14. Saying goodbye

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We were walking around until Ben suddenly had to ask the cursed question.
"How did you start working together?"
"Mal promised to take all vk's off the island," Uma said.
"What?" asked Ben, surprised.
"I lied!" blurted Mal out.
I looked at her in amazement.
"What do  you mean?"
"The program has ended. There are no more VK's coming from the island. The barrier remains closed, forever."
Cj walked angrily towards Mal.
"I don't understand what people see in you. You are a coward. Too cowardly to say I would never see my sister again!"
I had to admit that I was shocked but I didn't know how to react. Cj took Hades' stone from Mal's hand and threw it into the water.
"No!" screamed Mal and Cj ran off.
"Cj!" I shouted but she ignored me.
Uma looked at Mal angrily.
"So I helped to get a lie? You only think about yourself!"
She walked away too.
Evie, Jay and Carlos also looked at Mal reproachfully.
What happened here?!
"You lied. Against us? Why?!"
I looked at Mal dumbfounded.
"Tell me you're lying right now?" Suddenly that spell was coming.
I jumped backwards. Evie, Jay, Carlos, Ben and even Dude were petrified.
I looked at Mal.
"Are you okay?"
"Convince Uma. Please. I'm going to stop Audrey."
"Without the stone?"
"I'll manage myself."
She took the stone out of the water and sprinted off.
"And Cj then...?" I muttered.
But I went after Uma.
"Uma! Wait!"
"Wanna come back to the real VK's?"
"You have to help us. Mal wants to defeat Audrey without that stone. That's going to be her death!"
"And why would I care?"
"Uma! I mean it. Please?" She rolled her eyes.
She wanted to run away but we heard familiar screams.
"Let go of me! Help me Mal!"
"Cj..." I muttered.
And dragon Mal flew over us.
"Uma, without that stone she's not going to make it. And neither does Cj!"
"Fine, I'll help!"

Mal wanted to fire at Audrey but didn't. Probably to protect Cj...
I looked at Uma.
"Make sure you help her with the stone. I'm going to get Cj out of there so Mal  can stop Audrey."
Uma nodded and I sprinted off.
I went into the tower and sprinted up the stairs.
Cj had to get out of there. And fast!
I opened the hatch and looked carefully.
Mal flew nearby and Audrey held Cj menacingly.
I heard Uma shouting.
"I'm here Mal! Together we are stronger! Regain your might and ignite! I'm here girl!"
Cj managed to get away and I climbed through the hatch.
She sprinted towards me and I pushed her behind me.
Audrey grinned.
"There's Hook again. I see you're not petrified anymore. We just have to do something about that!"
I chuckled.
"Fool me once shame on me. Fool me twice shame on you."
I kicked the scepter out of Audrey's hand and Mal shot with the stone at Audrey.
I bend down and pushed Cj into the hatch.
Soon the bright light was gone and Cj wrapped her arms around me.
"Thanks... Again..."
Mal landed and changed back again.
"Audrey? No...!"
I stood next to Mal.
"Everything okay?"
"We need to get her out of here."
"Is she dead or something?"
"No, but if we don't hurry up, we will be!"

A little later we were in Audrey's room. Mal and Evie sat next to Audrey.
"She's slowly slipping away..." said Evie.
Mal lowered her head and sighed.
"Only Hades can help us."
"Hades?! He never does!" said Ben directly.
I looked at him.
"Are you the only one who doesn't know yet?"
"Hades is my father." Mal said stubbornly.
"I'll have him picked up by the guards..." Ben muttered.
Uma looked up.
"Can I get a ride? The island is my home."
Cj also looked up.
"Can I go too? I wish I could be in two places at once..."
She walked up to me and clung to me.
"I will miss you big brother."
I looked at Mal and she nodded softly.
I looked at Cj.
"You're not going to do that."
"I'm coming to the island with you..."
Cj looked at me in amazement and Mal hugged me.
"I'm going to miss you Harry..."
"It'll be okay Mal. I can't stay here. Knowing that my family is on the island."
Ben sighed.
"I also have Captain Hook brought to the island. I don't want you to be separated from your father any longer."

And it happend like that.
The Hoik family was complete again... Sort of. 
When we were back on the island, Cj looked at me questioningly.
"You left Mal behind... Why?"
"I want to be there for my family. As much as I'm going to miss Mal..."
"I do have something to cheer you up."
"Dizzy gave it when she went to Auradon. Come with me!"
And I was drawn to Dizzy's old workplace.
"I don't touch anything. It must be somewhere here..." and she rumbled through some drawers.
On the ground I saw a well-known pendant. A purple/green crystal on a gold chain.
Dumbfounded, I picked it up.
"That's impossible..."
Cj looked up.
"Nothing!" I quickly said and I shoved the pendant in my pocket.
Then I was shocked.
I was on the island. In Auradon clothing! And my pirate shit was still there.
This would end up badly...
Cj laughed.
"Got it!"
When I saw what she was holding, I chuckled.
"I still recognize them. You and Dizzy made it at Evil High..."
"Yes. Dizzy wanted me to give it to you."
I picked it up and chuckled. It was a kind of stone that I could have made on my hook but Cj had gotten it from me so I gave her the stone.
"Put it on your hook. Since you'll probably never see Dizzy again...
"Thanks big brother."
Then she looked at the pocket of my hoodie.
"Mal's pendant!"
She grabbed it and I wanted to take it back.
"Dizzy had saved it for if Mal ever returned to the island."
I snatched it back.
"Then I'll take over Dizzy's task."

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