chapter 44

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"what the hell were you thinking by hiding taehyung's condition jimin!" the loud roar voice echo in hall "I trusted you with my brother, and here you are lying, hiding things from us?!"

"hyung-g--" jimin stuttered eyes welling up as he stare at the mad, furious older "i-i-- i am sorry but i did what I think was right"

" leaving him with that person is right thing for you?!" Jin exclaimed glaring at the blonde "how can you leave taehyung with that man when he needs to get cared?!-- don't you know what kind of person he is___"

"hyung! please don't say anything  wrong out of anger" namjoon cuts him off giving him a warning look making the older clenched his fist

"I'm not saying wrong joon, haven't you see him how he treats taehyung?" Jin snapped  "he never cared about taehyung, never appreciate his love, and you think that person will care if our tae dies?!"

" enough hyung--" namjoon roared eyes harding "you see, that's why jimin wasn't ready to tell us about taehyung, why you always blame jeongguk for everything?!"

" I can understand you weren't happy with their marriage, you don't want taehyung to marry him, none of us wanted that--" namjoon sighed tiredly pleading eyes looking at his brother

"but can you stop blaming jeongguk for everything please, what happened between taehyung and us wasn't his fault___"

a bitter chuckle escape from jin's lip looking at his brother with disbelief "wasn't his fault? you are saying he wasn't in blame when he was the reason taehyung break ties with us?"

"when for that person our tae left us?!" he yelled as the ranged tears rolls down from his eyes

"Yes" Namjoon sternly replied looking direct in his brother's eyes "He wasn't in fault, taehyung break his ties with us because of you, because of your obstinate, because you wasn't ready to accept jeongguk, it only because you thinks he is not right  person for tae___"

"Because he is fucking not!" jin shakes his head clenching his fist "he is not right for our tae, never was, never will, you can't tell me otherwise namjoon___"

"you are calling me obstinate, you think I didn't give jeongguk a chance?" Jin scoffed "you know me so little joon, I gave him chance, I trusted him with my brother three years ago, when they gets married"

"and the trust was broken very next day when he choose to leave our tae alone at house, like he abandoned him I don't freaking care what was the reason, I don't" jin breaths out

"taehyung can forgive him but I can't, and i won't, call me whatever you want namjoon, but the way he has been treating taehyung, I won't forget it nor forgive" Jin gritted out

"even if he changed hyung-g?" Jimin spoke after the heated argument between the brothers

"you are not the only one who hated jeongguk, who blame him for ruining our taehyung's life--" Jimin chuckle wiping his tears away "I was the one who always support your thoughts about jeongguk till now hyung, because my thoughts for him wasn't different than yours"

" But--" he looks away as the image of taehyung staring at jeongguk with fond loving eyes flash front of him making him sucked his breath "he is taehyung's happiness hyung--"

" taehyung won't trade jeongguk for anything, not even for his life"

"and jeongguk believe it or not, I saw him changing, at first I thought it was all because I ask him to pretend to love___"

"Pretend?" the word caught namjoon and jin's attention making jimin stilled, he wasn't supposed to say it, no.

"what do mean by pretending jimin?" namjoon ask marching towards the blonde

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