1. Another boring day

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"Here." I said as I threw a bag of stolen gold on Uma's bar.
"Big profit today."
"Yes. Not good?"
"I think someone is a little annoyed today." she said defiantly.
"I am gone." I said bluntly as I walked out of the chip shop.
Gil looked at me in surprise.
"Another boring day?"
I looked towards the bridge.
"If those stupid AKs just made that bridge and took down the barrier, everything would have been a lot easier."
"Do you want to go to Auradon?!"
"What?! I don't want to sit between those princes and princesses. Don't be crazy!" "Mal and the others are there, right?"
"Shut up about Mal."
"Oh yes. You still-"
I slapped him and looked at him savagely.
"I said shut up about Mal!"
"Calm down dude."
Uma came outside.
"Hey, do I have to run the place on my own?"
"No, with just the two of you." and I walked away. To my house.

I was shocked when those Auradon guards were waiting.
I could just dive into an alleyway before they saw me.
"What are they doing here?!" I hissed.
Looked like Cj and Harriette weren't home. Where are those two when you need them?!
Then the guards walked my way and I shot into the shadows.
"Find that Hook. King Ben wants to arrange it as soon as possible." said one of those yellow guys.
They didn't look at my house and I took the chance and ran for the door.
Just as I opened it, one of the guards grabbed my arm.
"Harry Hook?"
"Get of me!"
"Take it easy. King Ben thinks you set a bad example for the other VKs and wants to get you to Auradon."
"Wait a minute. So because I'm too bad, does he want to send me to that rainbow world?! It can't get any crazier!"
I wanted to enter my house quickly and close the door, but then two guards grabbed my arms.
"It is an order from King Ben."
"What  why!?"
"You can ask him that yourself later on."
"Leave me alone or I'll kill you!"
"Don't make it so hard for yourself."
I couldn't free myself and was taken to the gate.
On the other side of the gate, I saw the same car that Mal and her crew were being transported in.
Gil and Uma were standing a short distance away.
When Gil saw me he pointed at me and Uma looked at me in surprise.
"Hey Hook, if you wanted to go to that place you could have said so, right?!"
"Better help me!"
But I was pushed into the car. And there was no turning back...

I saw Uma and Gil standing in front of the gate in awe as the car drove over the bridge to Auradon.
I glared at that guard.
"What about Cj and Harriette then?!"
"Your sisters are yet to be informed."
"So I have to go to that rainbow hell and they stay there? Lucky demons..."
The rest of the trip was quiet and a moment later Ben was already waiting for me.

When I had to get out of the car I gave him a dirty look.
"Couldn't you screw up someone else's life?!"
"Harry Hook, I'll make sure you get it right here. You'll find that being good feels good."
"Save yourself the trouble and send me back."
"Maybe your old friends can change your mind."
"On the island you have no friends. Only crew or squad members!"
Ben nodded to one of the guards and moments later I was trapped in one of those dorm rooms at Auradon prep. I sighed.
"Nice..." I mumbled sarcastically.
There was a note on the bed. I snatched it off and unfolded it.

Dear Harry Hook,
Everyone knows you as the son of a villainous pirate and we want to change that image so you will get help from some old acquaintances of yours and a top student of Auradon prep. They will make sure that you will no longer look like a villain.
Have a nice day,
King Ben.

I crumpled the paper and threw it away. "Stop making me look like a villain..."
I looked up.
"As long as they don't mean like a... a..."
Gagging I sat down on the bed.
I had to get out of here. And fast!
There was a knock on the door and I shot up.
"Just leave me alone!"
"Harry?" said a surprised voice.
The door opened and I was startled.
"Ben told me that you were here..."
"What happened to you? Where's your purple hair?!"
"It's blond. You see. Glad Evie and I don't have to give you completely to the AKs. You'd be going mad."
"Hold on... Give me to the AKs... No! You and Evie are those old acquaintances from that letter! Stay away from me!"
"Calm down!"
"No! I didn't want to be here. Go away!"
"Now listen..."
"Mal, leave me alone. Unless you can send me back to the island."
She looked at me shocked and sad.
"You really don't get it, do you?" she said softly as she walked away.

A while later I looked out the window.
"What are those bitches watching?! Never seen a pirate before?"
They grinned and said something to Mal and Evie who were standing by too.
I didn't trust it at all. What were they up to!?
Suddenly there was a knock on the door and I was startled.
"What do you want?!" I cried, not knowing who was standing there.
"Harry? It's me, King Ben."
"In that case... Fuck off!"
"I can't believe you're mad that I took you off the island."
"I'm a pirate. What do you expect!?"
"Take it easy. I just wanted to explain a little bit about tomorrow. Since that-"
"That everyone stay away from me!" "Harry..."
I opened the door and glared at him.
"My life was just fine. Until you brought me here."
"You just got here."
"But I don't belong here."
"We'll help you."
"No! Just let me go back to the island."
"Tomorrow will be a long day for the girls."
"What are you talking about now!?"
"They're going to help you not look like a villain. Remember?"
"As long as they don't touch me!"
"Yeah, that won't work anyway."
"I have to go to a meeting. I'll have someone pass on further information."
"No, wait a minute!"
But he was already gone. And that stupid spell kept me from leaving my room on my own.
I slammed the door and looked out again.
"Why are you doing this to me? They should've picked Dizzy up or something. At least he wants to go here!"
"Oh don't be so angry."
I was startled and turned around.
"Carlos?! What are you doing here?!"
"Passing information..."
I grabbed him by the collar and pushed him against the wall.
"Here's my information. Just leave me as I am. Send me back to the island. AND. LEAVE ME. REST!"
I put Carlos down again and he looked at me with a grin.
"Tomorrow will be a real laugh. I'll ask Mal if she records it. Then Jay and I can laugh."
"What are you talking about?!"
"Mal, Evie and Lonnie come tomorrow at half past eight. They are going to help you not look like a VK. But like an AK."
"You'd better kill me then."
"Hey! Evie and Mal know what they're doing and you better not argue with Lonnie until two o'clock tomorrow afternoon."
"How come then?!"
"Mal guessed it's going to be a long time before they're done with you."
"Done with me? What are they up to?!"
"I have to go."
"Oh no! You're going to tell me what this is all about!"
I put my hook on his throat.
"Say it!"
I let go of him and he looked sheepishly at me.
"They're going to give you a makeover."
I stepped back perplexed. Shaking my head slowly.
"... no... no..."
"It wasn't my idea I-"
"Go away!"
Without saying a word, he speared out of the room and I flung my hook on the floor.
"No!" I screamed.
I don't want a makeover. Why won't anyone just leave me alone?
I looked towards the door. As long as I didn't become like that Ben or Prince Charming's son and stuff.
I gagged and sat down on the desk chair. I took off my hat and put it down.
"It can't be true. Why would Mal and Evie want to do this to me?!"
I picked up my hook and put it next to my hat. The clock struck eleven in the evening. I looked around.
"Ughh... I'll firgure it out tomorrow..."

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