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Harry and Ron ran down the empty corridor, Harry slightly faster, each of them clutching some books under their arms

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Harry and Ron ran down the empty corridor, Harry slightly faster, each of them clutching some books under their arms.

'Count on the Potter spawn to be ridiculously late to class.' Snape snarled.

'At least my child will be able to read all the writing on the page. You lot see him in class? Face is so close to the paper his long nose just drags along it, making all grease marks. You can't read a word.' James smirked. Though she and the Snape boy were believed to be friends, it was well known by pretty much the entire population of Hogwarts that Snape called the ginger girl a mudblood and the two hadn't spoken a kind word to one another since. Lily merely just tried to hide her laugh by curling her lips into the inside of her mouth.

A grey and blackish cat sat on the wooden dusk that was cluttered with all sorts of trinkets.

'Minnie the cat. Looking adorable as always.' Young Sirius joked with a wink.

A mixture of Slytherins and Gryffindors sat in pairs at wooden desks writing in parchments with their quills as books lay open in front of them. The door was pushed open and the cat seemed to lift its head slightly.

Malfoy smirked at the lateness of the boys while Hermione only rolled her eyes. In the far right corner of the class, sat next to Carolyn, Nova seemed quite unbothered at the new appearances as and her blonde friend beside her quickly scribbled notes down in scruffy handwriting while Nova's page was covered in perfectly written cursive.

'Of course Reggie's daughter would have overly perfect and fancy handwriting.' Rabastan rolled his eyes.

Harry and Ron came to a stop in the middle of two rows of students, breathing heavily. 'Whew. Made it. Could you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late.' Ron said.

'Bad move little Ronnie.' Young Sirius teased.

'I know that.' Ron said.

The cat on the desk leapt off the desk and mid leap in morphed into the tall figure of Minerva McGonagall. She wore dark green robes and her hair in a tight bun and glasses rested on her face as she walked briskly over to the two boys. Their mouths were open in awe.

'That was bloody brilliant.' Ron complimented.

'Thank you Mr Weasley.' McGonagall said with a smile.

'Thank you for that assessment Mr Weasley. Perhaps it'd be more useful if I were to transfigured Mr Potter and yourself into a pocket watch. That way one of you might be on time.' McGonagall reprimanded.

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