Passionate night and Holy Duo

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Narrator Pov

After Kiba had woken up and told what happened in his past and the night he was attacked by Freed, over the next few days everyone was focused on finding Freed while being cautious with Y/n warning them of the strong holy presence he felt on two occasions. Rias was grateful and informed Sona, so their close allies were aware as well. Asia remained by Y/n's side due to her fear and paranoia which were eased away with his presence nearby. They were currently at his home with Asia sleeping soundly against his arm, her hand holding his rather tight, shifting his eyes from the tv to her revealed her relaxed state. He smiled softly before kissing her head making her blush slightly and smile while snuggling closer.

Y/n: 'I might as well make something for her, she has been paranoid for the last few days.'

He manages to free his hand from Asia's grip, albeit with some difficulty, but gives her another kiss before heading over to the kitchen and began making a small dish for the blonde devil. After a few minutes spent prepping the necessary ingredients he heard a quiet sob coming from Asia and swiftly made his way to her, he saw tears streaming down her cheeks as she waved arms about in a lazy manner due to her being asleep. She was muttering quietly but Y/n didn't want her to remain in that state any longer and softly held her hands in his own which prompted her jolt awake and scream for a second.

Asia: "No!!"

She met her loved one's eyes before hugging him tightly as the floodgates opened, he wrapped his arms around her small frame and held her head to his shoulder with a gentle grasp as she shivers from the fears in her nightmare. She calmed down slowly but remained quiet as she sat on his lap with tear marks still present on her cheeks. She looks at Y/n's eyes and he returned it with a soft gaze as he used his sleeve to softly wipe her tears away, she held his hand softly before leaning into his palm with closed eyes.

Y/n: "I was making something for you to eat Asia, want me to finish and bring it to you?"

She hugged him tightly while burying her face in his chest.

Asia: "Pl-please don't l-leave me. Not w-with the nig-nightmares."

She trembled at the very thought before feeling her head tilted up and receiving a soft kiss from the one she loves and trusts. Her tears came out in abundance as she returned the gesture, all thoughts of the nightmares being purged away, she finally pulled away to breath as the young demon was fine due to his high endurance. He softly pats her head while asking if she wanted to wait by his side as he made her food, she agreed and waited as he started to make her meal with precision and speed.

While he was doing so, her mind wandered, but not to the dark nightmares she had but instead wandered to the conversation between herself, Murayama and Katase. She blushed from the memory of their discussion, yet she couldn't stop herself from thinking all the acts they described.

Asia Pov - Memory

Asia: "What! Why would you suggest such a thing?!"

Katase: "Calm down Asia, we meant every word. I mean you can't blame us though, right?"

Murayama: "You have to admit that he is a kind soul but is also protective and I believe loyal. The girls in the club have agreed that we do fantasize about a bit, maybe more heated for some of us."

She glances at Katase who blushes and pouts from the small remark before saying she can't say judge her, the two quietly argue between themselves while I questioned my feeling towards Y/n.

Asia: 'He is kind soul and definitely protective, but would he even love someone like me. I know he cares for others, but I don't think he would love me...'

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