Chapter 6

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Eva pulled into her garage knowing she had so much to do before Chauncey was to arrive and didn't even know where to start. She walked inside of her home and headed for the kitchen where she had a large high chair at the kitchen table and a sink full of bottles and baby utensils. She made quick work of tossing all of the dishes in the dish washer and then grabbed the high chair and pulled it inside of her laundry room and locked it away. She walked into the living room seeing her large playpen wondering how she was going to be able to hide such a large piece of furniture, but knew she could break it down.

She knew she needed to hurry and pulled it into her nursery. She was really glad she chosen the room that she did for the nursery her other room down the hall was used for storage and just wasn't big enough for most of this stuff. After getting the playpen pulled into her nursery she turned around and looked into her mirror seeing she was still wearing the outfit she was put in at school and quickly stripped out of the bonnet,onesie, and booties. She tried to pull at the tabs on the diaper, but found them once again too tough for her to remove and cut it off like she did this morning.

After getting the wet diaper removed she walked into her closet grabbing a t shirt and a pair of shortalls sliding them on as the door bell rang. Eva didn't even have time to look herself over and walked out of the nursery closing it behind her making her way to the front door. She opened the door to see Chauncey wearing a very sexy red dress and high heels wondering to herself why she was dressed like this and asked "whats the occasion?" as Chauncey giggled asking "can I come in?" as Eva ushered her inside.

Chauncey smiled down at Eva saying "unfortunately I can't stay long, I was asked out today after school". Eva began to smile saying "I hope you have fun" and then noticed something in her hand and glanced at it. Chauncey smiled saying "thank you and I was asked to give you this by Ms.Parker." Eva grabbed the envelope wondering what it was as Chauncey spoke saying "it's an invitation to her daughters birthday party" as Eva looked up saying "that sounds fun! when is it?" as Chauncey spoke saying "tomorrow."

Eva spoke saying "well this is pretty sudden, I don't even know what to get her? what are you getting her?" as Chauncey spoke saying "I cannot make it, I have something to do at the college, but Ms.Parker asked me to give you her number and if you had any questions you could call her." Eva thanked her friend as Chauncey spoke saying "I need to go ahead and go, but I also wanted you to have this" as Eva grabbed the card from Chauncey's hand realizing it was her phone number. Eva smiled saying "thank you" as Chauncey spoke saying "I know it's kind of wierd, but since you do what your doing with the students I thought I let you know I am the keeper of the supply's for the students and make all the orders and If you ever need me to get you a certain item you can call me.

Eva nervously began to think if she already knew about the items she had already received and ignored the idea and thanked Chauncey saying "thank you Chauncey I really appreciate it and I hope you have fun" as Chauncey picked up Eva bringing her into a hug before placing her down and then walking out the door. Eva began to think how close that was and knew she needed to figure out how to fix this, but first she needed to figure out what to get McKenzie for her birthday.

Eva pulled out her phone sending Ms.Parker a text asking her some basic questions about the party and what she should bring for her daughter, but as the night went on she had never really gotten a reply. She fell asleep staring at her phone hoping she would know something in the morning. She woke up to the sound of her phone buzzing and looked to see she had a new text message from Ms.Parker, she was asking her if she was going to be able to make it to McKenzie's party.

Eva clicked on the number and decided to give her a call to get all of the details. Eva heard Ms.Parker answering the phone sounding like she was excited to hear her as Eva spoke saying "good morning Ms.Parker, I heard we have a special birthday girl today?" as Ms.Parker replied "yes we do and I talked to Chauncey yesterday and told her how much it would mean to her having you there." Eva smiled hearing the comment from the woman asking "what do I need to get for her?" as Ms.Parker smiled saying "Sweety just you being here will mean the world to her, she really seems to enjoy having you the way you are in the classroom and I wanted to ask if you could come like that?" as Eva said "I will be right over, whats the address?"

After getting the address from Ms.Parker, Eva knew she needed to make it special for McKenzie and rolled out of her crib to find her diaper from the night before sagging worse then ever. She found the tapes came off pretty easily after so many wettings and put the diaper inside the diaper pail and walked towards the bathroom to get a shower. After getting nice and clean she headed back into the nursery. She hopped onto of her changing table grabbing 2 of her soaker pads and one of her adult baby diapers she had gotten off the internet. She placed the pads inside of the diaper and powdered her crotch well before pulling it between her legs feeling the thick bulge the diaper now gave her crotch.

She hopped down from the changing instantly falling to her bottom from the thickness her diaper was giving her. She finally got herself pulled up and waddled into the closet and grabbed her diaper bag out of the corner. She opened the bag and began grabbing 2 change of clothing a onesie, and a dress that came with matching bonnet and booties. After getting the bag packed she grabbed a bag of her infant diapers and set it down next to the diaper bag and began looking for her outfit to wear over. She quickly found a cute yellow t shirt with words "Baby Eva" on the front and pulled it over her head. She grabbed the diaper bag and diapers and headed out of the nursery. She walked to the front door knowing she needed to cover up before she got to the Parker's and grabbed a large rain coat to cover up.

After getting the car loaded up she got inside and entered the address into her GPS. She drove around what seemed like forever until she came to a large gated community. She spoke to the guard at the front and told him "Parker's Birthday" and allowed her inside. She noticed her GPS blinking realizing she had made it to the home to see it was very big. She pulled into the driveway noticing no other cars in the driveway wondering if the other children hadn't arrived yet and grabbed her bags and headed to the door.

She knocked on the front door and instantly watched as the door opened to see Ms.Parker smiling down at her. Ms.Parker spoke saying "hello Eva, please come in." Eva walked inside saying "Hello Ms.Parker you have such a beautiful home" as Ms.Parker smiled thanking Eva before grabbing the diaper bag and bag of diapers saying "it looks like you came very prepared, but we have plenty of diapers" as Eva smiled saying "you can never come to prepared" as both of them laughed. Ms.Parker looked Eva over asking "do you need me to help you get changed sweety?" as Eva grabbed the strap around the coat dropping it the ground to show the woman her transformation from adult teacher to infant baby.

Ms.Parker couldn't contain the laughter saying "it looks like you came prepared" as Eva smiled getting into character asking "wer is kinze?" as Ms.Parker watched Eva's thumb go into her mouth and smiled picking her up saying "she is playing in the living room little one" as Eva was carried further into the home.

Eva continued to look through the home as they made there way into the living room she saw one of the largest playpens she had ever seen. It was much larger then she had at home or even in the classroom and knew she wouldn't be able to get out on her own. Ms. Parker walked over to the playpen saying "look who's here to play sweety!" as Eva felt her padded bottom hitting the padded playpen. Eva smiled waving at her student as Ms.Parker spoke saying "you 2 have fun and I will come back in a little to feed you both a snack" as Eva smiled and began to play with the teenage infant.

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