Chapter 61: You Fix It

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I stayed up, waiting for anything from Ariana and ended up falling asleep with my phone in my hand. By the time I woke up, my phone was dead, and I was unsure if I missed any calls from her. I rushed to plug it in and waited ages for my screen to light back up. When it finally did, my notifications were empty. I let out a frustrated huff.

I'd like to state the obvious: a relationship is a two way street. I could always text her again; I did understand that much. However, I was very headstrong about waiting for her to initiate anything. She was the one that basically cut me off, time and time again. It wasn't fair that I would have to patch things up every single time. 

If you break something, you fix it.

As maddening as it was to have to sit and wait for something to happen over and over again with her, I knew it was what was best for us. Making moves on my part that she wasn't comfortable with could cause everything to crumble. I was terrified to ruin anything because things had just started to feel secure. The bubble had popped.

Instead, I stayed glued to my phone, hoping every second that passed was her trying to come up with a proper invitation to her house to discuss everything.

The weekend passed with nothing.

I got to class early with a lunch for her, which she politely thanked me for before sending me across the room and occupying me with busy work. Stapling packets, seriously? I know the printer has a built in stapler.

  She all but kicked me out of the room during my free period and denied me any interaction at practice, save instructing me on what demonstrations to do for my teammates. She had other girls stay after to help us clean up and sent me off before they left.

I didn't even bother showing up to her class the next day after still not receiving anything from her. I told one of the other girls to let her know I wouldn't be at practice.

I was so disappointed in her. How was I supposed to move forward from this? Knowing she could willingly ignore me for almost 4 days straight because one of her exes.

It didn't feel reasonable to threaten to break up with her over this. It felt manipulative, but it didn't even feel like we were dating at this point. What's a girlfriend that you don't even talk to?

We were set to become strangers with a past, and it was heartbreaking.

the next chapter will be longer i promise !! please don't murder me. things are starting to build up, how are we feeling about it?

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