24. Questions

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Micheal sighed and wanted to take my hand.
But the ground beneath him cracked.
I grabbed his hand and rubbed the ground briefly until my ankle got stuck between two boulders.
And yes, that hurt.
"Calm down, I've got you. I'm really not going to let you fall."
Micheal looked down in fear.
I looked shortly behind me, looking for a solution but I looked at Micheal again.
"Micheal, don't look down. That will only make it worse!"
Micheal looked at me anxiously.
"And now?" he asked in a trembling voice.
I quickly looked back.
I couldn't fall, or my ankle would be yanked off... I couldn't put any force so I couldn't lift him up either...
"Harry! Micheal!" I heard a familiar voice shout.
"Mal!" I shouted loudly.
"MOM!!!" Micheal shouted even louder.
I heard someone running only I just couldn't tell if it was Mal but she came running fast a little later.
"What happened here?!" she shouted worriedly.
"Rather help get Micheal up."

And a little later he was standing next to us.
I tried to get my ankle loose and I succeeded. With a thick pain shoot.
Mal looked at me worried.
"Everything okay?"
"Yes... Fine..."
Until I wanted to stand on it.
I could just hold myself in and Micheal looked at me guilty.
"I'm sorry dad..."
"Doesn't matter. You were just desperate and didn't know what to do anymore."
Mal helped me up and Micheal walked behind us.

The next day my ankle was in cast. Great...
Micheal closed himself in more and more and came out of his room less and less. So I did something you should never do otherwise.
I grabbed my crutches and walked (in pain) to his door.
"I know you're in there."
"Come on I didn't put so much effort into talking to a stupid door!" I said a little bit aggressively...
The door opened and Micheal looked at me.
"It's my fault. I wanted to throw myself off the cliff and thanks to me you broke your ankle."
"It's not your fault."
Mal came into the hallway.
"Harry, you know you're not allowed to walk with the crutches yet!" she hissed angrily/worriedly.
I ignored her and looked at Micheal.
"You have to stay calm Micheal, everything will be okay. Really. It just takes some time."
He nodded and I gave Mal her way and sat back down on the couch.

Mal came to sit next to me and I looked at her questioningly.
"How did you know we could use your help?"
"Frankie told me you were in the forest near the cliff so I panicked."
"Normally I would say that was not necessary but..."
"... this time?" she added.
I chuckled.
"And now? Micheal is completely depressed and because of this whining everything will break down."
"What are you talking about?"
"Ben. If he doesn't get his royal heir, you know what he's going to do."
"But we can't force Micheal."
"No, of course not. But we have to find another solution and quickly."
Mal sighed.
"First I have to help you."
"With what?"
She beckoned to my ankle.
"Oh that..."
"I'm sorry in part and your ankle is whole again; like your heart."
Immediately I was no longer bothered by it and I stood up.
"Thanks Mal."
With yet another spell, she made the cast disappear and she chuckled.
"No problem. Next time I'll do it immediately."
"Hopefully there won't be another time."
Micheal came running.
"So you're in trouble if I don't want to be that Royal Heir?"
I looked at Mal hopefully.
She sighed.
"Don't worry. Everything will be fine."
"Micheal, if you don't want to, you don't have to." I said.
Micheal looked at Mal.
He knew she wasn't sure.
I sighed.
"Micheal, come. Now let's go to Ben."
"Now?!" said Mal and Micheal at the same time.
I nodded.
"Then all three of us know where we stand. All that rotten whining."

Micheal quickly walked along and a little later we were at the palace.
Ben seemed very happy that we were there.
"Micheal, I missed you yesterday in class."
"Ben, we need to talk," I said stubbornly.
"About what?"
"The whole royal heir shit isn't going to happen anymore."
"Why?" said Ben, surprised, and his gaze became partly menacing.
I looked at Micheal and nodded.
Micheal sighed.
"I don't want to be so royal with all those boring lessons and I don't want to be king at all. Then the whole of Auradon is dependent on me and I don't want that at all."
Ben laughed scornfully.
I looked at him questionably.
"What do you mean?"
"You know what this means Hook."
"If you'd do something to Micheal and Mal something then-"
"Guards, grab Hook and take him to the only Cell that is not in the dungeon."
Micheal seemed startled and two guards grabbed me.
"Everything will be fine Micheal! I promise!" I said as I was taken away with difficulty.
Micheal wanted to come after me but another guard stopped him.
Tears were in his eyes and soon I was locked up.
I was now in an (almost) empty room. There was only a chair with clamps at the armrests and at the ankles.
I sighed.
"And now? I'm stuck. Ben's going to flick me a little anyway... And Micheal completely in shock just..." I muttered.
The door flew open and Ben came in with Uma.
To my surprise, Uma had Micheal with her.
Ben walked up to me with a dagger.
Micheal looked at me startled.
Ben looked at Micheal.
"Next lesson, never betray anyone from the court."
He pushed me onto that chair and the clamps slammed shut.
Micheal tried to break free but Uma held him tightly.
I looked at Ben furiously.
"What are you going to do? Killing me in front of my eight-year-old son? How sick are you?"
"You ruined everything! I should never have let you in Auradon!"
"I left, didn't I?"
"You ruined everything! Mal suddenly wanted to be with you. That stupid bitch!"
"Keep your mouth shut about Mom!" said Micheal angrily.
Ben turned around furiously.
"What did you just say?"
Micheal looked at me scared.
I gestured for him to stay calm.
He sighed.
"That you shouldn't talk about Mom like that."
"What do you want to do about it?"
Micheal remained silent and Ben walked back towards me with the dagger.
And yes I admit, I got quite tense.
Ben lashed out, ready to stab me with the dagger.
Micheal was shocked.
"No! Please, I'm going to be your royal heir. Leave my father alone!"
To my surprise, Ben put the dagger away and I looked at Micheal in amazement.
"Micheal I'll save myself. You shouldn't force yourself."
Micheal looked at Ben.
"If I'm your royal heir thingy, will you leave my parents alone?" asked Micheal softly.
"Micheal!" I hissed.
"Yes" Ben said.
'Liar!' I thought angrily.

Micheal left with Ben and Uma untied me.
"What a shitty father you are."
"And thank you..."
"You know Micheal is now getting the ultimate king lessons and shizle?"
"What do you mean?"
"How he does, what he wears and what he looks like."
"Goddamn it!"
"Go ahead. He made his choice."
"Are you crazy?!"
"Harry, believe me that's better than turning it into a big drama!"
"What do you know about it! You don't know what it's like to be a parent!"
Angry, I walked away and looked for Mal.
I'm sure she could think of something. I hope...
Damn what had I done!?

Change me (Harry Hook) [ENGLISH] {💯%}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin