Our Turn

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Katara's POV

I felt so warm as I slowly started to wake-up. Today was the day and I knew I needed to get going but as soon as my mind cleared, I realized a hand was running slowly down my arm, I would've been happy to stay in bed all day. Zuko softly kissed my back and turned my head to look back at him.

"Good morning," he said with a smile.

"This is the first time that I can agree. It is a very good morning." I replied with a smile of my own. I turned around and kissed him, placing my arms around him. We were still naked but I didn't feel nervous or uncomfortable. It was Zuko and that was all I needed. My feelings were clear, especially when Azula took him there was no more doubt. Even if he wasn't there yet, I knew I was and couldn't hold it back anymore.

"Katara," he spoke before I could, "I love you."

"You do?" I said in shock. Not only did he feel the same but beat me in saying it by a second.

"Yes, I do. You are the best thing to have ever happened to me. There is no other word to describe how you make me feel but love." He said staring into my eyes. His golden eyes made me feel as if he could stare into my soul and comfort me at the same time.

"Thats great because I love you too." The smile on his face grew and it was the happiest I had ever seen him. Next, he was hovering over me while kissing me. It was slow, passionate, and full of our love. We continued like this, not changing our pace simply enjoying being with each other.

Yet, the world was against us one more time as my phone went off. Honestly, I'm surprised we were able to be together last night without someone interrupting. Twice.

I let out a sigh as he found my shorts and handed me my phone. He stayed above me with a mischievous smile that confused me. I looked and saw that it was Sokka.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey Katara. We have everything ready we just need everyone to get over to the school as soon as possible." He started explaining but my attention was not on my big brother. It was on my insanely hot boyfriend kissing down my neck.

"OK," I said as I tried to push Zuko off but he didn't budge, "I'll pick up Zuko and we'll meet you there."

"Perfect, did you need to borrow my jeep?" He offered but I smiled even more as I knew what I said next would get a reaction out of both of them.

"Actually, no. I have the keys to Zuko's car so I'll just use his." At this Zuko stopped against on my neck and Sokka was silent. I knew why they were quiet and it was for very different reasons. Suddenly, Zuko started grinding against me hard, kissing my neck while completely ignoring that Sokka was on the phone. Saying how it was no fair that I get to drive his car before Sokka could have a turn and blah, blah, blah.

"Yeah whatever I got to go." I hung up and smirked at Zuko.

"You drove my car here?"


"With every intention of jumping me once you got here?"


"And mentioned it right now while we're both naked, knowing exactly what my reaction would be?"

"It was pretty easy to tell when you had me watch Fast and Furious with you. Sooo . . . Yup."

"Damn, hand me another condom."

"But didn't you hear? We need to get going." I said with a smirk but reaching for the condoms anyway.

"Don't worry baby, I know. And you knew what was going to happen as soon as I pictured you driving my car." Zuko put it on and thrusted into me without another word.

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