, and hearing jimin breaking into a loud sob---only make his anxiety worse----

" I'm sorry to inform you mr jeon but your husband has only short time to live---"

" what do you mean doctor" jeongguk angrily snapped when deep down he was in urge to break down----

"there-e must be some treatment for-r it right-t-----"

"it's un- curable jeon-n"

jimin cut off jeongguk, looking devastated----

"as mr park said, mesothelioma is not curable mr jeon, and if we talk about treatments---"

"mr taehyung is in late stage, and treatment is very limited for this stage, however it's only apply on some cases---but in this case it's seems impossible"

"--- because of mr taehyung's poor health condition I don't think any treatment can make his life expectancy longer---"

"but doctor still there must be a way no? chemotherapy and radiation therapy can help?" jimin still desperately ask not just wanting to accept this bitter truth---

"----mr park, you know that too if it was the case, then I definitely would have suggested these therapies but unfortunately the only therapy we can apply is palliative care----"

"since taehyung has pericardial mesothelioma, which means cancer forms within the sac that protects the heart----"

"--- I was surprised to know mr taehyung didn't felt or realised chest pain, but it must be cause he is suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease----"

"---- hence the drugs doses didn't let him feel extreme pain but it only worsen tumor's state---"

"---- and seeing mr taehyung's health I don't think he will be able to handle stage 4---it will be unbearable for him---"

"---- hopefully palliative therapy can help him---while these treatments will not cure mesothelioma cancer, they usually help patients feel better and to----- "

"----lessen cancer-related pain and extend survival so we will try our best to lessen taehyung's pain ---"

"----but to be honest mr jeon, taehyung hardly has three to four months left to live."


never in his whole life, jeongguk ever felt scared----yes there was time he was hurt, angry, anxious but never scared.

though, sitting on a metal bench, in hospital---outside, a certain room, where his husband is lying inside---

he feel it----the feeling, the emotion, he hadn't felt before.


afraid ness.

scared ness.

he felt them, for the first time, but strangely the cause behind this overwhelmed emotions wasn't for himself---

he was scared, for taehyung---to lose him.

even though his body was stilled, but his heart was restless, it was scared to lose his better half_____

"why are you upset jeon"

jeongguk head shot up hearing jimin's bitter voice, he saw jimin standing little away from him----with bloodshot eyes----all blank.

without emotions, as if someone just had snatched all reasons to which lit them---

"why do you even care, it's not like his death will effect you----"

jeongguk clenched his jaw in anger---he doesn't like it, he doesn't like the way jimin use his words---

the way jimin was talking about him--- it sparks anger inside him.

"shut up jimin---" jeongguk murmured out of pure anger, clenching his fists

"why jeon? what I'm saying is true---- it's not like you ever loved him!" jimin frustratingly yelled

deep down jimin know it's not right time bring this topic up----but hearing about taehyung's condition, had messed up his mind, and emotions make him overwhelmed

and the feelings they just want to let out every frustration, every anger, every pain he is bottling inside him---

hence unwillingly he is letting out, his overwhelming emotions, his anger----his pain towards the unfairness with taehyung's life.

"so why are pretending to be worried! why does it even matters to you, he lives or he dies you____"

jimin abruptly cut off, when a hand gripped his collar, shoving his hard against the wall----

"i dare you to repeat this once park, I swear---"

jeongguk dangerously voice out---- his voice held nothing but pure anger.

jeongguk was in range, he was fuming in anger, with fire on his eyes, jaw clenched hard---

as if he is somehow controlling himself--- not to harm jimin physically.

"just because I'm listening to you, it doesn't mean I can't answer you park" jeongguk gritted his teeth, looking at unfazed jimin

"and why would I answer you damn it?! who the hell are you to question me!-----" he yelled removing his fist full hand from jimin's collar with another hard shove----

" you have no rights, none of you have any rights to fucking ask me anything! that man---" he pointed toward the closed glass door "----that person who is lying inside, only him---

"he is the only one who has rights to question me---who can ask me anything, only him--- just him" jeongguk sternly murmured out, clenching his fists out of aggression

" you don't know me--- you don't know my pain, or what I had faced, so stop judging me! but--- you know what i don't fucking care if you understand me or not---"

" because no one ever tried to understand my side--- no one, expect him"

you don't know him jimin---

taehyung's voice suddenly rings inside jimin's mind again, as he realised, the way jeongguk defending himself--- taehyung did too.

the sudden similarities between the couple left him speechless.

"you are no one to say if he matters to me or not--- because currently he is the only person who can effect my emotions"

however his words was still firm but jeongguk voice become a bit soft surprising jimin again.

" even though the emotions were bads or goods it was alway related to him jimin, currently in my life he is the only one who can understand me---"

"he is the only one who can see through my anger--- only one whom I trust"

jimin silently saw how jeongguk face crunches in a certain emotion--- before the ravenette haired turned back to him---


it was pain, jimin can't ignore the way jeongguk's face showed the pained emotion, even though it was for a mere second---

jeongguk's breaths out shakily, as he softly placed his right palm over the glass door watching his husband through the glass window---

" just because i don't show my emotions it doesn't mean I'm heartless, it doesn't mean I can see my husband dying----"

" I can't jimin--- because he matters to me, alot" jeongguk whispered out heavily

"and jimin---" jeongguk quietly called causing jimin to look at him patiently

jeongguk turned around a bit to face jimin--- with a bitter sweet smile and murmured out the words which left jimin stunned____

"---- love isn't the only emotion to know the depth of a bond."

long but worthy chapter.

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