9. VK day

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Today I would start with my bar.
Evie had decorated it in my style but still with a little Auradon.
I didn't see it yet and was a bit curious.
I opened my door, only then I saw Mal.
"How long are you here?"
"Just. I was about to knock on the door."
"While you're here. Let's talk about yesterday. So you would've rejected Ben or didn't you?"
"Yea I did... I know you thought I would say 'Yes' but I couldn't."
"How long have you been liking me?"
"When I heard you were coming to Auradon, I felt better than ever. I wanted to do everything I could to keep you here, that you wouldn't be send away. I know that's why I ruined some of your life, but I -"
I kissed Mal that made her stop.
"Harry..." she said softly as I let her go.
"Since when..."
"Always have. I've never stopped loving you."
She kissed me again and I chuckled.
"Are you coming with me to my bar that Evie decorated?"
"I've already seen it. You're going to really love it."
I grinned.
"There's only one way to find out."
She laughed and we walked there.
I grinned when we were there

The board was a bit tweaked. There was still Hooked on the Table but a hook was made around the O of on. Mal chuckled.
"Ready to see it of inside?"
I nodded.
She put her hands in front of my eyes.
"Seriously, Mal?"
"Just trust me."
"Ugghh..." I said while grinning.
She led me into the bar.
"Do you take your hands away if I am?"
"Then, yes."
She took her hands away and I looked around.
"Do you like it?"
" It's... Perfect."
"Yea... Thanks Mal."
"Harry... Evie set it up."
" You made sure it would happen in the first place."
She laughed and I walked around.
There were dark walls, just like the buildings on the island. The bar was really classic, wooden top and a kind of display case where the bar top was on. In that display case were some things that reminded me of Cj, Harriette, Uma and Gil.I chuckled.
Furthermore, on the walls were colored items from and from Auradon.
"Mal, isn't this a picture of the island. From Evil high?"
"Maybe." she said grinning.
I looked at it intently. It was from Mal and me... When we completely harassed Lady Tremaine.
I walked through the bar and looked around.
"It's all as if this belongs on the island, but because of the brightly colored items it fits Auradon."
"Just as Evie intended."
"And you had nothing to do with it?"
"I didn't say that..."
I laughed and got away from the bar. Mal grinned and I looked at her in amazement.
"Why are you grinning like that?"
"The day after tomorrow, is VK day."
"So four more VK's are coming to Auradon for sure?"
"You will also come along when we announce the VK's."
"You're saying what?"
"I'll explain in a minute. Come with me."
"Carlos and Jay keep an eye on this place. Evie and I need to explain to you the VK day plan."
"Oh goblins..."
Mal pulled me by my arm to her and Evie's room.
"Okay easy Mal..."

A little while later, I stood in front of Mal and Evie.
"So you want me to announce one of your pre-selected VK's and all that?"
"Yes! You do Celia, daughter of -"
"Doctor Facilier." I already added.
Evie chuckled.
"Why do you know?"
"Everyone on the island knows her. After all, she works for-"
The door opened and Jane came running in.
"Harry! Carlos and Jay are not doing a good job. Don't ask me how they did it but your bar is on fire."

I ran out the door and went to the bar.
"Jay! What did you do!? And where is Carlos?"
"Still in there..."
"In that fire sea?! Dammit..."
Jay looked at me in amazement as I ran inside.
I didn't see a thing but for some reason I couldn't let Carlos burn down.
"Carlos?!" I shouted loudly.
I heard coughing and I turned around.
"Carlos?! Where are you!?"
"Here..." I heard in between coughing.
I saw him lying on the ground and helped him up.
Breathing became difficult and I could barely find the exit.
We were just outside when Carlos passed out.
Jane ran to us.
I put him down and some of those doctors rushed towards him.
Mal hugged me.
"That was super dangerous! Why did you do that!?"
"Should've I let Carlos die?"
Instead of answering, she hugged me.
I chuckled.
"Say if you wanted me dead, you could just say that."
She let go of me and pointed behind me.
"The fire is now being extinguished."
I turned around and she was right.
One of the nurses walked up to me.
"We have to take you to the hospital for a check-up. Just in case your lungs are partially scorched. Because of the fact that you went through that smoke."
I nodded and I was also led into the ambulance just like Carlos.

Fortunately, in this hospital everything went very quickly.
Carlos had to stay another day but with VK day he should be alright.
I was allowed to leave again that same night.
But instead of going to my room, I walked to Mal and  Evie's.
When Mal opened the door she hugged me immediately.
"Hello to you too." I chuckled.
"Yes, sorry... What's up?"
"Since I announced Celia, who are you doing?"
"Will you notice the day after tomorrow!" shouted Evie from the room.
Mal looked at Evie.
"Shouldn't I-"
"Okay, I won't say anything."
I looked at Mal questioningly.
"Okay, what are you two up to?"
"Nothing!" they said at the same time.
"Okay, you're obviously lying."
Evie came to stand next to Mal.
"Harry, all you need to know now is that you're announcing Celia."
"Ugghh... Fine..."

It was VK day quite quickly.
Mal knocked on my door.
When I opened it I looked at her in amazement.
"You're wearing your VK outfit?"
"We are going to the island. So yes. Evie and the boys do it too. So you have an excuse to put on your pirate outfit."
"You say it like it's a bad thing."
"Nice pun. But a little  bad."
I chuckled.
"I'll come in a minute."

So I changed clothes and we went to the island.
Evie and Mal were acting suspicious, Jay drove and Carlos grinned.
"Finally more VK's to Auradon..."
"Hey!" I said played offended.
"As if you really wanted to."
I rolled my eyes and soon we were at the barrier.
Jay opened the gate and closed it again behind us.
I chuckled and the other four started to attract the attention of the VK's.

When they were done, all five of us stood somewhere near the 'stage' thing.
Mal and Evie laughed.
"The time has finally come! VK day has arrived!" cried Evie.
"And five VK's are chosen to go to Auradon," Mal said.
Uma and Gil were also in the crowd and they (Uma) looked at me with a dirty look.

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