Chapter 5

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The rest of the week came by in a flash, Eva hadn't had any more problems or run ins with Ms.Harper which was good thing for her sake. Eva woke up hearing her alarm going off on her phone as she rolled over clicking it off knowing it was finally Friday. The great thing about Friday was the children were released at noon which meant Eva was about to go home and get started on her weekends as baby Eva.

She let the rails down on the crib quickly noticing she had wet the diaper between her legs, but ever since the picture day she had been wearing them to school knowing the mothers didn't bat an eye at her dressing this way. She pulled on the diaper noticing it could take more before being changed and decided to just keep it on and change out of it later. She walked into the closet trying to find something to wear today and decided to go with the schools uniform which made her seem some what more adult like then wearing one of the baby dresses or onesies.

After getting the dress pulled over Eva pulled on a frilly pair of socks and the mary jane shoes to match the outfit and walked over to her mirror to see herself. She looked at herself in the mirror noticing she continued to look more infantile as each day passed and it probably didn't help the fact her diapers read the words "Infant in training" on the front either.

After giving herself a once over Eva grabbed her new diaper bag off the top of the changing table ready for another day at school. When she arrived at the school she noticed she still had time before the parents would start arriving and headed straight for the classroom. As Eva entered her classroom she walked over to a cubby that had her assigned name written on it and placed her diaper bag inside. After placing the diaper bag down Eva turned around to see once again her classroom had changed and a new item had arrived.

Eva walked over to where her desk wants was, but now in it's place was a large bassinet. Eva grabbed a chair and placed it next to the new piece of equipment wanting to get a better look at it wondering how it worked. After getting the chair setup she stood on top looking inside to see it could very easily fit a large adult. Eva wasn't paying any form of attention not even hearing anybody come inside as she froze feeling a hand pulling up the back of her dress making it way inside the back of her diaper.

Eva quickly turned to see Ms.Martin standing there with a confused look saying "I thought I didn't have a baby watching over my child, but it looks like I was wrong, your nothing but a little baby yourself" as Eva blushed from the comments as Ms.Martin picked her up and carried her to the changing table. Eva tried to explain the situation, but before she had a word out of her mouth the mother had placed one of the inflating pacifiers inside. Ms.Martin made quick work of stripping Eva out of her outfit leaving her completely naked on top of the changing table deciding what to put the teacher in. She walked into the changing closet pulling out a school designed onesie,bonnet,booties, and mittens. Eva watched Ms.Martin walking over to her showing what she was about to be put in as the woman spoke saying "how about we get the little baby all dressed."

Ms.Martin continued to laugh at the blushing baby putting her in a double diaper and the clothing she had pulled from the closet. After getting Eva dressed she placed her inside the playpen telling her "these diapers should last you all day baby" as Eva blushed watching the mother walk out the door. Eva tried to pull the inflated pacifier out of her mouth, but found the mittens restricted her from doing so knowing she was stuck.

She felt like it had been forever before the mothers walked inside and looked around for Eva. Ms.Jensen couldn't help herself laughing when they found Eva in the playpen dressed more like she should be in the daycare helping her hand's free from the mittens as Eva tried to get herself out of the problem telling them "I think I tried to be too much of a baby" as the mothers gave her a pat on the diaper telling her "take care of our babies" as Eva watched them walk out the door.

As Eva closed the door she turned around hearing the sound of one of her charges crying she waddled her way over to the crib seeing baby Danni bawling her eye's after giving her diaper a check she began to realize she was probably hungry and decided it was probably best to get the babies a bottle. Eva walked to the small fridge in the corner grabbing 4 baby bottles out one for each child and herself. She waddled her way back to the cribs now hearing all 3 charges crying knowing she needed to get them fed quickly.

After giving all 3 of them there bottles Eva waddled over to the playpen and hopped inside. She grabbed a pillow and placed her head and then slid the nipple inside of her mouth and began to suck the milk down. Eva noticed another change, she looked up to see her room now had a giant spinning mobile attached to the ceiling as she asked herself if that had been there all year. Eva continued to drink the milk down when she felt a sudden problem, her stomach felt like it was going to explode. She placed one hand on her stomach and the other on her diapered backside knowing she didn't need this to happen.

She hopped back over the playpen wall practically running to her cubby wondering if she should ask Ms.Harper to watch the children, but began thinking how was she going to explain the way she was dressed, but it didn't matter before she could grab her badge from her purse it was too late. Eva was now crouching her legs feeling her bowels beginning to betray her as a mess exited her backside. She felt the back of her diaper beginning to get heavier and heavier as she pushed it all out. She was so embarrassed and just wanted to get changed and began pulling at the snaps on the onesie revealing the brown messie diaper. She felt hand's beginning to pick her up trying to figure out who had found her this way as she noticed she was being carried over to the changing table. She was quickly strapped on top of it and looked up as her eye's locked with Chauncey's.

Eva quickly tried to explain saying "let me explain!", but before she could get another word out she had one of the inflatable pacifiers placed inside of her mouth. She watched as Chauncey untaped the soiled diaper from around her waist and picked up a clean diaper from under the changing table and made quick work of getting her nice and dry. Eva was so embarrassed by the situation trying to figure out what she was going to tell her friend as she watched Chauncey pulling the tapes to the middle of the diaper and grabbing the pacifier out of her mouth telling her "you have 5 seconds to explain to me why I found you in a messy diaper!"

Eva nervously began to speak telling her "I decided to dress more babyish for the students and when I suddenly had to go I found I couldn't remove the diaper on my own I had no choice but to use it." Chauncey began to giggle telling her "I noticed you were wearing one of the infant diapers and I know about the extra strength tapes" as Eva watched her friend giggle at her. Eva nodded her head asking "what are you doing here today?" as Chauncey spoke telling her "I am starting a ride and pick up program for the children and I got out of class early and decide to come in a little earlier to check on the class to see if you needed help" as Eva watched her assistant still giggling the way she found her saying "thanks for that" as Chauncey patted her bottom telling her "what are friends for".

Eva stared up watching as Chauncey walked back into the classroom with a four seat stroller. She continued to smile thinking it was probably a good idea she had found her and nobody else. She really liked Chauncey, but she didn't want anybody to ever find out that she liked being a baby especially Chauncey. She watched as her assistant began loading the children inside of the 4 seat stroller strapping them inside knowing it was finally the end of the day.

After getting the children strapped inside Chauncey smiled over at Eva asking "do you want a ride?" as Eva shook her head saying "thanks anyway" and began to get an idea. Eva began to ponder the idea watching as Chauncey walked out the classroom as Eva screamed "Chauncey". Chauncey stopped the stroller seeing Eva asking "is there something wrong?" as Eva smiled shaking her head asking "would you like to come over tonight and hang out?" as Chauncey smiled saying "I would love that!" as Eva smiled saying "great let me write my address down and I will see you later" as Eva reached for a sticky note, but was cut off by Chauncey saying "I know this probably sounds odd, but I already have your address for some reason, when the children pick ups came out your address was with them" as Eva nervously spoke saying "that's odd, well I guess I will see you tonight" as Chauncey smiled saying "of course."

Eva began to giggle like a school girl thinking to herself for once she had finally made a friend that she really liked and instantly remembered one problem. She had a house full of nursery furniture in her house and needed to hide it. She quickly grabbed her bag, shutting off the lights, and closing  the door before running towards her car.

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