Chapter 11: Ice Cream?

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"So, Katie tells me you're pretty popular at your school?"

"Uhh, yeah, I guess. It's a small school, so being known isn't hard," I nervously responded.

Sitting in a car with my new best friend's hot ass older brother was not making my life very easy.

How did I get here? Oh, that's right, Katie left for practice then took too long to get home. Not only did I have to make it through dinner, but now I'm having to get through this awkward car ride too. How lovely. At least we are almost to my house.

I sighed as I leaned my head against the passenger side window. The glass began to fog slightly as warm air left my nose.

"It's kinds cold in here. Do you want me to turn the heat up?" Justin said as he turned his head back to the road and away from my general direction.

"Uhh, no I'm good for now," I responded.

"Um, are you sure?" He asked again.

I looked down and noticed that my shirt was very thin, and I had lost my bra. "Umm, yeah please turn it up," I nervosuly said as I tried to cover up my chest with my arms.

Did he notice? Is that why he asked? Why am I so nervous? He isn't even that cute.

Okay, I'm totally lying to myself; he is that cute.

"So, Justin, tell me some things about yourself."

"Well I enjoy reading and math. I graduated college recently and already have a job as a teacher. A teacher pretty close is off on maternity leave, so I will be filling in for her. If all goes well, I will be working there full time as a teacher for the next year," he said. He sounded so excited. It was honestly adorable.

"What about you? Tell me more about yourself."

"I'm a senior. I play soccer. I get good grades. That's basically all there is to me," I said plainly.

"There has to be more," he pushed.

"Uhh, I like boys and girls. That's something I guess."

He fell silent and stopped pushing with questions. I couldn't tell if it was because he was uncomfortable with me liking girls or if he was imaging it.

Finally he spoke, "Sexually or romantically?"

"Both, actually," I answered.

"Really? That's pretty cool. I've only ever met people that like one gender or like both genders but only sexually."

"I guess I'm just special," I teased, sticking out my tongue out at him.

"Put that tonge back in your mouth, or I am going to make you use it," I heard him him mumble under his breath.

My cheeks went red, and I tried to make sure I had heard him right. "What did you say?" I asked, hoping to catch him.

"I asked if you wanted to stop for ice cream."

Oh, of course I can't hear or understand anything. "Ice Cream? Yeah, I would love to," I smiled and kept looking out the window.

We pulled up to a small store that was known for their homemade ice cream and waffle cones. I crossed my arms over my chest to make sure my boobs were covered before walking down the parking lot beside Justin.

His hand was behind my back and occasionally brushed my butt. I felt that he had parked as far away from the store so that we would have a longer walk.

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