Chapter 11

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Eva felt her mind beginning to awake as she tried to turn her body to the side but found them unable to do so due to something making her legs unusable. She slowly stretched out her arms releasing a yawn as she opened her eyes to see a mobile spinning above her head as her mind flooded back to the day before where she was gifted with a newborn student's nursery. She tried to sit up in the crib and pulled the sheets off her crotch to reveal the large comical sized diaper that she was put in the day before.  She stared down at the diaper taped around her hips seeing the baby motifs decorated on the garment making her feel even more of the baby she felt like she was becoming. She began to wonder what the time was looking around in the large baby bed not seeing her phone anywhere began to make her nervous knowing Mrs. Parker wanted to see her in diapers all the time and hoped she wasn't thinking that she broke the deal. She tried her best to pull herself to her knees and quickly looked out of the bassinet to see that she was high off the ground knowing now why they were used in the newborn unit. She continued to look around the bed and quickly noticed there were wheels on the bottom and thought to herself that she could pull the bed over to the changing table and crawl out. She reached her small petite body out of the bed and grabbed onto one of the rails of the changing table and was relieved to feel the bed being wheeled over.  After putting some weight on the side of the rail she picked her leg up and placed it over on one side of the changing table feeling the diaper between her legs beginning to cause problem as she placed her hand on the end and tried her best to kick her way onto the table, but in the process kicked the bassinet over and slid off the changing table as her bottom landed with a thud.

Eva felt confused when she felt her bottom hit the floor from falling at least 3 feet, but felt her padded bottom almost bounce when she hit the ground. She looked down at the diaper wondering if they could really take that much as she began to remember what needed to be done as she crawled her way out of the nursery and into the kitchen. She looked around her kitchen to see the highchair that she was fed in the day before alongside another highchair that looked like one from her classroom but was very different. The highchair had straps built in to strap the person inside down so they couldn't remove themselves. Eva knew she didn't have time to look at the new furniture and continued to look for her phone when she noticed it sitting on her table. She reached onto the table grabbing her cell phone to see she had 2 new text messages both from Mary. She read the text messages that said "Hello? I haven't seen the baby girl?", "I guess being a little baby was too much for her and she would rather me show the video?" as Eva quickly opened her phone and dialed Mary's number. Eva listened to the dial tone waiting for the woman to pick up as she heard a voice on the other end answer "Hello baby" as Eva spoke saying "please tell me you didn't show anyone the video?" as Mary laughed saying "of course not baby, Aunty Mary was very worried when she didn't have any messages or pictures of the baby" as Eva spoke telling her about the day before about how all of the furniture and diapers were delivered" as Mary laughed saying " I see I can actually trust the baby to do what she is told" as Eva blushed behind the phone telling her "I need to get ready for school" as Mary spoke saying "don't forget what you have to wear and do this morning" as the thoughts from the contract rolled back into her mind knowing she was to tell the principle about her new training method as Eva spoke saying "I will" as Mary laughed saying "ill see you in class baby, now run along and get dressed.

Eva listened to Mary hang up the phone as she sat on her kitchen floor staring at the time seeing it was 5 am and knew she needed to hurry and get ready for school to begin as she tried to stand to her feet, but quickly felt her legs cooperating and fell back onto her bottom.  Eva began to get upset knowing the diapers restricted most of her walking abilities and knew they were made to make the wearer pretty much a newborn baby. She tried to pull at the tapes on the diaper, but they wouldn't budge and began to think they must be tougher to undo then the infant diapers. She crawled over to one of the drawers and reached her hand inside trying to reach for something to remove the diaper and finally placed her hand on the sharp object pulling out one of her cutting knifes. She put the knife underneath the tapes and began sawing herself out of the diapers as she cut the diaper loose from her waist. Eva pushed the diaper from her waist leaving it sitting on the floor and began to stand up feeling her legs feel very award from being forced into the stance that they were in for most of night made her walking ability's feel even more unknown and began wondering if the diapers could really cause someone to lose the ability to walk. She reached for her phone and noticed it had taken her 10 minutes to get the diaper removed and needed to hurry up knowing if she was going to talk to the principle, she didn't want to be seen by anyone else.

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