10. Oh Cj...

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Mal looked at Evie.
"It's your honour to announce the first VK."
Evie laughed.
"First of all, a girl who is very special. Daughter of Drizilla,  granddaughter of Lady Tremaine. My Dizzy!"
Dizzy went crazy and ran to Evie.
Carlos grinned.
"And next, Smee's son, Squirmy!"
I chuckled and Squirmy walked uncertainly to Carlos.
Jay laughed.
"And of course the twins stay together so come here Squeaky!"
Squeaky quickly walked over to Jay and Mal looked at me.
"Harry, are you doing the next one?"
"Yes, next we chose the daughter of Dr. Facilier. Celia!"
Celia spun around.
"That's me!"
And she walked up to me smiling.
Mal grinned.
"And last but certainly not the least. We chose another girl. One that we bring to Auradon for several reasons. Cj Hook."
I looked at Mal surprised and a little angry and Cj walked towards Mal dazed.
"Me?" she said in surprise and looked at me questioningly. We all stood
Carlos laughed briefly.
"We'll pick you up next week."
"So grab your stuff quickly, your own stuff," Jay said.

I looked at Mal with anger and suprise when we eere back in the car.
"Why didn't you say you were bringing Cj to Auradon?!"
"What's wrong with it?"
"Ehh. Everything! Cj didn't want to go there any more than I did in the beginning!"
"Wow... Calm down."
Evie looked back.
"Next week we'll pick them up..."
I sighed.
Mal didn't look at me anymore (for the rest of the ride) and soon we were back.

I sat in my room and thought of Cj.
She hated Auradon, just like I did. And now she has to go to Auradon. 
I looked outside.
She would never want to stay here...

A week later...

We would go to the island again. This time to pick up the new five VK's.
When we were, four of the five were already there.
Cj wasn't there yet.
Mal looked at me.
"Do you know where she can be?"
"Yea... I'll be back in a minute."
I quickly walked to the Hook house of Cj, Harriette and me.

The door was open and I walked to Cj's room.
"Everything okay?"
"I'm not going!"
"Harry, I'm not going!"
She opened the door and I was shocked.
I never saw her cry. Not even when father didn't come back.
She wrapped her arms around me.
"I don't want Harry... I can't do it..."
I also wrapped my arms around her.
"Remember when I was forced to go?"
"Yes... They were already here to take you along..."
"I don't mean that... In the beginning it sucked but later I realized that it wasn't that bad."
She let me go spontaneously.
"You're just trying to persuade me!"
"What? No! I didn't mean that."
"Leave me alone!"
She sprinted out and I went after her.
"Cj, wait!"
I grabbed her arm and she looked at me furiously.
"Leave me alone! I don't want to!"
"Cj, look at me."
"No! I'm not going! Let me go!"
I grabbed her shoulders and let her look at me.
"Cj. Listen to me."
"No! You can't force me!"
"I don't want that at all!"
"Why are you doing this?!"
"I thought so."
"Cj, listen. I know how you feel. But I promise you now, if you really don't like it. I'll bring you back personally."
"Don't promise anything you can't do."
She pulled away and stepped back.
"You're just like them! You've really changed!"
"Not true!"
"Then look at yourself! I don't even know you anymore... You really are an AK..."
"What are you talking about?!"
"Everyone knows it though... You're not fooling me."
"Cj, please. I promise not to let anything happen to you like what happened to me. I promise you can go back if you really want to."
She looked at me with tears in her eyes.
"You're lying."
"Not true."
"Prove it!"
"That's only possible if you go along."
"I'm not going to Auradon!"
I suddenly saw Mal and Evie walking.
"What?" asked Cj.
"Listen, Mal and Evie will try to get you on board but remember what I promised you."
Mal and Evie were with us and they looked at Cj questioningly.
"Are you coming with me?"
"No!" she shouted loudly and she wanted to run away but I grabbed her by her shoulders again.
"Cj, what are you so afraid of?" I said quietly.
She looked at me in amazement.
"I... what?"
"Why are you so afraid to go to Auradon?"
Mal and Evie walked back quietly and another tear rolled down Cj's cheek.
"I... I'm afraid I'll become an AK too..."
"We're always going to be VK's. Whatever side of the barrier we are on."
"Do you promise that?"
"I promise. The worst thing it can be is that you become an AVK."
"A what?"
"An Auradon Villan Kid."
"A VK in Auradon?"
"But you've been changed by Auradon. I don't want to change!"
"You only change if you want to. Only sometimes you change before you know you wanted to. Like me."
Cj clung to me and I noticed that she was smiling again.
"Are you going with us now?"
She looked at me doubtfully.
"Does that really have to be?"
"I know you don't want to but give it a chance."
"I don't know..."
"You don't have to be like an AK."
"I can't..."
"Yiu can try."
"I can't..."
"You can do it but you don't want to."
"I'm not going."
"I'm not going!"
"Okay, relax... You don't have to..."
"Don't you?"
"If you really don't want to... I'll arrange something with the others..."
I sighed and let go of Cj.
"I don't want you to be forced like me."
"Can you really do that for me?"
"I'll try."
"You're the best big brother ever!"
"I can't promise it will work out..."
It was as if she didn't hear that.
I walked over to Mal and Cj stopped.
"Mal, Cj really doesn't want to go. Does she really have to?"
"It's her only chance."
"I didn't ask that."
"I know... I should ask Ben..."
"So for now can Cj stay here?"
"I think so..."
I looked at Cj and then at Mal again.
"That will be a relief for her..."
"Does she think it's so terrible?"
"Even worse than I thought it was..."
"Do you think Ben would leave her here?"
"To be honest? I have no idea..."
I nodded and walked back to Cj.
"You can stay but-"
"Easy... It's not certain yet. For now, you can stay. Mal and I need to talk to King Ben."
"And then I don't have to go at all? You really are the best big brother I could wish for."
She hugged me briefly and let me go.
"I think you should go again."
"Yes, whether you can stay or not. I'll tell you that myself as soon as I know."
"But you make sure that I can stay. Right?"
I bit my lower lip and Cj looked at me questioningly.
"Promise me."
'I can't promise that, Cj...' I thought in my head.
"Harry...?" she asked.
"I promise." I said reluctantly.
Why did I say that?! If she is not allowed to stay, she will hate me!
Cj laughed.
"Thank you."
"You could have been an AK like that."
"Not really."
And she sprinted away.

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