3. Why, Mal?

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After that lesson there was a break. I walked out and looked for a place to be alone.
But that was apparently too much to ask. I was sitting alone by a tree for just a few minutes, until Carlos and Jay arrived.
"Harry, why are you alone?" asked Carlos.
"Who cares?" I snapped.
Jay grinned.
"Mal didn't seem to let you win."
"Mal ran away and let me suffocate, but why should I prove her wrong?"
"Why? It was Mal's job, wasn't it?"
"Yes, Jay. Was! Go kiss with that gretel of yours."
"What does Lonnie need with this again?"
"Think about that!"
"Evie didn't hold back either. Where's your hook?" asked Carlos.
Dumbfounded, I looked around.
"My hook! I just had it!?"
Then I saw Evie and Mal standing further away. Evie had my hook and gave it to Mal.
"I have to go." I said briefly and I walked over to the girls.
"Give me my hook!" I shouted.
"Harry, that's not possible. You have to understand that, don't you?" said Evie arrogantly.
I looked at her furiously.
"It's the only thing I have left of the island. The rest is gone!"
Mal looked at me startled.
"Your pirate stuff is gone?"
"Yes. Thanks again, huh."
"Why are your things gone?"
"There was a damn note, from your sweetheart."
"What? Did Ben take your stuff away?" "That's what I'm saying. Give me my hook back now!"
She reached out to him and I grabbed it.
"Mal!" said Evie.
"Otherwise, it's like stealing, Evie. We chose good."
"Your version of good is getting worse!" I hissed.
There was a strange noise and everyone walked back into the school, except me.
Mal turned around.
"Are you coming?"
"Why should I?!"
I wanted to walk away but Mal grabbed my hand. Surprised and shocked, I looked at her.
"Wa -"
"Harry, listen."
I was able to pick myself up again and looked away.
"Let me go!"
"Seriously, I only got hold of your..."
Her eyes got big and she immediately let me go.
"Oh goblins..." she said softly.
"Hey, I don't have a disease or anything."
"I'm sorry." And she ran off.
"Mal, what the f*ck!?"
Evie came running outside.
"Harry, are you and Mal still coming?"
"If you can find her."
"She just ran away."
I chuckled.
"Harry, what did you do?!"
"What?! I didn't do anything!"
"Why did she run away?"
"I know! I wanted to leave but she stopped me..."
I wandered off slowly.
"So she ran away. Goddamn! Then I'll be blamed again!"
"I'm out of here!"
"Save yourself the trouble for me and go help Mal."
I ran into the woods and sighed.
"Fucking hell!" Angry, I threw away a stone and looked at my hook.
That was really the only thing left that was my own. My hat, my own clothes. All island related stuff, gone.
"Harry?" I quickly got up and turned around.
"Ben?! Oh shit." Are you alright?"
"I know what you want to say but it wasn't my fault I-"
"What are you talking about?"
"So you don't know... I'd better go before you find out."
"You ignored my question. Are you alright?"
I looked at him stiffly.
"No. Nothing is okay! Everything I had left of the island has been taken from me. All I have left is my hook! The rest, gone!"
"That's better. Believe me."
"No! You may be the king but I will never become an AK. Forget it!"
"Harry just wait..."
"No! Choke on your uvula!"
I walked angrily further into the forest.

After a while I wanted to sit on a tree trunk but it slid down a slope. As a result, I banged my head against a rock and everything turned black.

In the meanwhile...
Mal pov:
"Ben, tell me you know where Harry is! He's been gone for three hours." I said angrily.
Ben looked towards the forest.
"He went into the woods. That's all I know."
I was shocked.
"Something must have happened."
"It's Harry we're talking about. There's nothing." Evie said.
"It just doesn't sit well with me. I'm going to look for him!" I said and I walked out.
A little later I saw Harry lying on the ground. It was his head on a boulder and he bled.

A while later...
Harry pov:
I woke up slowly. I was in a bed, not my own but a kind of hospital bed.
I wanted to get up but a pain shoot popped through my head.
"Arg!" I groaned.
"You're awake!" said a familiar voice.
I looked next to me.
"Mal? What's there? And where the f*ck am I!?"
"Shh... You were lying in the woods, with your head on a boulder. You were bleeding a lot and I panicked."
"You came after me?"
"You were gone for three hours. I was worried."
"You were so furious according to Ben. I thought you-"
"Never mind. When can I get out of here?!"
She chuckled briefly.
"That may take a while."
And then that same pain came through my head.
"Are you okay?"
I wanted to answer but no sound came out.
Mal looked at me worried.
I looked away.
"Harry?" she said softly.
"Go..." I said with a soft voice.
She looked at me.
"Why should I?"
"Why would you stay?!"
I looked at her.
"Don't answer..."
I closed my eyes.
"If I was still on the island, none of this would have happened..."
Mal looked at my forehead and carefully I felt with my hand what was there.
"Ah..." I said softly and painfully.
Mal looked at me worried.
"You've been lucky according to the sister. You could've..."
"...been dead?" I added.
Mal nodded and I laughed scornfully.
"Lucky then..."
That sister came running.
"Harry Hook?"
I nodded.
She wiped my hair away from the wound and looked at it.
"That has to be stitched... I'll be back in a minute."
"Stichted?! But -"
"Quiet. I'll be back in a minute."
I looked at Mal.
"That's an exaggeration, it's just a scratch. Then I still have to -"
"Harry, take it easy. You'll be fine."
"But -"
"I'll help you with it later."
She winked and left.
Bewildered, I was left behind and the sister arrived again.
"You are sedated so that you do not feel or get anything. Just be calm."
What a cotton ball, I felt like...

A little later I woke up again.
I was still in that hospital.
There was no one and I tried to get up.
But I kept getting that painful shot.
Suddenly some Auradon guards came by. With...
"Cj! Harriette!"
Cj ran to me then.
"Big brother! You're okay!"
"Hey little sister..."
Harriette looked at me dirty.
"Unbelievable... You, here in Auradon."
"I didn't want to be here."
Cj laughed.
"What happened to your hair?"
"Ehh... Not important..."
I forced myself to sit up and I looked at Harriette.
"You have to take me back to the island!"
"I can't keep it up in Auradon. You have to help me."
"I'm sorry, no. But I can't take you with me. We have half an hour to be with you because of your condition. Then we go back to the island."
"But Uma and Gil?"
"They didn't want to come."
"Well, Gil did, but Uma forbade him to."
I wanted to answer but another shot of pain came through my head.
I grabbed my head with one hand.
Harriette looked at me in amazement.
"Your stitches are not too bad. I expected worse."
"At least I don't have a baby face anymore..."
"I never said that you have a baby face."
"But Mal did..."
"You didn't do this on purpose, did you?"
"What?! No!"
Cj looked towards the guards.
"I think it was a short half hour..."
"Wait!" I said before they walked away.
"Cj..." I muttered as I slid my hook at her.
She looked at it in amazement.
"It was dad's..."
"I want you to keep him."
"If I'm not careful, it's gone just like my other stuff from the island."
"What?!" said Harriette, surprised.
"Everything I had with me. Gone."
The guards walked over to us then.
"Cj and Harriette Hook, your time is up."
Cj clamped the hook and I nodded to her. They left and I stayed behind.

The next day Ben arrived.
"What do you want again?!" I said, annoyed.
Ben looked at me in amazement.
I looked angrily and the other way.
"You can be angry but that doesn't change anything. I chose to bring you here so that the other VK's can see that even the worst villains here can change and be good."
"You should have chosen Uma."
"Harry, listen to me."
"No! I didn't want to be here. Go away!"
Without saying anything, he turned around.
"I don't understand that Mal doesn't want me to send you away again..." he said as he walked away.
Confused, I looked at him.
"So if it were up to Ben, I would have been away again. Damn Mal!"

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