chapter 41

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the hushed sounds of rustling make taehyung stirred in his sleep, he squinted his eyes unconsciously, but they slowly flattered open trying to get up but the pain didn't let him, he winced lowly

however the low voice caught his husband's ears as he was the one who was fumbling through drawers---

"tae?--" jeongguk stopped there "sorry i wasn't meant to disturb your sleep" he whispered out of guilt

"no--" taehyung gulped feeling hus voice wavering clearing his voice lightly he pulled the blanket up to his shoulder "what are you finding?"

jeongguk bites his lips coughing out lightly "uhm-m my camera"

taehyung squinted his eyes confusingly at him "why though?" and the ravenette suddenly looks away murmuring some words under his breath

"uh jeongguk?---" taehyung slowly gets up leaning against the bed looking at his husband

"we are--" the ravenette trails off "you know going to street fair this evening so i-i---" he stuttered "I just want to capture the memories"

I want to capture you when you smile looking at something---

laughing at some silly things.

just anything, everything you do--- left unsaid.

taehyung smiles feeling his heart blooming with fondness looking at his husband who stand there as if he caught red handed

"it's in your studio---" taehyung said not wanting to comment something which makes the ravenette embarrassed

Jeongguk cursed himself for not realising it of course they will be there along with his other things, but it's been a long time he visit his studio downstairs

nonetheless he nods his head slipping out of his bedroom he went downstairs, on left the small door was seen, he walks towards it opening the room

he expected it to be dusty but no, it was just like before, his eyes wondered around the room, seeing a old piano placing in corner while the lard glass windows cover with white silk curtains a corner filled with canvas some half painted so some completely empty along with paints

Jeongguk stand there looking at everything in daze, it's feel like yesterday when he used to paint, used to play music, read books sitting beside the window where the medium size mattress was sat, and used to fall asleep in this room

this was his escape place from his loneliness, his emptiness, even after marriage he used to come here when he don't know how to behave around taehyung

he remember he used to get mad at his husband alot not because he did something wrong, it was because of his parents, the anger for his parents he let out on his husband---

it was so wrong, but the frustration, the confusion of feeling lost, the sudden anxiety around the person who he merely knows, who's responsibility he has to take suddenly pressured him, it always make him lose his calm

Yes, he yelled, blamed taehyung many times out of anger but sitting on this very same room, where his confused thoughts hunts him for hurting his husband, suffocate him, the anger towards himself suffocate him.

the teary eye staring at him with hurt, makes his heart clenched.

but slowly this escape place doesn't make him feel safe anymore---

it doesn't feel safe when all this silent walls reminds him there is a person outside waiting for him with softest smile on his despite he had hurted him

and one day he stopped coming here, not wanting to feel the overwhelming feeling which makes his heart and mind burst in so unknown confusion he stopped coming to this room

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