Taming the Instincts and New students

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A/n: This chapter is longer than usual as I'm experimenting with how I write lemons, hope you all enjoy it.

Narrator Pov

Y/n remains idle in his slumber, he was covered with a blanket as more scales were present on him in the short time that passed, now forming small patches but most were around his neck or edges of his face. He hadn't gone under any major changes so the girls made sure to be prepared for when he woke up and when they isolate the mana.

Tiamat had thought of where they could put it in order for his dragon side to remain unaffected. The only place was his demon side sadly, it was the first to come in contact with the cursed mana so it was natural, plus he might be able to use it at a later date with the right training. Ahri had already formed the magic circle they would need for the ritual, Asia and Raynare wrote runes on small pieces of paper which would suppress the energy in case it lashed out, Silva summoned her holy spear which was a key point in this ritual to work.

Tia: "Remember, do not step into the circle otherwise the flow could be ruined. Silva keep your spear on the edge of the circle the entire time."

Silva: "I know Tia, I'll keep focusing my mana into for the time being."

Silva's wings and halo appear as she puts her hands together in a prayer while her spear hovers in front of her, Asia looked over confused before asking Raynare.

Asia: "Why do we need her spear."

Raynare: "Since the energy we seek to contain is of the cursed variety, we need a holy energy strong enough to rival it, her spear is the right call as mine don't have enough power and if I did add mine to the mix, it would only have the average between mine and Silva's power."

Asia understood as they gather all the paper and place the stack on the table, Tiamat sat by Y/n and softly rubbed his hair, she didn't want him to suffer from a forced transformation that she accidently cause. She planned to tell him at a later date, when he was strong enough to start the transformation and go through the changes without any flaws over a time period. He could have unlocked more of his latent potential, but the curse had intervened and even forced the transformation far sooner, thankfully the flaws they found could be mitigated. It was quite lucky if she had to be honest, she couldn't help but laugh as she thought about his luck stat having a caused such a lucky outcome, depending on how you viewed it.

Suddenly, Y/n shot up with his hand over his mouth before he leapt over sofa and raced into the bathroom where he groaned in pain, the girls stopped momentarily as they ran over to him stood over the sink with blood dripping from his mouth, he tried to keep quiet, but the pain was too much as he spat more blood along with his canine teeth. The pain faded slowly as he looked into the mirror to see his new fangs taking residence where his canines once were, they were slightly longer but it wasn't noticeable unless you had a good view. He finally noticed the scales adorning his face and neck before looking to the girls in the reflection for answers. He was ushered back to the living room where he sat down along with the girls, he saw the magic circle along with a stack of rune-engraved paper and a holy spear practically pulsing with energy.

Y/n: "Just gonna start with what I remember, fighting Xenovia and Irina before I felt anger for some reason and then I black out to wake up with new teeth and scales on me."

Tia: "Long story short, the cursed mana has triggered a transformation I wanted to have done in the future where you would have been prepared for it. The process has caused some changes like how you behave and as you saw your appearance, but it started while you were fucking Asia and has sort of given the equivalent of a dragons heat to you but more controllable."

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