Chapter twenty three/four

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Andy's POV

I knew this day was coming, I knew it was today. With Tyler showing up, I knew. I could feel it was today that I was free, but I wasn't very pleased about it. Today is the day I lose her. The key. The human. The one person I loved, the person splayed in my arms as I make my way over the ocean waves.

It was peaceful - over the waves - but it wasn't. The voices in my head, the demons demanding I arrive at the destination with the key soon, other wise I would be punished. All I could do was mentally shout that I'm on my way, but they wouldn't listen. No, they never did when it came to this. They were too focused on being free from the curse.

The voices got louder as I set my sights on the cave on the edge of a sheer cliff face. You wouldn't know it was here unless you knew, thanks to the overgrown weeds and plants climbing it's way up the sheer rocks, successfully covering the entrance. 

It wasn't to long before my feet landed on the unstable rock of the cliff entrance, and all the voices stopped in anticipation. All to be heard was the heavy breathing of Shannan still laying in my arms, having her last moments in a peaceful trance. It would be better this way, or that's what I like to tell myself.

Two men pulled back the mess of tangled vines and plants and they just stared at Shannan, and I knew they could see it to. They could see how she shone so brightly they had to flinch a little in response to her light. Walking in, I could see everything. It was much bigger than expected, filled with my kind, filling up the damp room from wall to wall, apart from a small path leading to the crevices in the middle of the room.

The crevises were our work. From years of chipping away at the rock, we created the second factor to our freedom. It was a symble engraved into the rock, that the key's blood would fill, successfully breaking the curse from us. Thinking about it made me sick, but it had to be done, this was the only way.

My steps grew slower as I reached the alter - a small ledge in the middle of the intricate crevices - but it felt all too soon when I reached it. Shannan felt heavy in my arms, and I felt as if she weighed tons, like dead weight-

No, I can't think like that, I wont let myself think like that. Dropping to my knees, I placed her on the floor, her head facing the funnel shape, not wanting to think of what that will be used for later. I forced myself to look at her, her closed eyes, the way her lashes fanned across her cheeks. My fingers ran along side her face, trying to memorise her warmth, how her skin felt against mine, the crazy feeling I got whenever we touched.

I tried to ignore the buzzing, the feeling of being so close to what I always wanted, to what we all wanted, but it was there. Like my own demon residing inside me, to feel this at the darkest of my days. I should of told her,  should of told her that this wasn't just some blood. This was her, her life, her light we were going to be taking away. She wont survive this, and the very thought teared up something so deep I wasn't sure the place inside me even existed.

I tore off my jacket, folding it under her head in a sad excuse to give her some comfort, before my head reached down, dipping to her ear. "Shannan, I know you can hear me in there somewhere. I'm so sorry, sorry for everything, but I knew this was going to happen. It's why I tried not getting close to you, tried to push you away, but it was inevitable. This was always going to happen, me and you, leading to this place. I'm just so sorry I couldn't of spent more time with you while you still had time. I'll see you again, very soon. Just know that after this is over, we can be normal. I love you, Shannan. See you in the light, sweet heart." I pressed a small kiss to her lips, trying to ignore the tears coming from my eyes as I stood, turning to face the assortment of hell's angels. "Finish the ceremony yourselves, I'm leaving." Before turning on my heels, picking up speed, letting my wings unfurl and leaving the cave behind.


Hey guys... the next chapter is the last chapter. My Andy story will be over, sad to see it go? I know I am... :'(

The Reason Andy Sixx Is So DEVILISHLY Handsome.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz