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"On the better side of things at least we know they're in good hands." James smiled.

"What do you mean? They just got attacked by Voldemort at school." Dorcas raised her eyebrows.

"I meant Poppy mate. Me and Sirius came up with a phrase based off of a muggle thing Remus told us. So the thing Moony said was 'sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me' and then we changed it to 'sticks and stones may break my bones but Poppy will always fix me." James recited.

"Oh goodness." Poppy sighed as she placed a hand on her forehead.

"You love us Pops!" Young Sirius stood up and blew a large, dramatic kiss in her direction before sitting back down again.

The scene faded from the two on the stone floor to Harry lying in a single bed covered in a white duvet . He twisted his head to the side as he stirred awake. Beside the bed were many cards reading get well with various pictures drawn on and get well soon cards and vases on the side table next to the bed Harry lay in. Small scratches were still visible on his face but they were much smaller than when they were fresh.

"Look at all those cards. People must really like you Harry." Mary chuckled.

"He's very popular like me." James gloated.

As he reached his hands up to rub his eyes and sit himself up, a bandage was visible that was wrapped around his hand and wrist. His hair was flat down against his head and he was wearing his stripy blue pyjamas. He reached over to the side table to gently grab his glasses by the arms of his glasses and placed them on his face, causing his vision to clear and for him to see a familiar face in a bed opposite him with her nose in a book.

"Nova?" Harry said.

"Harry! 'Bout time you woke up. It's been getting rather boring down here. There's only so many times I can listen to Ron talk about how he hates homework and Snape and all and Hermione talk about books. Don't get me wrong I like books but I just can't bear to sit there and listen to someone talk to me about them for hours at a time." Nova huffed.

"I thought you liked talking to me about books." Hermione asked.

"I like talking with you about books. You talking at me about books is very boring." Nova said.

"I take offence to that." Hermione said playfully.

"Love you Mione." Nova teased.

As he looked over at Nova he also noticed an entire table full of various sweets.

"You seen all those sweets? Never seen so many sweets for one person. I already ate all mine but I didn't get nearly as much as you of course." Nova explained.

"There's so many." Harry said amazed.

"You're quite popular amongst our generation." Nova told him.

"Who are they all from?" Harry asked.

"Oh loads of people. Fred and George dropped off some Bertie's, Ron brought some chocolate frogs, some of which he ate, Hermione brought you some Cadbury's chocolate, the Patio twins I think were here, Dean and Seamus came as well, they brought a card and some sweets, Daisy and Neville came, Daisy made some biscuits and Neville brought a few lollies and the rest was some older years. Oh actually I think Percy brought a few chocolate frogs as well. Most people didn't know what you liked to brought chocolate frogs but there's quite a variety really." Nova listed all the people she had seen. "Obviously I haven't been awake the entire time so I haven't seen everyone."

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