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Harry walked through the snowy courtyard with his snowy white owl, Hedwig resting on his arm

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Harry walked through the snowy courtyard with his snowy white owl, Hedwig resting on his arm. His red and gold Gryffindor scarf hung around his neck and his robes were so long they almost scraped against the snowy ground. He walked across the length of the courtyard occasionally stroking the head of his owl. He came to a stop in the middle of the courtyard next to what looked to be a fountain covered in thick snow. Hedwig flapped her wings a bit before soaring off into the cold air.

She flew higher and higher until she reached the tallest tower and flew up so that she wasn't visible through the clouds.

'It must be so easy to lose her on a cloudy day.' James said.

'Sometimes but a lot of the time I can just call her and my seeker sight I can normally see her.' Harry said with a small shrug.

'He can see a white owl among a bunch of white clouds and a tiny gold ball that zooms around a massive quidditch pitch but without his glasses he can't see three feet in front of his face.' Nova teased.

The snow had cleared now and Hogwarts was no longer covered in thick snow and the grass was now green. Hedwig flew towards the castle, last the towering quidditch hoops and over the rocky cliff side Hogwarts was built upon.

'Hogwarts is so cool when you look at it from afar.' Marlene said.

'It really is.' Dorcas agreed.

'I love flying around and seeing it when you're high up on your broom.' Nova smiled.

'The founders should've been interior designers.' Hermione added.

'What's an interior designer?' Bellatrix asked.

'It's someone who gets paid to decorate houses.' Ted spoke up.

Hermione walked quickly over to a table in the library where Harry and Ron sat looking quite bored with books in front of them. Hermione's hair bounced up and down on her back as she walked and a large book was held under her arm.

'That is a big book.' Older Sirius whistled lowly.

'It must take forever to read.' Older Remus agreed.

'I wouldn't have the patience to sit and read that.' Ron said.

'Ronald you don't have the patience to sit and read anything unless it's a quidditch poster or a food menu.' Ginny smirked.

'I had you looking in the wrong section how could I be so stupid.' Hermione said to the boys.

Nova was stood a few aisles down looking at a hardback book in her hand. The spine read: LITTLE WOMEN AND GOOD WIVES.

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