Chapter 3

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Eva made it into the staff bathroom looking herself over in the mirror seeing her soaked and stained outfit wondering what she could do. She still had 4 hours left of the day and she was standing here in her drenched outfit really looking like the child she was dressed as. She tried her best to wipe the baby food off of her outfit, but the milk stains were a bigger issue. Eva started to remember about the supply closet down the hall wondering if maybe she could find something to wear until the end of the day.

She opened the door to the supply room walking past the rows of baby furniture hoping she would be able to find something. She finally came to the clothing seeing bags upon bags of diapers aligned against the back wall. She then noticed the only clothing available was for the baby and toddler units. She looked through the pile of clothing seeing a pink onesie that could work for the rest of the day and started walking out and towards the bathroom. When she opened the door she ran right into a large woman standing right outside the door and looked up to see her neighbor Ms.Harper staring down at her.

Eva tried to explain her situation, but felt embarrassed being found this way with the onesie still in her hands. Ms.Harper picked up Eva realizing the woman didn't even recognize her dressed this way. Ms. Harper took the onesie from her hands telling her "sweet heart you are such a mess your going to need alot more then just this" as Eva was carried into the bathroom. Ms. Harper pulled the changing table down off the wall as Eva watched herself being placed on top of the table feeling fear running down her spine.

She looked down trying to help her case quickly remembering Chauncey had taken her badge as Eva watched her neighbor walk out of the room. She thought about hopping off the table and running for her classroom, but before she could make a move Ms.Harper was walking back inside with a bag of supplies consisting of wipes, powder, and of course diapers.

Ms.Harper looked for the snaps inside of Eva's leggings looking confused not finding any there wondering what parent didn't buy them for easier diaper changes. She pulled the snaps off the very front bib pulling Eva out of her outfit as Ms.Harper quickly saw she was wearing panties wondering if maybe she was saved. Ms. Harper shook her head saying "here is our problem sweet heart your mommy put you back in big girl panties and your just not ready for those yet" as Eva began to blush feeling so humiliated watching as the rest of her clothing removed along with her tshirt,panties,socks, and shoes leaving her naked on top of the changing table.

She really didn't know what to think this was her favorite dream playing through her head, but at the same time she felt to humiliated and embarrassed being treated this way as tears began to run down her eyes. She began to bawl in tears as Ms.Harper returned with a thing of wipes and slowly began to make shhshhing noises at the crying baby. She looked through her bag grabbing a pacifier out of the changing bag as Eva felt the rubber nipple entering her mouth as she slowly nursed on it.

Eva slowly sucked on the pacifier feeling even more embarrassed as she watched her neighbor coating her crotch with baby powder and slowly rubbing it into place. Ms. Harper picked up the large diaper unfolding it before lifting Eva's bottom and placing it underneath. Eva felt something different about the diaper that was being brought up through her legs she noticed these were so much thicker and bowed her legs out farther apart making her feel even smaller then the way she had came dressed like they were made for a big baby like herself.

Ms.Harper secured the tapes into place giving the diaper a pat telling the baby girl "all better" as Eva continued to cry still sucking the pacifier. Ms. Harper grabbed the pink onesie pulling it over Eva's head and snapped it over the diaper sealing it into place. Eva looked down to see she now resembled one of her students more then ever before as Ms. Harper reached into the bag pulling out a pink pair of baby booties to match her outfit pulling them over her small feet and tying them in place. Eva was picked up and placed on her neighbors hip as Ms.Harper smiled saying "lets get you back to class shall we."

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