Chapter Six

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GUYS I'M SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING SOONER! Ive been really hooked on this anime called "Kuroshitsuji" (Black butler) And i didn't do anything until i finished it. I'm really sad that it ended :'( Have any of you guys watched Kuroshitsuji? Comment!

Okay so obviously I had to do this chapter in Andy's POV, It was just begging me too since its chapter Six. (You see what I did there xD). Yeah, so every "Six" number, ill do an Andy six POV, and if i get get bored with everything else ill do another POV of his too. Im guessing its going to be alittle hard getting into the mind set of Andy but ill try!,  so yeah, Oh and read the end for the thanks and stuff!


Shannan's eyes fluttered to the back of her head before shutting. She needed to go. Now. And something tells me that she wouldn't have came with me if she had a choice. I caught her head, lowering it to the floor, I wont allow her to be hurt.

A loud, high pitched scream came from Robyn's mouth. Shit. I forgot she was here. Shannan would be angry if i left her here for him to take her.

"Robyn, shush, sleep."

"Wait, wahh~" Her eyes fluttered in the same way Shannan's did. Her knees began to wobble before she hurdled towards the ground but this time, i didn't catch her. To much effort for someone who's dispensable.

I walked over to Shannan, who's now asleep just like Robyn, and picked her up. Her head in one hand and feet in the other. Her eyes flickered open revealing, just for a second, her emerald green eyes. There's so much life in them, so much beauty held in every line. Is it even possible for one of my kind to love? Next to her, I'm nothing special.  Nothing in comparison.  Her eyes are full of life, Emerald green and beautiful. While mine, even though on the outside are blue, inside are Molten red and emotionless. She's everything I'm not.

I walked over to Robyn, Shannan still in my arms, And flung her over my shoulder, no need to was no need to waste my energy on a puny person. Shivers traveled down my spine as Shannan wrapped her arms around me, it may be subconscious, but I had her in my arms, and I was in hers. This little act made me so happy, but I long for the day for when this is real. For when I can comfort her in a time of need. But I am not...her kind. I don't belong here. Anywhere. I wish could just be.. not what I am now. Saying what I am means admitting that I am. And I'm not going to do that anytime soon.

Could this even be done? Me, with her? It would tear the world apart. It would cause the balance of nature to become off balance. But at this point, i didnt care about that. All i care about is her and nothing else. Not even my own welfare.

Wait, what am i thinking ?! I'm acting as if I'm in love with this human. But what if i was? Was it possible for me to even possess a heart, never mind one that could love another? No. I'm just a monster. She wouldn't want me. She wouldn't need me.  I'm just...Evil. But i have no intention of hurting her and this has never happened before. I have no idea who she is, what she's like or what her interests are.What's that line humans say.. Love at first sight? Is that right? Eh I don't know. But that's what it feels like. Well what I would think it feels like.

I ran out of the door and onto the un-used street out back, cold air whipping we at all sides. I opened my jacket and tucked Shannan up against my body and closed the zip again. I wont let her be cold. It's not like i wanted her even closer to me, for her  heat and mine to become one *Evil chuckle*

 I bounded through the buildings, jumping from the floor to the rooftops in one flick of my ankle like it was nothing. Making my way to a secluded place on the outskirts of town. They should be safe there. No, they will be same there. I'll bet my life on it.

Shadows whipped past me. The moonlight bouncing off of my silver studs on my jacket released their hiding places. They couldn't have caught up that fast...right?

"You guys never give up do you?" I growled.

A shaky, uneven voice came out of the shadows "Why, you know us better than to give up on the human, Andy. Yet, i have no idea why your carrying the other one too."

"Tag along i guess."I chuckled, not letting on that I'm in a hurry to get out of here. Fast. I continued bounding the buildings, trying every maneuver to get away from them. Even though this time they weren't serious, it was still dangerous for Shannan to be here.What Shannan doesn't know is that these guys have been after her for some time now. And body guards on my side of the Field have been assigned to her to protect her from them, but that, is spoilers.

Wind blew my hair back out of my face, that, i was greatfull for. I could see a small condo in the far back ground, that's where i need to be headed, i told my self, for Shannan's safety. I swiftly maneuvered into a sea of dark ally ways, they were just narrow enough for us to get through. I heard a faint tapping noise coming form the shadows, getting louder and louder the closer they got.   A man emerged from the shadows. A man with pure White hair that curled to his ears and contrasting orange eyes. He was wearing a purple suit that was alittle too small for him and a green tie. His pants matched the suit and ad black shoes on. Something tells me he's either colour blind or down right wrong in the head.

"Andy ,Andy, such a pleasure to see you again after all these years! How long has it been, one, no, one hundred and fifty years?"  His arms opened as if to give my a hug, there's no way I'm going near that freak. I gawked at him, thinking,  Who the fuck are you? Now piss off before i slam your head into that wall over there and make your head alittle for atractive.

"What? You don't remember me? Well, Ive gotten a new vassal but doesn't the green tie give it away?"

"Nope, sorry. Should I?" I hissed.

"Now now, what about this then, I'll show you my old vassal."

He snapped his fingers. For a split second his hair turned into a smokey black, his eyes turned a dark shade of brown and his suit turned black, the green tie staying where it is. His shoes got swapped for brown slip ons with no socks and was wearing a gold chain.

A couple of seconds went past before it clicked in my head. My body stiffened, defending Shannan, there was no way i was letting Shannan be exposed to this guy. Never.

"Tyler." I growled.

"Why hello, Andy." He said with a crooked smile.


Sooooo, what do you think of the new character? In my mind he was kinda hot ( Not as hot as Andy!) But i don't know if i portrayed it or not >.<

Gosh guys I'm so exited! My tickets for Black Veil Brides came today! October better hurry up ! haha

I want to thank ' vampires-ninjas-ohmy ' For going through the liberty of commenting on all of my chapters up till now. And you have a epic background on your profile so that makes you awesome :D

And Angellover234 for being awesome and sticking through the story ^_^

I love you guys! <3

Please comment on of you like where this is going. And I love when i get you guys thinking about what Andy is, I wonder if you guys figure it out soon? I'm not going to go easy on you guys!

So yeah, Leave your comments and questions down in the comments section BELOW, (Haha RayWilliamJohnson For The Win xD) and I'll try to reply to any questions you have :D


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