Chapter 8

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Eva felt so embarrassed being caught in such a terrible position wishing she had never put her hand down there. She saw Mary take her daughter down the hall wondering if this was a good time to try and get out of here trying to find a later on the high chair, but before she could figure out how to get out Mary had returned and quickly unlocked the chair and walked her towards where she had taken McKenzie. Eva continued to suck on the pacifier feeling so overwhelmed by being caught like this especially by a student's parent wondering what was about to happen when she noticed she was being taken into a large bathroom.

Mary placed Eva onto a large changing table sat outside the bathroom telling her in a very angry voice "don't move" as Eva nervously sat there wondering what was about to happen. Eva listened as she heard soft splashing coming from the other room thinking she was about to be given a bath as Mary returned saying "you know this whole time I thought there was something up about this whole be a baby to make the students happen crap and I was right your nothing more then a big baby yourself, I am really shocked you haven't been mistaken for a student and placed back in the nursery permanently, because honestly that's where you belong."

Eva began to feel upset and didn't like the way she was being treated, but could only sit there feeling fear running down her spine watching as Mary began to untape the soaked diaper between her legs and picked her up asking her "nobody else from class knows about this do they?" as Eva shook her head nervously knowing the woman had already put the fear of god in her as Mary placed her in the tub. Eva sat there quietly playing with McKenzie knowing she had no room for error or any slip ups as Ms.Parker cleaned both babies.

After the bath was over Eva watched Mary pick up her daughter and began to dry her off as the woman told her daughter "hunny tell Eva bye bye" as Eva waved goodbye to her friend still sucking on the pacifier between her lips watching her student leave the bathroom. Eva sat in the water waiting for what was to happen next hoping the woman would allow her to get dressed and go, but had a bad feeling that wasn't going to happen either. Mary returned with a smile on her face picking Eva up and drying her off in the towel and carrying her towards the living room.

Eva continued to not say a word wondering what was about to happen when they had got back to the living room to see a changing pad laid out along with the bag she brought and diapers. Mary placed the nude Eva on the changing pad looking over her shaved crotch laughing saying "you really are nothing more then a pathetic baby" as Eva felt her mind having enough of this and began to cry. Mary smiled watching the defeated Eva bawl into the pacifier and grabbed the diaper bag that she had brought with her to get the baby changed.

She opened the bag and grabbed the dress inside along with some booties. She grabbed the package of diapers she had brought with her tearing the bag open and grabbing 2 of the diapers. Eva continued to sit back crying wishing everything would end as Mary lifted the crying baby teachers legs in the ear placing the first diaper under her bottom. She grabbed a bottle of powder and coated her crotch  and legs and brought the first diaper up between her legs. Mary giggled seeing the thickness of the diaper bulging the small teachers legs out. Mary grabbed the second diaper and repeated the process and watched as Eva's legs seemed so bulged out it would be impossible for her to walk on her own.

Eva had calmed down feeling the thick mass between her legs as she looked down at her crotch to see the double diaper she was now wearing. She stared at Mary who was now attempting to pull her up in a sitting position to place the baby dress over her head. Mary pulled the dress down pulling Eva's hands through the arm holes looking at the pink baby dress seeing how adorable she looked quickly noticing the word "infant" across the chest. Mary giggled and cooed at Eva saying "you see that word baby" as Eva stared down at the word on the front of the dress and back at Mary as she spoke telling her "that's exactly what you are an infant" as Eva stared blushing at Mary.

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