Chapter 7

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Eva played with McKenzie for what felt like hours as the sound of shoes walking into the living room made her turn her head. Ms.Parker was walking in with 2 bottles in hand as Eva now realized what she meant earlier by feeding them a snack. Ms.Parker smiled down at both babies asking them "who wants a ba-ba?" as Eva still in character waved her hand's, but instead picked up her daughter saying "I think we should feed the birthday girl first." Eva smiled watching from the playpen as the mother fed her daughter the large bottle of milk as she suddenly decided to see if she could feed herself.

She crawled over to the playpen wall and pulled herself up with the railing reaching for the second bottle. Ms.Parker looked at Eva reaching for the bottle and slapped her hand telling her "wait your turn" as Eva tried to speak, but was instantly pacified as Ms.Parker told her "babies are seen, not heard, now wait your turn." Eva felt the pacifier inside of her mouth realizing it was one of the inflatable one's she was given with her order from the school and sat back inside the playpen watching her student finishing the bottle.

Ms.Parker smiled giving her daughter's diaper a pat telling her how much of a good girl she was for finishing the bottle as Eva listened to the soft giggles the girl was making as she was placed back inside the playpen. Ms.Parker walked around the other side as Eva's eyes stared into Ms. Parker's realizing it was her turn. Eva was quickly picked up and carried over to the couch and now was cradled into the arm's of Ms.Parker as the woman spoke saying "I know this must be pretty new, but I really appreciate you doing this for my daughter." Eva smiled at the woman and still in character began clapping her hands telling Ms.Parker "your welcome" and opened her lips for the bottle.

Eva felt the bottle entering her lips as the liquid inside filled her mouth. She was very confused at the taste it wasn't like anything she had ever tasted before in her life. The taste was very new and tasted very sweet, almost like sweet milk and sucked a little harder enjoying the taste. Ms. Parker smiled down at Eva placing her hand on her diaper noticing she had never seen a diaper like it before wondering where the teacher had got them from. Eva didn't even realize Ms.Parker's hand on her diaper and continued to suckle until the milk was gone. Ms.Parker pulled the bottle from her lips asking "did the new baby enjoy it?" as Eva giggled asking "what is that stuff?" as Ms.Parker smiled saying "a special blend my company makes" as Eva wanted to ask more questions, but felt her mind beginning to feel very sleepy and began to yawn wondering what was inside the milk.

Ms.Parker smiled down at Eva saying "how about you and McKenzie play a little bit longer and then afterwards we can talk?" as Eva tried to nod, but felt her mind beginning to become numb and instantly fell backwards fast asleep.

Eva began to wake up trying to reach for her cell phone, but found her arms felt incredibly heavy. She continued to try and feel for her phone, but opened her eye's to see she was no longer in the playpen, but now in a large bassinet. She began to get scared not remembering being put inside and tried to pick her head up to look around, but found the rest of her body not obeying her. She began to feel very helpless and began to cry. She bawled her eye's out not hearing Ms.Parker entering the room as hands were placed under her arms and was picked up. Eva listened to the woman making calming noises to her wondering why she was being treated this way as she was carried out of the room and down the hall.

Ms.Parker began to speak saying "look baby all of your friends are here to see you" as Eva began to look around the room to see all of her students except for one that was missing was McKenzie. Eva tried to fight the situation seeing all of the mothers cooing at her as Ms.Parker placed her inside a large high chair strapping her inside. Eva felt scared and tried to scream to be let out, but when she spoke all that came out was the sound of babble. Ms. Parker smiled saying "my sweet baby wants to grow up" as a voice outside the kitchen spoke saying "who wants cake?" as Eva noticed the voice it sounded like Chauncey.

Eva watched her friend entering the room hoping she would save her, but watched as she placed the cake down in front of her on the table. Eva felt so overwhelmed trying to figure out what was going on and why everyone was treating her this way and suddenly looked at herself in the mirror in the corner of the room to see her reflection. She was no longer Eva, but had been transformed into McKenzie. Eva couldn't take the embarrassment as the mothers in the room began to sing happy birthday to her as she began to bawl in tears wanting this nightmare to end.

Eva continued to bawl in tears and suddenly felt hands making there way under her arms not seeing anybody in the room picking her up as she closed her eye's and opened them to see she was now being picked up by Ms.Parker. Ms.Parker stared at her daughter's teacher confused trying to figure out why she was acting so child like and carried her towards the kitchen wondering if she was still hungry. Eva calmed down looking down at her hands and body realizing that it was all a dream and felt the pacifier still inflated in her mouth as Ms.Parker strapped her into her daughters high chair.

Eva reached for the pacifier and pressed the button on the front releasing it from her mouth as Ms.Parker walked back over grabbing the dummy from Eva. Eva looked up at the woman who was staring back saying "thank you Ms.Parker" as the woman smiled saying "call me mary" as Eva smiled saying "thank you Mary". Mary smiled at Eva saying "are you enjoying yourself today sweet heart?" as Eva spoke saying "I guess you can say its fun seeing my students side at home for a change" as Eva's eyes looked up at the clock in the corner seeing it was already 3 o clock and stared back at Mary seeing she was caught as Mary spoke saying "I can't let you leave until after cake and desert!" as both of them giggled.

Mary continued staring at Eva's outfit and finally spoke saying "Eva there has been something I have been curious to ask you, What's it like to wear diapers and baby clothes again?" as Eva's mind began to go blank not expecting a question like this to be asked, but knew she didn't need to beat around the bush as Eva spoke telling her "well the idea came up over summer break and I told you and the other mothers in the classroom about showing the students I am no different from them to build confidence in them and allow them to trust me" as Ms.Parker giggled shaking her head as Eva asked "what?"

Mary smiled at her saying "I know why you do it Eva, I want to know what its like to wear diapers and be an infant like my daughter?" as Eva felt words beginning to slip from her mouth about to tell Mary the truth, but was quickly saved with the sound of McKenzie crying from the other room. Mary smiled down at Eva telling her "hold that thought, let me go get McKenzie" Eva couldn't think fast enough and before she knew it Mary walked back in the room with McKenzie. Eva watched as the mother walked over to a closet and pulled out another high chair placing it next to Eva's and placing McKenzie inside as Mary spoke to her daughter saying "Your little friend is staying for dinner sweety!" as Eva watched McKenzie smiling and clapping her hands.

Ms.Parker stared at both of them and asking "what would you both like for dinner?" as Eva stared at McKenzie who was giggling and babbling clueless responses as her mother walked over placing 2 jars of baby food on the tray in front of her. Mary stared over at Eva saying "you have 2 choices mushy peas or milk?" as Eva decided on the easy choice saying "milk" as Mary giggled saying "let me get her fed then I will feed you afterwards" as Eva watched as Mary wrapped a bib around her students head and began to feed her the mushy baby food.

Eva giggled watching the food land anywhere but in the infant's mouth as Mary finished feeding her daughter. Eva looked at the teenage infant's face seeing the baby food covered her lips and cheeks as Eva began to wonder when she was going to get her milk. Ms. Parker smiled at both girls telling them that she would be right back as Eva and McKenzie began to giggle at one another as Eva felt a sudden urge to pee. She looked down at the front of the high chair seeing her pacifier from earlier and stuck it in her mouth and felt her bladder beginning to release in the diaper. She pulled open the front of her diaper placing her hand inside and began to pleasure herself feeling like a naughty baby wetting her diaper moaning softly behind the pacifier as her mind slowly came back to reality she opened her eye's to see Mary staring into her eye's, but before she could say a word the mother pressed the button on the front of the pacifier inflating it in place saying "well that answered my question".

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