Chapter Twenty Two

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"Why the hell would you want to become human?" I asked, not sure of his intentions. Being human isn't something you just wanted to be, there had to be a reason.

He looked down at the floor he was sitting on, outlining the wooden lines on the floor with his eyes, looking sullen. It was like he was trying to find his words. "We - the rest of the demons- come from hell, Shannan. We come from a place filled with evil intentions, cruelty and horror. I've seen things you will never even dream, horrible things. I would do anything to get permanently out of that place, and this is our chance."

I looked at him again, and he looked back. Those blue eyes- I was right. They held so much emotion, so much hurt and pain. All I wanted to do was make him feel better. "And I'm that chance?" He nodded.

"What would happen to me?" He sighed and silently gulped.

"Your blood..." His voice stopped, and started again. "Some of your blood would be poured into a gauntlet.."

"Okay, you can stop." I gulped. Time to change the subject. "Why human?” I asked. Why be plain old human? “Why not an angel?

Andy physically sighed. “It’s not that simple. I – we were all angels at one point, at some sort  of time. We were all in the golden gates of heaven, all basking in the light of the innocent. But like all of us in the Under regions, we were cast down.”

“Wait, you were an angel? White wings and all?” He nodded. “But why were you cast down?”

“I don’t really talk about it. My time in heaven.. it was complicated. Forbidden even. His only choice was to cast me down.”

“’Him’, you mean God?”


“Why were you cast down?”

Andy suddenly had this faraway look in his eyes. Like his mind was somewhere else. “Certain angels had the job of looking down onto the earth plain, and reporting it back to Him. That was my job. It all started when this human child was born. Can you believe it? A innocent little child caused all this trouble.” He laughed with love in his eyes. “Humans are usually dull creatures-“

I scoffed. “Thanks Andy, I might be human, but I have feelings you know.”

Andy looked at me. “Do you want me to tell you this or not?” I stayed quiet. “Thank you. As I said, humans are usually dull creatures, beautiful, but dull. But that child, that child shone. She shone so brightly, it was a surprise that she didn’t blind anyone that looked upon her. But of course, humans couldn’t see it. I watched that baby grow up until a couple of years ago when He found out about her. He was furious that I didn’t report her to Him. I was cast down for disobeying my Father. But before I was, I was granted one wish, a wish to go see her on the earth plain on the 25th of February 2009. Do you remember that day,  Shannan?

I searched my mind. “I remember a man coming up to me..”

“Yes, and he wiped your tears and told you not to worry. Shannan, that was me. You were the child that shone so brightly. I loved you from the first moment I saw you, and it was my love for you that cast me down from heaven.”

I sank.


Hey guys, I only had a little time to write this because im stealing my friends internet ¬.¬ See what I do for you guys? Im a criminal xD Hope you like it?

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