11. Ben lied!

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I chuckled and walked back to the others.
Mal laughed.
"Never thought you could reassure someone like that."
"She will always be my little sister..."

We went back to Auradon with the four new VK's.
Dizzy and Celia shared a room on Auradon prep. Just like Smee's twins did.
Although those two weren't exactly comfortable when I walked past them or whatever. Also quite logical. My father was always in charge of their father and he wasn't really nice to him.
That night Mal and I went to Ben to ask Cj.
I wasn't exactly optimistic about this.
Mal looked at me.
"You'll be fine."
"I don't believe it until I hear him say it..."
She looked at me and nodded.
"I understand that."
She knocked on the door and Ben opened it.
"Mal, Harry. Is there anything?"
I looked at Mal and she sighed.
"It's the fifth VK. Cj Hook, Harry's sister... She didn't want to."
"What do you mean?"
I looked at Ben.
"I've never seen her cry. But now I do. Even she called me a surprise... She doesn't want to come here. She's afraid she'll become an AK..."
Ben looked at me questioningly.
"So you want her to be able to stay there if that's what she wants?"
"Ben." said Mal stubbornly.
"Mal, a VK who doesn't want to come arouses suspicion at Auradon."
I clenched my fists.
"If you dare to force her like you did with me then -"
"Harry!" hissed Mal and she grabbed my arm.
I looked at Ben furiously and walked away.
Mal walked behind me.
"I understand that you want to help Cj, but threatening the king of Auradon is not a smart action."
"What does he want to do? Send me back to the island?"
"Yes, yes. I get it."

Ben came running.
"Harry, can I talk to you for a moment."
Mal gave me a warning look and I walked behind Ben.
"I'm sorry I got just as aggressive but Cj is my little sister. It was instinct."
"I get that. I think it's okay if she stays. But you shouldn't be surprised if other AKs suddenly think that she is an evil girl who does not want to come here because she is a real villain."
"So she can stay there?"
"That's allowed."
"Promise it. I still don't trust you."
"I promise..."For a moment I thought he mumbled something after it, but I imagined that...
"Thank you Ben."
He nodded and I walked back to Mal.
"Mal! Ben promised it. Cj can stay there!"
" Yes!"
"That's... Not something I thought... But it's good!"
"Yes, Cj will be so happy."
"Shall we tell her tomorrow?"
"Good idea."
"Harry... There is a chance that you can not go to the island so often without permission from Ben..."
"... And that I won't see Cj and Harriette much anymore..."
"... Yea."
I sighed and looked away.
"I got to go..."
"See you tomorrow..."

The next morning Mal and I were at the island, quite early. Some guards brought us.
Mal and I ran to the Hook house.
When Cj saw me she looked at me hopefully.
"Can I stay?"
But before I could answer, the guards came walking.
"Ordes from King Ben, you have to go to Auradon."
"What?!" said Cj and I were surprised.
Cj looked at me furiously.
"You lied to me!"
"Cj, Ben promised me you could stay!"
"You just lied to me! You promised me!"
Two guards wanted to take Cj's arms but I stood in front of her.
"Leave her alone!"
But one of them pushed me against the wall.
Mal was kept aside by guard number two. And the third one grabbed Cj.
"No! I don't want to!" she screamed.
I tried to help her but I couldn't free myself.
I heard Cj screaming.
"Let me go! I don't want to! I'm not going!"
I could just look at Mal and she sighed.
"I'm sorry Harry..."
I got furious and hit the guard who was holding me.
Then I sprinted outside.
"Harry! You lied!"
She was pushed into the car and taken to Auradon. The barrier closed. 
Mal, me and two guards were stuck on the island.
"Cj!" I shouted furiously.
I turned around and walked to Mal, she had been released by now and the two guards were watching us.
I looked at Mal furiously.
"I'm going to kill him..." I hissed angrily.

A few hours later we were also picked up and brought back to Auradon.
When we arrived I walked straight to Ben's room and banged on the door.
He opened it and I grabbed him directly by his throat.
"You promised it!"
"Let... go..."
"You had promised that Cj could stay there!"
Ben pressed some button and I was grabbed by two guards. Ben gasped and I looked at him furiously.
"Even on the island, promises still mean something!"
"Take him to the dungeons of the palace." he told the guards.
"What?!" And before I knew it, I was locked up.

I looked at one of the guards menacingly.
"If you dare to do anything to Cj, I will kill you myself!"
That 'slightly older' man next to me looked up when I heard the name.
"Do you mean Cj Hook?" he said softly.
"How does -"
"Harry? Is that you? What happened to you?"
"I thought I would never see you again..."
"We thought you were dead."
He kept looking at me questioningly (probably in connection with that Auradon outfit)...
"I was taken to Auradon... A few weeks ago... By the watchmen of that stupid  King  Ben. Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay were picked up a year ago. I had to go with them to bring 5 new VK's to Auradon."
"And Cj was there?"
"Squirmy and Squeaky too. Smee's twins."
"Cj hates Auradon..."
"That's right, Mal chose her. I had to announce Celia... I became furious with Mal. Only Ben promised that Cj could stay if she really wanted to. But she was forced anyway..."
"Look under that crate."
I looked at him confused.
"What does that have to do with it again."
"I said look underneath!"
Angry, I kicked that wooden crate away and to my surprise there was a tunnel.
"What about you?"
"If you let your sisters know I'm alive, it's fine."
"Thank you father."
"Ugghh... Go ahead, AK."
I looked at him enviously and went into the tunnel.

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