Chapter 9

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Eva didn't know what to do she felt so scared and worried about this whole situation. She continued to beat herself up all the way home asking herself how could she have been so careless. She loved being a baby occasionally when she was at home and now she was about to learn what it was like to be a baby at home and at school. She had finally made it home and pulled into the garage ready to call it a day after the adventure she had just put herself through. She grabbed her bags and the outfit for Monday as it took everything she had to get inside the house.

She tossed the bags onto the couch instantly falling to her bottom feeling the wet diaper squish into her crotch as her mind felt so overwhelmed from the day and began to cry. She bawled into tears wondering how such an easy day could of turned so rough so quickly. She grabbed her phone out of the side of the diaper bag and made her way to the nursery just wanting to sleep. She crawled into her crib letting the side up hoping tomorrow would be a better day then today and slowly fell asleep.

Eva woke up to the sound of her phone binging hearing one after another bing go off on her phone wondering what was going on. She picked up her phone seeing she had 5 new messages reading the first one was from Chauncey. The message read saying "that she was sorry for not making it to the party, but that her night didn't go so well either and that she would see her on Monday. The other 4 messages were unfortunately from Mary telling her "rise and shine, don't forget about the contract, you still need to call the school, I want to see what outfit the baby wears today."

Eva wondered if she was dreaming and closed her eyes and reopened them to see the horror of the messages still in front  of her face. She couldn't believe this was happening and wished she had never stuck her hand inside of her diaper. She grabbed the side of the rail letting the crib rails down knowing she had a busy day and needed to get a move on it. She looked down at her crotch seeing the soaked diapers between her legs and walked over to the diaper pail untaping the wet garments and placing them inside. She looked at her phone clock seeing it was already 9 o clock and the school resource center would probably be already open when she started to realize how was she going to explain this terrible situation to the school as anxiety started to take over as she walked to the bathroom.

Eva turned the hot water on listening as her hot tub filled with water. She tried to play different ideas through her head, but everyone of them sounded worse then the first. She knew if she didn't do this Mary was going to show that video to the school and she would get fired or worse get permanently enrolled into the school as punishment. She soaked in the tub for what felt like an hour telling herself she needed to think of something quick knowing Mary was still expecting a picture of baby Eva. She let the water out and grabbed the towel thinking that she could possibly just wing the situation and play it by ear as she walked into her nursery.

She walked over to the changing table hopping up on top and reaching underneath grabbing one of the infant diapers along with powder. She quickly powdered her crotch and had a fresh diaper pulled between her legs and headed for the closet. She got to the closet trying to find something Mary would approve knowing it had already been an hour since she received the text as her ears turned to hear her phone bing 2 more times. She quickly looked through the outfits grabbing one of the cute onesie styled rompers and pulled it over her head and snapped the buttons in the crotch. She waddled out of the closet grabbing her phone out of the crib seeing Mary had texted again saying "I have yet to see the baby?, did she forget about the deal?"

Eva walked over to her large mirror looking into seeing a reflection not of a professional teacher, but now of a infant student ready to be enrolled in her first day at school. She stared at the wording on the front of the romper noticing the words "infant in training" made her feel as if she really was about to be an infant in training for the next 6 months. She opened the phone looking into the mirror like a teenage girl about to take a selfie she noticed something missing she walked over to the changing table and grabbed her pacifier. She placed the pacifier into her mouth and sat on the floor with her feet spread out and snapped a picture.

She sent the picture to Mary wondering how long it would take before the evil woman would respond and not even 30 seconds she had messaged a barrage of coos and baby talk at her. Eva continued to suckle on the pacifier ignoring the text messages she was receiving from Mary when she noticed it was already getting close to the lunch time and needed to go ahead and call the school. She tried to stand up on her own, but felt the romper keeping her diaper closer against her body causing her walking skills to be weaker then usual and quickly grabbed the bars of the crib and pulled herself up. She waddled into her living room wondering if she was really about to do this and pulled up the schools website on her phone and pressed the call button.

She listened to the dial tone ringing into her ear already getting nervous what she was going to say to them as the sound of a older woman answered the phone saying "Resource center, this is Ashley how may I help you?" as Eva spoke saying "yes mam, I need to speak to someone about removing a student, and enrolling one."

The young girl listened to the nervousness in Eva's voice telling her "I think I can help you, what is the student's name you would like to remove?" as Eva began to think how she was going to do this knowing the computer was going to throw red flags she spoke saying "Eva Peters". The girl on the other end spoke telling her "one moment" as Eva waited patiently wondering what was about to happen. The young girl came back quickly asking "Ms. Peters there seems to be an issue on my end, I am showing both an Eva Peters in the school system as an infant student and as a teacher."

Eva didn't know what to say, but blurted out the first thing that came to mind telling her "that is correct, and I would like to have the student deleted from the system." The young girl responded to Eva telling her "the student has been removed now who am I enrolling?" as Eva nervously swallowed wondering how the girl on the phone was going to take this and spoke telling her "I want you to enroll myself into the school as a student" as the young girl asked "I beg your pardon?" as Eva spoke again saying "I want to be in the system as both a student and a teacher" as the woman responded saying "is this a joke?"

Eva knew she had to get this done and spoke up again saying "no mam, I am experimenting a new style of teaching which is requiring me to understand how my students live at home and in the classroom" as Eva waited for a response listening to giggles coming from the other end the women finally responded telling her "I enrolled you, It has you in the system as both a student and a teacher on the same file and whenever this is over with you can call us back and we can delete the file" as Eva responded telling her "I will."

Eva thanked the woman telling her "I appreciate you helping me with the issue" as the woman responded telling her "your welcome, will anybody be home today for the delivery?" as Eva remembered the school had to deliver the furniture and outfits and responded telling her "yes mam, I will be home all day" as the women responded saying "we will see you soon" as Eva spoke saying "Ill see you soon".

Eva looked up at the clock wondering to herself how long did she really have before the center would be at her front door. She waddled her way into her nursery and into the closet looking over all of the outfits and diapers wondering if any of this was going to be taken away or if they would keep everything the same. She figured the furniture might be replaced with some of the newer items she had in her classroom. She looked on the left side of the wall seeing her items she had purchased on the internet mostly her abdl diapers and clothing.

She picked everything up knowing that if the company saw the items they might see it as foreign and get rid of it and decided to store everything she wanted to keep in her adult room. She walked out of her bedroom feeling her stomach growling at her in need of food and walked towards the kitchen. She opened her fridge and grabbed a bottle of formula and some yogurt placing both on top of the high chair table wondering to herself how long it was going take before the company would be showing up. She walked over to the drawer grabbing a spoon and bib for the yogurt as she jumped at the sound of knocks on the door.

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