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TAEHYUNG - (i laid her on bed and cuddled her from behind) now you can tell me you trust me right?

Y/N - (i nodded) so..............................................

When i got into high school my parents got transferred to another city more precisely our hometown. I got into the new school and many people were obviously not ready accept me that easily so i didn't talk to anybody like literally not even a single person maybe because it was too embarrassing to handle rejection when noone talks to you. slowly i made friends some good some bad some best while some were the worst. 

i am sorry is it getting boring? (I asked him in a whisper) should i cut it short.

TAEHYUNG - (he held me a bit tighter) not at all, tell me everything from start to end.

((( note - its a true story by the way not imaginary - just had it dumped inside my heart for ages and thought of letting it out anonymously )))

ok so i made a bunch of friends and in our grade there were like different groups and i don't know who the hell started this trend in our class of playing truth and dare - it got bigger and bigger. so one unfortunate day me and other 4-5 girls we were playing truth and dare and while playing it i never took dare so as it is the game was going and i think the person which hates me the most there asked in truth who was like the most sensible guy in the class that i like, i was retaliating but they said i was no fun.

so you know under peer pressure i named a guy which i thought was the most nice one to be exact and they created such a mess on that matter. i was really innocent back then (taehyung - 'in mind' you still are wifey) so i didn't knew about all these dirty talks and getting into boyfriend and girlfriend stuff. so everyone around me just started to manipulate - no its harsh word actually cause we all were pretty immature but they started that untrue and unnecessary teasing that i have a thing for that guy.

i was really stupid to believe it actually to be honest i regret it a lot - i wish i was a bit more mature but what can i do so it created that image in my mind that i actually like him maybe i did and when it started with a illusion but my feelings actually turned into real ones. i started to like him and at that time he was dating someone else and all these teenage hormonal changes they were adding fuel to the fire. i was jealous i think, so i straight up proposed him without any second thought and he bragged about it to everyone and embarrassed me but rejected me the next day, i cried and thought of moving on but ....

now he started threatening me more like blackmailing me if i don't do what he says he'll tell my parents or teacher whom i didn't want to disappoint. so we had like academy entrance tests and he told me if i like him i should get less marks and i swear i want to go to past and slap myself hard cause back then i thought like stupid dumb cow and was like yes! in that way i can prove i like him. this chapter went on for two years and while it was ongoing this one girl entered our class.

she was the most attractive girl in our class all boys were like wandering puppies after her and she enjoyed it, at some point i don't know why but we became friends i was oblivious of reality about her true personality back then. we talked and talked and she told me that she was going through depression because her family treats her like trash. i genuinely felt sorry for her and when she told me her story i even cried for her. then one day we were in classroom only and she deliberately folded the arms of her uniform and showed me something that left me thunder struck.

her arms were full of cuts i was so worried i told her its wrong to solve problems like that but she told me it help reduce your pain. she manipulated me too easily actually i think i didn't have strong mindset back then. you know these teenage anxieties they had me pretty much badly back then - that i don't have anyone to talk my problems with so it made me think that she was right and i tried it myself i also cut my arms full at first i screamed with pain then i was horrified when i saw that much blood but this all made me a bit psycho and i got a bit into depression.

at this point taehyung held my arms and rolled my sleeves up and took a look at it. i smiled at him for being that much sweet. i told him "the scars are long gone " he kissed my wrists and snuggled more closer into me.

TAEHYUNG - hmm continue

yep so that was also a phase. actually now i think i was actually blind you know i remember one incident when i gave that boy a chocolate on valentine's day and next day that girl with depression my so called friend told me that the chocolate was really tasty - i got to know they shared it and i found out that he is also low key head over heels for her like everyone. i let it slide then one day i got to know the girl with so called depression was never in depression and her family treats her like a princess.

she just wanted everyone's attention and sympathy and i hated her for being like that. after that i never talked with her but whenever i saw her she had the same innocent face on her and i was always kind of disgusted at how fake can a person be. i actually avoided that boy too and after that i heard he was dating someone. i was shocked like was i not good enough even for approval. i was disappointed but got over it.

now after almost a year he came and sat on the bench behind me and proposed me - i was like i am a good deal of joke to him. but by then i understood it all - almost all boys are madly obsessed with girl's face after that not even her personality matters and all this dating its just a game for time pass. by then i think i got my senses and maturity back so i rejected him and went on with life. at that point i decided i will marry straight like with someone i dream of and i live in those fantasies i told Kesia. i wanted someone who was serious regarding me. my college life was good i tried to maintain my distance from everyone made a good best friend i can share anything with - life was well then. actually if i think my teenage was not dark - it was ok it led me to maturity. 

and yeah about love letters i wrote him some which were cringe worthy i bet but ok its life i guess. soooooooooooo the end (i said slowly)

just when i said that taehyung jumped over me. i was under him his knees on the both of my sides and his hand were holding my wrists tightly. i gulped down in nervousness this position it was ........

he came near me and whispered in my ear huskily making me shiver under his sole voice.

TAEHYUNG - what was so good about that boy that my shy and sweet wifey proposed him.

Y/N - i - i -i - i told you just hormonal imbalance and peer pressure i was naive - i regret it i do.

TAEHYUNG - (she looked at me so innocently i can tell her words were honest but i was obviously teasing her) you do?

Y/N - (i said slowly) yes i do

TAEHYUNG - (she was looking sweet and innocence was in her eyes i couldn't resist anymore so i attacked her lips i kissed her roughly she was unable to cope up. i kissed her and felt her lips on mine so soft i din't want to let go - i broke the kiss i was still on top of her she was out of breath and her face was flushed.)

Y/N - taehyung i -i am sorry

TAEHYUNG - wifey you proposed him sent him love letters but you said i was your first kiss?

Y/N - i never kissed him leave that i never sat on the same bench with him - i never even held his hands (suddenly taehyung kissed me - ahh let me breathe taehyung - i love your kisses they give me butterflies but i want to live longer to experience them.)

TAEHYUNG - (after breaking kiss) very good wifey i am proud of you.

he just smiled at me kissed my forehead and went back to cuddle me

TAEHYUNG - lets sleep wifey we have to go tomorrow but i will definitely give you a punishment in near future.

Y/N - punishment?? 

TAEHYUNG - yaah even in past but you still proposed another man i am jealous i'll have to punish you.

you thought the last time he punished you before marriage he kissed you and made you feel weak in the knees for him. you loved it but what will he do this time. you were low key looking forward to it and was ashamed on haw shameless you can be. but taehyung broke your train of thoughts.

TAEHYUNG - wifey are you thinking about what your punishment will be cause you are blushing badly. (he came near my ear) don't worry you'll definitely enjoy it and will get it soon hmm? 

you covered your face and closed your eyes. he hugged you and you both went to sleep.

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