8. A little problem

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I slammed the door shut and Cj was startled.
"You're back soon."
"Keep your shut up!"
I walked to my room and knocked some junk off my closet.
"Damn! Now I can't do anything here either!"
I sat down on my bed with my elbows on my knees and my hands on my head.
"All thanks to that stupid idea of Mal... Because of her, everything is ruined!"
Cj walked into my room.
"If that's such a big deal, ask Dizzy for help."
"You're crazy."
"But you can't live like that Harry. You can't forever hide what Auradon did to you..."
"But what if people see me? Or worse if they see this!" and I pulled my hat off my head. 
"Nobody would take me that seriously..."
"I do."
"You are my sister. Logical..."
"What about Harriette?"
"Never mind."
I put on my hat and walked out again.

Why did Uma suddenly have such a stupid rule?
Stupid whining too.
I walked past a TV screen on the street and was startled.
Mal was on the screen and she was upset and she was holding the clothes I had dumped in the lake.
"If anyone knows where Harry is, report it."
And the video stopped.
"Fuck. Shit. Fuck..."
Uma was suddenly next to me.
"Maybe we can get a reward if we extradite you."
"What?" I said in amazement and I stepped away from her.
"Have you lost you mind?!"
"Gil, get the others. Now!"
Gil fleet between his fingers and soon I was surrounded with Uma's squad.
"Uma, be realistic!"
"Guys, grab him!"
I had nowhere to go and soon they grabbed me.
"Let me go!"
Because I wanted to get myself away from them, my hat fell off.
Uma looked at me with big eyes.
"What happened to you?"
"You just became an AK!"
"What?! No!"
"Sure. You're really just a... a... You just turned into an AK!"
"No! Listen!"
Uma nodded to her squad that they should take me.
"Uma! Listen to me!"
"Or else what?"
I looked at her furiously and her squad locked me in an empty room.
"Let me out!"
I pounded on the door but the others walked away.
"Damn it!"
I walked back and forth.
Why didn't Uma just help me? Cj was right... Dizzy knew it anyway... I should have asked her for help...
Then I heard Uma talking, I think she was on the phone (with the only working phone on the island).
I stood against the door and tried to listen.
"Ben, I heard you lost someone?"
Unfortunately, I couldn't hear Ben's reactions.
Uma sounded more menacing... She wouldn't do anything, would she?
"Ben, if you want Harry to come back, you have to put something against it... If won't harm him? Maybe. I'd just hurry up if I were tou!"
I was shocked.
Uma wouldn't mean that. Although...?
I stepped away from the door and looked around.
"There must be a way out somewhere..."

The door flew open and Uma stepped in.
"What about that?"
And she pointed to my hair.
I remained silent and looked away.
"Well? You don't have much to lose, do you?"
"It wasn't my choice."
"What, going to Auradon? Looking like an AK? Want to become an AK? Or that you're a traitor?"
"Uma, I was forced to go to Auradon. I was tied up when they changed my appearance. I am not an AK or a traitor. Why do you think I came back?"
"AK's tying you up, seriously?"
"No, Mal with a spell..."
"Did she that? To you?"
"No! She ran off. She then said she couldn't... That AK Lonnie, daughter of Mulan did this..."
"Pfff... HAHAHA!!! You couldn't win against an AK? A girls AK?"
She laughed loudly and I clenched my fists.
"I bet you can't win from Lonnie either."
"That's right, because I'm not that stupid to go to Auradon."
"I didn't even want to go there!"
"Of course you didn't!" she said sarcastically.
Gil arrived.
"Uma, Ben is coming."
"That's fast."
She locked me up again and I sighed.
"This makes no sense. Am I really an AK?" I muttered.

Uma opened the door again.
"Come, idiot."
She held a dagger on my throat as she took me.
"Harry!" screamed Mal, she was on the other side of the barrier.
Ben was on this side.
"Give him then." he said uncertainly.
Uma laughed falsely.
"What do you trade it for?"
I looked at Ben.
"And now you're helping me?! Or do you sometimes do it for Mal?"
"Shut up!" said Uma angrily.
Ben sighed.
"Here, 500 gold coins."
He threw the bag at Gil, who caught it clumsily.
Ben looked at Uma.
"We had a deal."
"Uma! Please!?" screamed Mal.
Uma put a little more pressure on my throat and I closed my eyes.
Was she really going to kill me?
"Uma, let him go. We're rich now!" I heard Gil say.
I felt her remove the dagger from my throat and I opened my eyes again.
"Gil is right. And he is worth much less than 500 gold coins."
She pushed me towards Ben which almost caused me to fall.
I looked at Uma.
"You forget something."
She rolled her eyes and threw my hat at me.
"You do need it."
I looked at Ben and Mal.
"You know what? Give it to Cj. I don't have to be ashamed. And certainly not in Auradon."
Ben chuckled and I put my hat on the floor.
We quickly went through the barrier and we waited for it to close.
"Why did you do that?" I asked Ben.
"What do you mean?"
"That gold."
"You may deny it. But you belong in Auradon."
Mal hugged me.
Ben and I looked at her in amazement.
"Mal? What are you doing?" I whispered.
"I was afraid that Uma would actually kill you."
I looked at Ben.
*I'm sorry* I said without sound.
"Shall we go to Auradon again?" he asked.
He got in first and when he wasn't looking, Mal gave me a kiss on the cheek.
I looked at her in amazement.
"Wa -"
"Come, we have to go to Auradon."
Dumbfounded, I also got in and we drove back over the bridge.

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