A Gods Humiliation, Date with a Spirit

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Y/n Pov

After clashing with Loki, albeit briefly, I took small break in the bathhouse. The girls joined me and were just happy to relax with me, nothing else to bother us.

Rias: "They're going to have a discussion regarding Loki, I assume you will volunteer to take him down?"

Y/n: "You got it, from a political view the others can't do it, might stir up some issues with the other mythologies or start a war, which the Khaos Brigade wants but we aren't exactly willing to help them. I have more breathing room since I've established, I'm against another war."

Xenovia: "And because you easily beating him at every trick he had. I mean you protected everyone and kept Fenrir at bay."

Y/n: "Exactly, I just wonder how long we have, I know Ajuka sealed him away but it was quick, so the seal is only temporary."

Sona: "Why not worry about that later, you looked amazing facing a god by yourself, why don't we reward you for your efforts~"

I smiled and kissed her softly, locking the doors with magic and putting barriers up for privacy as I get intimate with them.


Ajuka: "Your proposition makes sense, I wouldn't have been able to seal him away if you didn't distract him."

Y/n: "He was egotistical and had too much pride in being a god to realize his mistake, I simply used that against him."

Odin: "Smart, but I hold myself responsible for this, Loki is my son, so it should fall to me on dealing with him."

Y/n: "I like you, old man, I can respect your sense of responsibility, but there's more to consider."

Odin: "Hmm... you speak of the potential war. That's why you volunteered to handle him isn't it?"

Y/n: "I dealt with one person wanting to start a war, so what's one more?"

Odin: "Heh, I'm impressed you think this way, the last time a war happened nearly resulted in the end of the world, though I don't remember what happened exactly to stop the war."

They spoke amongst themselves, most wanting to allow me to do my plan, Serafall being one to heavily insist on it. The discussion was brought to an end when we all sensed a large amount of mana in the air, Sona and Rias barged into the room, both looking quite nervous with their respective peerages coming in as well, also nervous and sweating.

Sirzechs: "What's the matter."

Rias: "The Khaos Brigade, they're gathering a massive amount of mana in one spot."

Sona: "We tried to see what they were doing with our spells but couldn't see anything."

Y/n: "Give me a second."

I close my eyes and look through the shadows like I did before, but followed where the mana was gathering, I saw a large number of magicians gathered around a large black crystal, it was pulsing with more mana every second. A crack formed on it the shell and killed a dozen magicians as the magna leaked out before they quickly sealed it.

Magician 1: "Keep the crystal intact, if we can do this while Loki keeps them distracted, then we can eliminate the devils!"

Magician 2: "Can't they all sense this? And what about the demon?"

Magician 1: "Yes but he will be preoccupied with Loki, and the leaders can't attack us since it would be seen as an act of war to the other mythologies, we are under Loki's service after all."

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