7. The isle

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That night I was in my room. I had to and would go back to the island.
But then I needed my pirate gear again. According to Ben's letter, they were in the museum, because of some stupid reason.
So I could immediately be myself again.
I had to steal my clothes back. 
There was a knock on my door and I was startled.
"Who's there?"
"It's me Mal, everything okay? Evie said you were leaving..."
"Yes, I'm fine..."
"You don't sound fine."
"Mal, just leave me. Go to Ben or something."
I ignored that and walked to the window.
"Goodbye..." I mumbled and I climbed silently out the window.

Outside I put it on the run. I had to go to that museum.
Technically it's my stuff, would it still be stealing?
"The guards are still there... Shit..." I mumbled.
I dived behind a wall just before a flashlight shone my way.
That reminded me of the guards taking me off the island.
I closed my eyes and sighed.
Last time I made a beginner's mistake. Not now...
I climbed up the roof and looked carefully over the edge.
Never before did I suffer from fear heights but this one was also slightly higher...
I swallowed and looked in front of me.
The jump was at most one meter. That's easy to do.
I stepped back and jumped.
I barely made it.
"Goblins! Since when do I barely make it!? Usually it would've been easy..."
I saw some light from flashlights shoot up and I bent down.
'Stay low...' I thought.

A little later I entered the museum.
Where would they put up my shit?
I saw a watchman typing something into his computer.
I stared and grinned.
"Thanks for the tip sucker!" I hissed softly.
The corridors were clearly like that. Now I had to go to the rogue hall.

After a while I opened the door and I chuckled.
"It's like stealing candy from a baby."

A little later I sprinted away through the roofs.
I had my stuff. But the others would come looking for me anyway... I had to come up with something.
In the corner of my eye I saw the enchanted lake and Mal's cave.
I went there and changed clothes in the cave.
I threw the Auradon clothes into the water and I sprinted into the tunnel.

After a while I thought I saw the barrier.
But I could get through it with my hand.
I looked around. There was a stone on the ground and I pushed it through the barrier. But when I wanted to get him again, he stayed on that side.
"So I can go to the island. But I can't go back..."
I looked behind me.
I had to go now.
I shook my head.
"Come on. I have to get out of here. Before it's too late."
I stepped through the barrier and I could return to the island.

Just to be on the safe side, I tried with my hand to see if I really couldn't go back. But I could put my hand on the barrier.
"No way back..." I said grinning.
A little later I saw a hatch and I climbed through it.
To my surprise, I was standing in front of the bridge.
I laughed.
"I'm back on the island!"
"How do you get here? The barrier was closed!" said an envious voice.
I turned around.
"Why are you here?"
"This is where I belong."
"The others don't know you're here. Do they?"
"You were on the news last week. When you came to Auradon. You wanted to hit Ben right away or not?"
Nervously, I slid my hat further on my head.
Uma looked at me questioningly.
"What happened?"
"You answered faster than I can swim. Spil it!"
"It doesn't bother you."
"Why were you in that hospital?"
"If you wanted to know, you should have come."
She stood in front of me and looked at my forehead.
"Already without stiches? So it wasn't that serious."
"Stay away from me!"
She grinned.
"Gil! Look who's back!"
Gil arrived running.
"Harry? How do you get here?"
"Not important. I'm just back there, luckily..."
I looked at the bridge.
"But there they think I'm dead..." I whispered very softly.
"Did you say anything?"
"No idea what you're talking about."
Uma looked at me suspiciously and I walked to my house.

Only Cj was there. She was holding the hook tightly and stared at the window.
"Hey Cj!"
She jumped up.
"You're back!"
"Yes, I'm happy to be back."
She grinned.
"What did Uma and Gil say?"
"About what?"
She grabbed my hat and grinned.
"About that."
"Give that back!"
I grabbed my hat and quickly put it back on.
"No one should know that. Then they think I was really changing..."
"Calm down, I don't say anything."
"Thank you..."
She looked at me in amazement.
"So you've changed anyway."
"Ugghh! Why do I say that all the time!"
Cj looked at me.
"Maybe it would have been safer if you stayed there. Who knows what the others will do if they get it in their head that you have become an AK..."
"I'll be fine."
"I hope so..."
"Oh come on!"
She laughed.
She handed me the hook.
"Keep it." I said quietly.
I nodded.
"I'm going to look for Harriette and let her know I'm back."
"See you later."
I walked out but Cj followed me.
"Okay, there's something going on with you?"
"And that reaction confirms that."
"No it doesn't."
"Cj, leave me alone."
"That's how I know you again."

I walked around the island for a while but I hadn't seen Harriette yet.
"Harry?" said a small voice.
I turned around.
"Dizzy? What do you want from me?"
Instead of answering, she burst out laughing.
"What's so funny?"
"Maybe it's better if I don't say it out loud, so that not everyone hears it."
She chuckled and I looked at her in amazement.
We walked to the back of the chip shop and Dizzy grinned.
"Okay say it!" I shouted.
"Maybe you can breathe a sigh of relief."
"No one has watched the news the last few days except me."
"Again, why?"
"Oh Harry..." she said in an irritating way.
She began to whisper.
"From your makeover. That was on TV."
"What makeover?!" I said uncertainly.
She looked at me with an oblique eye.
"You can lie worse than before you went to Auradon."
"Fine. You are right. But you didn't say anything, did you?"
"Just relax."
"If Uma or Gil find out, I'm really socially dead."
"You already are."
"Just kidding. You should have seen your face."
"Not funny."
"Harriette is in the chips shop."
"How did you know I was looking for her?"
"You've become predictable."
"And a fucking mess..."
"But you can't keep your hat on forever."
"Wanna bet?"
"Don't do it. You can't keep it up."
"Probably right..."
"I have to get away. Good luck with Harriette."
"Tha- It will."
She chuckled and I went into the chip shop.

Harriette was sitting at the bar and I walked over to her.
"Good to see you again." I said.
Harriette grinned.
"How did you come back Harry?"
"For me something I know and for you, not important."
She chuckled.
"Why did you want to go back?"
"I couldn't do anything there..."
'The bar!" suddenly shot through my head.
"Oh dammit..." I said softly.
"Oh nothing."
"Am not.."
"Cj was already hoping you would come back."
"That was noticeable."
Suddenly she chuckled again.
"I can't really take you seriously, since I know of... ehh... you know..." she whispered.
I shuddered.
"Better keep your mouth shut about that!"
Uma arrived.
"Harry, will you come back to work or will you not do anything here?"
"Some things have changed. Look around you."
I did.
"Yes, so?"
"Recently I am the only one of the staff with a hat."
"Do you think I'm kidding?"
"Don't be so bossy."
"Harry. I am your boss."
I glanced at Harriette but she tried not to laugh.
"Are you deaf or something?!" said Uma impatiently.
I sighed.
"No, bye."
"Your work is here though."
"I don't work here."
"You were never fired!"
"Then I'll quit!"
"What's bothering you?!"
I saw Harriette laughing hard and I stormed out of the chips shop.
"Damn it!"
Angry, I kicked away an empty can.
Gil arrived.
"Do you have to steal again?"
"What do you do outside?"
"I quit."
"Is it that new rule?"
"So it's that rule. What is such a problem?"
"You wouldn't get it."
And I walked home.

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