Dragons & Bishop

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Y/n Pov

Two months have passed ever since I agreed to train Izuku and I'm pleased with how far he has come with it, right now I'm dodging his attempted strikes at me with good ease but he's nowhere close to my level yet I find joy teaching this young boy how to fight properly.

Izuku: "I got you now Y/n!" He shouts as he went for a palm strike to my chest but it was easy to dodge by spinning on my ankle and leaning back far enough so he just goes past me and I stand behind him as he quickly spins around and goes for a high-kick to my head but I duck beneath it and clap my hands together marking the end of our training session and he puts his leg down while breathing heavily from exhaustion.

Y/n: "You are doing good Izuku, all I will say is don't scream out your attack like that unless your certain you have your opponent where you want them."

Izuku: "But sensei, you are so experienced at fighting unlike me. I can't compare to you and your skill." I sigh and flick his forehead gently enough to make him flinch from it. He rubs his forehead while looking at me with one eye closed.

"Where do you think I started off then? I wasn't this skilled or strong at all, I was weak and shy for some time and others took advantage of that and bullied me." His eyes slowly widened upon hearing how I was in the past. 

"And it eventually got to the point I had two options, accept this was my fate or fight back and I chose the latter and here I am." He starts to smile with determination as his quirk sparked in his hands.

"Hai, sensei. *He jumps backward and gets into a stance as his hands start smoking with flames* Let's get training then." I smile at his determination but start to chuckle confusing my young student before I point to his legs and arms which were shaking. 

"Before that, let's relax as you haven't rested and I don't want you collapsing on me nor do I wanna make your mother worry." He bows as he sits down on a nearby wall and the exhaustion hits him immediately as he groaned from his sore body. Meanwhile, I felt someone watching us again like they have been for the past month and it was starting to annoy me so I figure it's about time I introduce myself. 

"Hey Izuku, I'm getting some drinks from the store. You want some water to help cool off?" 

"Yes sensei, thank you." He continues to rest on the wall, gradually regaining his stamina while I walk off to have a little chat with our stalker.

Aizawa Pov

For the last few weeks, I've spied on these two boys who keep coming to this beach to have one clean it and training together or more like one teaches the other, I found plenty of information on one of them being Izuku Midoriya and his quirk was 'Inferno' and among other things but the other boy is unknown and the only thing I know about him is his name.

'Why is this Midoryia kid learning such odd martial arts? They don't even look like they could deal damage.' Y/n started to walk off after talking to Midoriya and I heard him mention the store but he was going in another direction, my instincts told me to follow him due to his suspicious behavior. After tailing him from the roofs for about a minute he ducked into one of the alleys covered by some apartments, slipping out of my sight and forcing me to follow on foot but he wasn't in sight as I blocked the only entrance. 

'Where did he go? This is a dead-end and this is the way out...' My eyes widen as I quickly jump forward and spin around as I launch my binding cloth behind me and see it caught by Y/n with a single hand.

Y/n: "Hello there stalker we need to talk." I try to pull the scarf from his grasp but it didn't move at all and he sighed while closing his left eye making his scar connect fully across his eye and stare at me, it made me nervous as sweat fell from my forehead.

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