Chapter 15

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Eva stared up at her neighbor who was now smiling at her saying, "well sweety, how about we get you a bath and then we can feed you some din-din. how does that sound?"

Eva was just tired and tried her best to comply with her neighbor knowing all the words coming out behind the pacifier was complete babble.

Ella giggled saying, "I will take that as a yes aunty Ella. Where is your bathroom Eva?"

Eva pointed down the hall trying her best to keep her cool, starting to think that having someone taking care of her would possibly be fun. Her minded started to think about Chauncey knowing she was going to be there in the morning to pick her up wondering what she would think knowing she needed to talk to Ella hoping she wouldn't treat like a complete child.

Ella started the bath water starting to strip Eva out of the outfit she had worn to school and then removing the large baby diaper from around her waist.

Eva closed her legs in and out getting feeling back between her crotch after feeling so helpless wearing the diaper.

Ella giggled saying, "Are those diapers really that thick?"

Eva nodded her head still sucking on the pacifier knowing she wasn't able to make coherent words.

Ella picked Eva up and placed her in the bath tub saying, "sweety I know we have never really spoken much as neighbors, but I think this could become a great start to our friendship and in a way I think you wanted me to change your diaper earlier."

Eva really didn't want to admit it, but the way she was changed earlier by Ella really turned her on, but at the same time she was an adult wanted to be treated like one and just shook her head.

Ella turned off the bath water not even responding to her new baby sitting before her and started cleaning her up from her busy day at school.

Eva could only sit there feeling her petite body being washed like it hadn't been since she was younger and then her hair being washed as well.

After several scoops of water splashed on Eva she heard the sound of the water being let out and looked up at Ella grabbing a large towel and scooping her up and drying her clean.

Eva felt the towel finishing cleaning her nude body and then felt it swaddling her as they entered her newborn room. She felt her back once again touching the changing table knowing what was coming as Ella grabbed one of the large newborn diapers and the bottle of powder.

She felt the cool sensation of the powder coating her lifted bottom and then spread through her crotch. She watched as Ella started rubbing the powder in place softly moaning every time it hit the right spot.

"awww does the baby like that?"

Eva blushed hard trying so hard not to give Ella any reasons to treat her lesson then an adult and just stared at her suckling on the pacifier.

Ella smiled and pulled the large diaper between her neighbors legs and bringing the tape tabs over the diaper locking it in place. She picked the freshly changed adult baby up and patted her bottom watching as small amounts of powder popped out the side saying, "there we go all fresh and clean in our diapees"

Eva didn't know what to say, but continued to suckle on her pacifier really hoping she could talk to her about this and maybe create some boundaries before it all got out of hand. She noticed she was being taken back into the kitchen and was guessing she was about to get her dinner watching as Ella undid the high chair table and placed her inside.

Ella placed the high chair table back in place locking the baby inside and going to look for something to feed her. She opened each cabinet one by one trying to find until she found a cabinet with jars of baby food. She grabbed two of the jars and turned asking, "Eva where are your spoons?"

Eva pointed her finger towards the end of the kitchen and watched as Ella walked over grabbing one of her baby spoons and walked back over towards her.

Ella pressed the button on the front of the pacifier as Eva felt her mouth getting a release maybe thinking she could finally speak, but before she could even get a word out a spoon full of mush entered.

Ella smiled saying, "what a good baby eating her num nums"

Eva just ignored the baby talk taking each bite one by one until one missed her mouth completely and landed on her nude chest.

Ella giggled saying, "aunty is sorry sweety! I totally forgot your bib. I am sure you can tell I am rusty at babysitting"

Eva finished the mushy food jars very quickly and watched as Ella walked over throwing both jars away and asked, "Ella can we call it a night please?"

Ella giggled walking over and undoing the highchair table asking, "is the new baby tired?"

Eva just complied with Ella's words slowing nodding her head.

Ella walked over to the fridge looking inside seeing a dozen large baby bottles in a corner and smiled saying, "I see the baby was prepared if she never had anyone to babysit her."

Eva noticed two bottles in Ella's hands and felt the table being removed and herself being placed back on her hip. She watched as she was taken back down the hall towards her newborn room.

Ella smiled placing Eva on her back inside the large baby bed and then placed the nipple of the bottle between her lips.

Eva grabbed the first bottle from Ella and started to slowly nurse from it. She started to feel her stomach getting fuller as the bottle emptied and was quickly replaced with the last one as she felt the covers being pulled over her diapered crotch.

Ella giggled listening as the baby finished the final bottle letting out a loud belch and quickly replaced the bottle with her pacifier saying, "Sweety, I'm gonna let you get some rest and ill see you in the morning."

Eva was tired from everything that had happened and didn't even care as she slowly fell fast asleep.

Ella looked down at the baby in the bassinet walking out of the room wondering to herself what adventures were going to come over the next couple of months.

Eva slowly woke up the following more feeling her hands around feeling the soft cover of her bed. She slowly opened her eye's seeing a spinning mobile over her head remembering she was inside her bassinet still suckling on her pacifier from the night before. She turned her body feeling a squishy sound pulling the blanket off of her crotch to see she had soaked her diaper from the night before knowing how much milk she had been fed didn't help her case.

She pulled herself into a sitting position feeling the diapers thickness had grown weaker and now allowed her some moving room now that it was soaked. She looked around inside the bassinet realizing she had forgotten her phone in the other room beginning to feel scared wondering if Mary had messaged her  or worse Ella saw the messages she had been sending to the mother.

She looked around the nursery really wishing she would of installed a clock or something in here knowing she was supposed to over the summer, but never found the right moment. She knew she needed to get up and tried her best to pull herself over to the changing table like she had the night before, but with every budge it was no use. She turned her attention over to the end of the changing table noticing something she hadn't seen before it was a baby monitor.  She started to wonder where it had came from asking herself if it had been there when everything moved in.

She jumped backwards hearing the sounds of footsteps at the door hearing it beginning to open to see Ella walking into the room.

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