Chapter 22

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Chauncey pushed the stroller out the park entrance suddenly feeling rain drops sprinkling on to her and Eva. She stared up to the sky feeling the rain beginning to rain even harder and quickly pulled the bonnet of the stroller up and over Eva inside.

"We need to get home Chauncey!" Said, Eva.

Chauncey heard the scared emotions coming from her girl friends voice and kicked it into high gear running towards her friends home. She saw the neighborhood approaching, but was quickly caught off guard by a large truck shooting right pass them slinging a heavy splash of water onto herself, Eva, and the stroller.

"Hurry Chauncey!"

Chauncey broke out of her stunned moment and quickly pushed the stroller back towards the house. She finally made it back into the driveway and into the garage knowing she was finally out of the rain, but her eyes stared down at Eva and herself with both of them covered deeply in rain water and mud.

"We need a bath."

Eva nodded softly suckling on the pacifier between her lips feeling herself being unstrapped and placed on her girlfriends hip.

Chauncey slipped off her shoes and walked into the living room to see Ella with a shocked look across her face.

"What happened!?"

Chauncey shook her head saying, "We got soaked. I am going to get us both a bath and I thought we could figure out something to do tonight."

Ella started to think about what Sarah Harper had told her about needing to give the school a reason to enroll Chauncey and also wondered if now could be a give time to start.

"A bath sounds like a wonderful idea, I am sure we will think of something for tonight."

Chauncey walked towards the back master bed room and pushed the door open setting Melanie down on her old bed. She quickly undressed the large overgrown infant out of her shortalls and noticed her wearing a very soaking wet garment and not just from the rain.

"Did the rain wet this diaper or did the baby?"

Eva blushed hearing the sound of each tape ripping off the front of her diaper knowing she had wet her diaper.

Chauncey got the baby undressed out of her diaper and then pulled her shirt and shorts off leaving herself in just her bra and panties.

Eva stared at her sexy girlfriend and softly bit her lip loving how beautiful she looked.

Chauncey saw the look in Eva's eye and removed her bra and panties next, but before she could make a move there was a soft knock on the door.

"Come on laides, lets get you a bath."

Chauncey quickly covered her breast and crotch trying not to be to embarrassed from her girlfriends pretend mommy seeing her completely nude.

Ella noticed Chauncey trying to cover herself and walked over saying, "You act like I haven't seen a nude woman before.

Chauncey blushed and followed the woman into the bathroom trying her best not to act so modest.

Ella started a nice hot bath water saying, "OK girls, into the tub!"

Chauncey placed Eva down inside and stepped in herself sitting right beside Eva.

Eva smiled up at her girl friend wondering why her mommy was in the room and tried her best not to think about it too much.

Ella stopped the water from running and stared down at both nude girls saying to herself, "this maybe easier then I thought."

Ella was really surprised to see Chauncey allowing her to clean her up like she did Eva and after several large cups of water washing both of them cleaned it was time to get them dressed and put phase 2 into action.

Chauncey wiped the water off her eyes and spoke asking, "What did you have planned for tonight?"

Ella smiled saying, "I thought I would take you both with me to the grocery store and then we could get some ice cream! How does that sound?"

Eva face lit up with excitement and yelled, "Ice cream!"

Chauncey giggled saying, "that sounds like a plan."

Ella pulled the plug out of the bottom of tub allowing all of the water to drain out and spoke saying, "Let me go get you both a towel. I will be right back."

Ella watched both of them nod and walked quickly out of the bathroom and into the nursery. She wondered to herself if maybe the time was wrong, but suddenly wondered if Chauncey allowed her to clean her, would she allow her to put her in a diaper.

Ella looked in the closet seeing the various baby outfits when her eyes caught a pink and green footed sleeps in the corner. She smiled saying, "these will be perfect."

She noticed the snaps in the crotch and grabbed a bag of infant diapers along with changing supplies and headed back towards the bedroom to get both of her charges dressed.

She was smiling with too much excitement totally forgetting about the towels knowing what she was going to do.

Chauncey smiled at Eva seeing the excitement across her friends face knowing how excited she got knowing she was going to get a treat.

"I don't think you've been good enough for ice cream."

Eva nodded saying, "I have been!"

Chauncey giggled hearing her girlfriend talk like a toddler and suddenly turned seeing the door open with Ella standing there with a large towel in her hands.

"Ok baby, lets get you changed!"

Chauncey watched Ella grab Eva from the tub and swaddled her inside getting her all squeaky clean. She giggled seeing her baby girl enjoying herself and wondered why Ella didn't just bring her a towel.

She turned herself around and pulled the plug out of the tub allowing all of the water to go down not even hearing the door open again and suddenly gasped feeling herself being picked up.

"What the!"

Ella giggled saying, "Calm down Chauncey, Let me get you clean."

Chauncey blushed feeling herself being swaddled into the blanket wondering to herself what was going and what was about to come next.

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