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'...' Thought
"..." Speaking
[...] System
[...] Dokkaebi/Constellations/Scenario

Happy reading~


Park Eunhae's POV



[Ah, ah. Can you hear me? Tsk I'm having a hard time because the Korean language pack doesn't work]

[Everyone did you hear me?]

'I can hear you.. I just can't see you'

[Ah, I'm sorry that you guys can't see me, it can't be helped. There's hundreds of more rooms in this apartment, so I'm going to need a microphone to broadcast this to you guys. Please understand~]

'Cute.. And a little scary at the same time'

[You think that this creature is cute? Wow.. I don't know what's on your mind already]

'I thought you left me'

[OK. Everyone shut up and listen. From now on, I will say something very important]

Ahh.. It seems they are stupidly arguing with these dokkaebi. I could hear it from the commotion outside.

'Stupid human...'

[You really like the word 'stupid' huh. Since then you keep saying that. And also you are human too]


[You guys are so noisy]

I already knew for sure that this dokkaebi was getting annoyed. Huh... I pray for the safety of the others... Or maybe not.

[I told you to be quiet!]

Duar! Duar! Duar!

'Hoho~ interesting. Too bad I can't see it in person'

One could hear the sound of successive explosions accompanied by hysterical screams after the dokkaebi spoke.


Duar! Duar!


Duar! Duar! Duar!

[AND NOT THE REALITY YOU KNOW! Huh! Do you understand? So everyone shut up and listen to me]

After the dokkaebi said that, all that could be heard were the sounds of the few remaining people's sobs.

[Finally. Everyone, your life has been comfortable from the start. Isn't that right?]

'Comfortable.. what's comfortable.. I've just been unlucky..'

[Eh~ Is that true master~?]

'No. And what's with that call?'

I find it a bit strange when the system calls me master.

[You guys have lived for a long time for free. Isn't life being too generous? You were born and paid nothing for all your activities! You guys really live in beautiful world!]

Free? Nothing is free in this world. It's nice of you to say that the world is free. And yet at this moment, no one dared to refute the dokkaebi's words.

[But now that life is over. How long will you continue to live for free? If you want to enjoy happiness, then this is worth paying the price for. Isn't that right?]

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