Underworld visit, Norse Trouble

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Narrator Pov

The group had finished their classes and were currently discussing what they were doing for summer vacation, Rias mentioned she was going to the Underworld and that everyone as going with her.

Issei: "Wait, all of us?"

Rias: "Yes, master and servants always go together, though one of us is excluded from this since he's an honorary piece."

They all looked to Y/n who was looking out the window, he seemed to be in his own world until Asia shook him slightly.

Y/n: "Huh? Oh, sorry, what?"

Kiba: "What are your plans for summer vacation?"

Y/n: "Might as well go with you, since I don't have anything better to do."

Issei: "Are you sure, won't you get bored?"

Y/n: "Would you prefer I have time to come up training routines that make you suffer?"

Issei: "No!"

Y/n chuckled a bit, a small smile on his face. The others smiled and laughed as well.

Asia: "Going to the Underworld while I'm still alive is a bit nerve-racking, but I'm already a devil so I can manage it tomorrow."

Xenovia: "Spending our vacation in the same hell I threw infidels in to, that's true irony there."

Y/n: "Guess you're coming along as well Azazel?"

Everyone looked at Y/n confused but followed his gaze to see Azazel sat in Rias' desl chair, a slight smirk on his face as he looked at Y/n.

Azazel: "Figured you would sense me, and yes I will be. Also, you've got quite the intuition Y/n, you were able to guess what my plans were without even asking."

Rias: "When did you get here?"

Y/n: "Since a little after we started discussing."

Rias: "I didn't sense you until a moment ago."

Azazel: "Well you still need more training, I wasn't even trying to suppress my presence."

Issei: "I'll tell my friends that the ORC is going on out of town for a secret training camp."

Y/n smiled but his mind was still clouded with the nightmare vision from last night, it felt too real to be just a dream. He pushed the thoughts aside and focused instead on the visit to the Underworld.


The train sped through the air, the Gremory symbol on the side of it. Everyone was sat down as they waited for the ride, Gasper and Kiba were doing their own thing, Gasper playing games as Kiba read a book. The others were sat playing cards, Y/n didn't join but Koneko took the chance to sit on his lap, gaining jealous looks from everyone. Fujimai and Shuri were also with them and were having a chat. Y/n shifted a bit and scratched his back, feeling an annoying itch which caught Issei's attention.

Issei: "You good bro?"

Y/n: "Just an itch that keeps popping up, nothing to worry about."

Rias: "Y/n, you sure you're alright? You've been pretty quiet and a bit on edge since yesterday."

Y/n: "Yeah, I'm good. Just thinking is all."

Rias nodded and went back to her game, Koneko showed her hand to Y/n and he pointed to one card, a sly smirk on her face as she pulled that one out and placed it face up, showing that she won. Rias and the others groaned in defeat. Y/n just chuckled as Kuroka and Ahri walked back in, both sat beside him and cuddled his arms as the others began a new game.

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