Part 2

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Mays POV:

So as I was taken to their "headquarters" which looked more like an abandoned office. But I learned more about this "project butterfly" and quickly became interested.

I guess there's like aliens and shit.. i don't really know anymore.

I sigh and pack up my stuff after agreeing to joining. I had no where to stay honestly, I don't live here just came down cause I thought that I was gonna maybe actually talk to my brother after years. Nope, just another mission.

I wanted to bond with Christopher. I really did.

As I left someone stopped me.

"Hello." I say to vigilante.

"May. Listen, I really need to tell you something, everyone else knows but you, I should've told you first though."

He took off his mask slowly and my eyebrows perked in curiosity.

"Wait. No. No. No way this is real. Adrian? Is that actually you?" I say.

He's nods "sorry for not telling you soo-" I interrupted him with a hug. "No I'm sorry for leaving you alone. That was selfish." He smiled and laughed.

I pulled away from him and my brother came in. "Woah okay. Were you guys kissing or hugging...?you better not be with my sister man!"

We both blush, "What! No man! I just told her I'm Adrian, we aren't kissing man, we were hugging." I nod and my brother laughs.

God that was embarrassing.

"Well... pack up your guys stuff cause we are going butterfly hunting."

(I messed up the timelines but this is like taking place from episode 4)

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