chapter 24

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"taehyung! listen to me---" Jimin panicked ready to run behind his bestfriend but a firm grip on his wrist stopped him

"leave my hand jeon!" he yelled trying pullback his hand

"get out"

"huh?" he stumbled back when the ravenette harshly shoved him away glaring at him with pure anger

"I said get out park, you said enough"

Jimin clenched his fist glaring back at the ravenette not even slightly bit afraid of those eyes with throwing death dagger---

"it wasn't my intention jeon, you know that too, I never wanted him to know this plan!" he yelled out,tugging his hair in frustration "fuck I never wanted him feel betrayed" he whispered out feeling how his eyes sting

"You think I care what you wanted or not?!" jeongguk for the first time yelled loudly "I was trying everything to be civil with you for taehyung but whats your problem park?!"

Jimin sucked in breath couldn't bring himself to answer the ravenette, how's he gonna tell him what's his problem, why he is getting bothered, why he is envy of something, where he has no rights?

"I'm not stopping you from talking with taehyung but not now" jeongguk sternly said turning on heels to follow his husband but he halt as he looks back at jimin who us looking at him

"leave us alone"

those where the last words before the ravenette walk away, leaving jimin stare at his retreating figure with pained eyes---

you'll never know how I feel Jeongguk---

he chuckled bitterly "I should really leave" he murmured before unwillingly turning around, as with heavy heart he left them--alone.


jeongguk's heart throbs against his chest, giving him anxious feeling, he felt scared---

scared to face his husband, afraid to see his broken eyes, but he has to do it, he can't leave him alone, he can't and he won't.

while clenching his fist tightly he slowly pushed his husband's bedroom door, which to his relief, was left open---

but a bitter aching soreness engulfed his heart when the red blood stained dirt the floor, drawing the path

his eyes roams around the room, making his breath his hitched when the fall over the bundle petite figure, sitting on bed, hugging his knees closers to his chest---

"go away-y----"

the mere whimper was enough to clenched his heart, jeongguk gulped down the ache as he tries to approach taehyung

"let me explain taehyung----"

"No no---" taehyung shakes his head burring his head on his knees hiding his face "No! I don't want to hear anything please go away!"

jeongguk's heart hammered loudly making his guts crunch "you have to taehyung, you need to----"

"I said I don't want to!" the brunette screamed getting up from the bed when jeongguk tries to get closer

"just-t leave me alone" he stuttered backing away from his husband, shaking his head in denial

"why are even here jeongguk?" he sniffles looking at the ravenette "to see how broken I am? to see how pathetically I'm crying?" he sobs gripping on the side wooden table to support his body

"was it fun? was it fun to fool me? was it fun to pretend? to make me believe you care about me---" he choked a sobs feeling his heart breaking apart "to-o make me believe you might feel- something-g---that maybe you-u are changing----"

"taehyung please--" the ravenette desperately said looking at his husband's devastated state

"No! please I don't want to hear you" taehyung shakes his head turning his back to jeongguk "leave me alone--"

"you betrayed me---jimin he-e---" the brunette breaks in to loud cries making jeongguk worried

the ravenette couldn't hold back, immediately making his way to embrace his husband's fragile body---

"taehyung, please---" he gulped hard feeling his eyes sting "if you want I'll leave you alone but please don't--" he tighten his grip around his husband pulling him closer

"please don't cry---it will effect your health"

those words makes taehyung welled loudly clutching over jeongguk's shirt pressing himself against him--

"please let me bandage the wound you are hurt---"

suddenly the scene flash front of taehyung, where he saw his hope crushing before his eyes---

where he saw them confessing their lies, the thought only irked the pain and anger inside him, he clenched the fist over his husband's shirt before pushing him away

jeongguk stumbled back startling a bit "tae---"

"let it hurt, let it remind me, my reality, which is nothing but a false hope--" taehyung smiled bitterly looking away from jeongguk

"No you are bleeding taehyung!"

"so what!---" the another glass vast crushed down on floor when the brunette swatted his hand in anger, but none of them care about it, they left unfazed looking at each other

"so what-t if I'm hurting-g, so what?" his lips quivers stare the ravenette who look at him with an uncertain gaze

"please leave me alone-e" taehyung cried out closing his eyes "I'm tired---"


jeongguk murmured, feeling a painful lamp in his throat, suffocating him, making it hard to breath

"you want me leave then I'll" taehyung didn't answered him "I'll leave, but remember taehyung you are not alone--"

"you can't be, when I'm here---" jeongguk sucked his breath, taking two steps back "I'll wait, I'll wait for you to give me a chance to explain, and whenever you ready just, I'll come back to you"

when the sound of door closed echoed in the room, the brunette finally opens his eyes, looking at now empty room---

he slides down to the floor leaning himself against the wooden table biting down his cries "I'm scared jeongguk, I'm---" he sobs just wanting this nightmare to end

meanwhile the ravenette lean against the door sitting outside the room, as after years a lone tear roll down from his eyes

as he stare at his hand, a piece of sharp glass piercing through his palm, causing it to bleed---

he slowly brings his other hand up, pulling out the glass piece, as his wound start bleeding

the red, reminds of his husband's wound, his blood, his tears---before his shut his eyes clenching his wounded palm

this physical pain is nothing front of the heartache he is feeling

for breaking his husband's trust---

his heart---

" I know I deserve to be hurt, for hurting you, I know but please understand me for the last time---" he whispered as another trear rolled down from his eyes making him close them---

"please understand me, like you always do"

please tae----


Spoiler alert!
Soon the reason behind jeongguk's behavior will disclose, so be ready 😊

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