chapter 34

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a loud buzzed on nightstand woke up the certain blonde haired who squinted his eyes, being still half asleep as he reached out his hand to grab his phone

Immediately a confused yet worried frowned appears on his face seeing the name id before he quickly picked up the call

"hello-o--" his voice broked feeling his throat dry out

"jimin-ie?" the voice from otherside whispered back getting all attention of jimin

the tired male throw his blanket sitting up on his bed "tae? are you okay?---" he asked worrying pulling away his phone to see the time, it was midnight.


the worry ness didn't lessen upon hearing his best friends voice "hey why are you up at this time?did something happened?--" jimin sucked on his breath wondering what caused his best friend to call him suddenly at midnight that's too after two days

oh, the two days was like a nightmare for the blonde the thought of hurting his best friend and moreover betraying his trust had haunted him at night

before he finally passed out in bed due his tired ness, feeling exhausted mentally and physically.

"I'm okay, can you--" jimin waited assuming why taehyung sounds so hesitate "--come to meet me? I want to talk to you"

"yes I'll taehyung___"

"now. right now jimin"

his words get cut off, leaving jimin stunned for a while before he whispered out "right now? are you sure tae?"

but nonetheless he was already slipping out of his bed ready to do as the brunette want with a heartbeat---


that's all took the blonde to hurriedly put his coat and shoes on before he rushed out of his house in midnight driving through the all the way to the familiar apartment

he hesitate looking at the apartment and area, as he pull out his phone dialing the recent caller, it only take few rings before the call was answered


jimin sighed out hearing his best friend's tried voice before he takes a deep breath gazing at the apartment front of him

"I'm here---"

instantly he heard some shuffling sounds as soon saw the front door cracking a bit before a familiar figure comes out

talking to the guard awhile, before he passed through the iron gate coming closer to his car---

getting inside the car, the brunette shut the door quietly turning around to face his best friend who was already staring at him

"what happened ? are you alright?did jeongguk do something--"

the blonde couldn't help but get worried, gazing taehyung worryingly

"no he didn't, we are fine--we are good" taehyung breaths out thinking about his sleeping ravenette


taehyung sigh out tiredly averting his eyes from the blonde as he stare down at his cold fingers "I am. sorry if I make you worried jimin__" he whispered out

jimin sighed shaking his head "it's fine I was just----" he breaths out puffing out a bit "--forget it, so what happened?"

taehyung anxiously gulped, fidgeting with his fingers "I want to know" he murmured slowly

the blonde might had missed it if it wasn't this silent and quiet, jimin frowned titling his head a bit


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