chapter 33

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splashing the cold water on his face, taehyung stare at himself on mirror, seeing the water dripping from his wet face

he slapped his cheeks lightly trying to get ride of his red tinted cheeks "stop!" he huffed groaning loudly when he saw his ears still looking reds as before

"stop embarrassing yourself front of your husband taehyung" he breaths out calming his thumping heart "you asked him to sleep with you now it's not time to freak out" he scolded himself wiping his face

asking his husband to sleep with him, he didn't think much about sleeping besides the ravenette until the ravenette showed in his room with his thin black drop neck tank, hair wet from shower

he find himself so embarrassing when he dashed inside his bathroom as if he just saw a ghost walking inside his room

but it's not his fault, his husband is awfully attractive, a walking greek god, getting flustered front of him is normal to say least

the soft knock bring the brunette's dazed state back to sense as he heard his husband's worried voice from otherside of door "taehyung? are you okay?"

gulping slightly the brunette somehow managed to stutter out "Yeah-h--" he said back before taking few deep breaths closing his for awhile as he tries to steady his hammering heart

while the ravenette was worried seeing his husband suddenly rushing towards the bathroom and taking long inside

he stood front of the door with a frowned, glancing at the close door again and again before he had enough, knocking the door softly to not scare his husband

the few stuttering words didn't calmed him until the door fell open revealing his husband, who avoid his gaze

why he isn't looking at me?---

the ravenette thought however his first concern was other's health so getting a bit closer he mumble out "are you okay?"

taehyung's eyes widened when jeongguk suddenly came too close,almost face to face, as he find his all effort of calming himself vanishing in thin air in a mere second

nodding his head he looks away he can't behave like this, he is not a teenager for crying out loud, they had fell asleep together before too right? On that day when jeongguk cried

however they were too overwhelmed and devastated to notice their closeness but this time being on his all sense taehyung couldn't help but find himself getting flushed at the thought

"you are lying"

he stern voice again breaks the train of taehyung's thoughts making him confused "huh?" he asked

"you're face is red taehyung don't lie to me, are you feeling unwell?"


upon hearing this, the brunette heart thumps, neck turning a bit red too, as he quickly distance himself from the ravenette walking towards his bed

"what-t-- it's-s nothing--" he stutter out fiddling with blanket, pretending to dusting the none existing dust from his bed

"don't lie are you having fever?"

the ravenette frowned more, worriedly looking at his husband "you know I'll just call Dr. Park____"


the loud yelp coming from the brunette startled jeongguk almost making him drop his phone on floor

his stunned eyes gaze at taehyung confusingly but worry ness never fazed from them

"tae, you are behaving weird"

mentally beating himself taehyung smiled sheepishly "jeongguk can we just sleep, please" he emphasize the please making the ravenette sigh out


thank god, stupid taehyung always embarrassed yourself!

giving a small smile taehyung slipped inside the blanket, sitting up on his bed waited for his husband to join him

but he pout out when the ravenette didn't move, gazing up at his husband taehyung titled his head a bit

"are you not gonna come?"

jeongguk who was quite lost in his husband who effort lessly looks adorable in his slik night suit as his hair bounce when he sat on bed, falling over his eyes as he waits for him to join him on bed---

it was quite a sight to see, for jeongguk, everything feels so domestic to him.

but hearing the innocent question jeongguk sighed nodding his head as he walk on other side of the bed, quietly slipping inside the very same blanket

now resting on the same bed with some distance they busk the comfortable silence between them

jeongguk stare at the white ceiling awhile, but he can clearly feel his husband's eyes on him--

turning his body to right he caught his husband who was giving him glad eyes making his heart skipped.

"what happened?"

he asked when the brunette shakes his head with a shy smile averting his eyes awhile before they again find his onyx ones

"nothing--" he began "--its just feels good" he admitted smiling beautifully, before closing his eyes not wanting to see the other out of bashful ness

perhaps he couldn't see the change in those onyx eyes who gleam with pure fondness and intensity

his eyes stare at his sleeping husband until he draw a bit closer to taehyung, feeling ease with closeness.

finally closing his eyes he drifted in peaceful slumber with his husband gasping at the light lavender fragrance

unknown how the sleeping brunette open his slowly, staring at him with love before he sigh out dolefully

slipping out of the bed very carefully, he glanced at the sleeping ravenette for the last time

before faintly plodding out of the room----

I was supposed to double update but well things didn't went as I planned. No worries, it's happens I'll make up to y'all!

anyway tell me your thoughts about this chapter!

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