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The mornings at Hogwarts were still and beautiful, the sun shimmering across the black lake and the mountains sitting in the clouds above

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The mornings at Hogwarts were still and beautiful, the sun shimmering across the black lake and the mountains sitting in the clouds above. It was silent and peaceful.

The soft footsteps of the Gryffindor quidditch team sounded as they walked along the corridor to the courtyard with their brooms in hand.

"I spent the summer devising a whole new Quidditch program. We're gonna train earlier, harder, and longer." Oliver said as he walked along.

"I think I like this kid." James nodded in approval.

"God I hate James's quidditch practices, they're always at six in the morning and it's always dewy and muddy." Sirius groaned at the thought.

"Do you want to lose the house cup?" James asked him, his eyebrows raised.

"No, but can't we train in the evening after dinner or something." Sirius said.

"Well then I can't see the snitch very well. Then it will take twice as long." James said.

"I take that back then." Sirius huffed.

"What- I don't believe it." Oliver groaned, walking out to the courtyard and seeing the Slytherin quidditch team dressed in their quidditch robes with their brooms. "Where do you think you're going Flint." Oliver asked.

"Quidditch practice." Marcus Flint said, standing in before Oliver.

"I booked the pitch for Gryffindor today." Oliver reminded him.

"Everyone knows if you want to practice you need to book the pitch. You can't just turn up." James rolled his eyes.

"Respect the schedule." Regulus agreed.

"Easy Wood. I've got a note." Flint said, handing over a rolled up piece of parchment to Oliver.

"Uh Oh I smell trouble." Ron said as he and Hermione began to walk over.

"'I Professor Severus Snape Do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today owing to the need to train their new seeker.'," Oliver read aloud before scrunching up the parchment, "you've got a new seeker, who?" Wood asked in annoyance.

"That's not an excuse. If you want to bring an untrained seeker into your team then it's your own fault." Nova said.

"Exactly if you want a new seeker get a trained one." James nodded.

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