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The castle was already dark by the time Harry had finally finished his detention

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The castle was already dark by the time Harry had finally finished his detention. The halls were empty with all the students still in the hall for dinner so no one was around the confirm the strange voices around the halls. As he walked he wondered if it was all in his heard, Lockhart hadn't heard anything and they had been in the same room so that could've just been his imagination but this time he knew he heard it.

'Bloooodddd. I smelllll blooood. Let me rip youuu. Let me killl youuuu. Killllll. Killll! Killlll!' The voice continued on as Harry rushed down the corridor towards the direction of the voice. It seemed to echo around yet still sounded as if it was far away.

"Harry!" Hermione said as he ran into her, Ron and Nova in the corridor.

"Oh thank Merlin." Lily sighed.

"Thank Merlin for what?" Marlene furrowed her brows.

"Thank Merlin that my son isn't going to be killed by this mystery thing in the walls." Lily said.

"He still could be." Marlene shrugged.

"Marlene!" Dorcas sighed, hitting her on the arm.

"What! It's true, just means that Ron, Mione and Nova will be dead as well." Marlene huffed.

"Be positive Marley." Mary smiled.

"Hear what?" Ron asked.

"That voice." Harry whispered.

"Voice what voice?" Hermione asked, panic laced within her voice.

"What did you hear Harry." Nova asked.

"There's a voice somewhere but I don't know where. It's like it's moving around. I heard it earlier in detention but Lockhart didn't hear a thing." Harry explained.

'Itsssss timmeeeeeee.' The voice hissed.

"Time for what?" Rabastan asked.

"Time for it to kill you dimwit." Rudolphus rolled his eyes.

"Alright, chill out it was just a question." Rabastan huffed.

"There it is again." Harry said, his eyes wide.

"What it is?" Nova asked.

"I'm not sure, but it's going to kill something." Harry said as he took off in a run down the corridor.

"So there's something, seemingly in the walls of the castle that is moving around but only Harry can hear it." Alex spoke up.

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