What Do I Say?

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Zuko's POV

"You did what?! Why?" I exclaimed. I was with Azula in her room. She was just flipping threw a magazine while I was pacing back and forth. 

"Calm down Zuzu. All I did was talk to her to see if you made any progress." Azula responded in a bored tone.

"Oh please, how would you be able to figure that out by a five-minute conversation?" I said doubtfully. 

"Because I'm me." She answered with that annoying smile of hers. "I might have also helped you out."

"Really?" I asked in shock. I spent an hour with Katara before she stopped trying to kill me. "How?"

"Well she is pretty smart, I'll give her that. But then again, I'm smarter. I choose my words carefully and, if I'm right, her thoughts to you are slowly changing." Azula explained.

"And how can you be so sure?" I said. She shot me a 'You have got to be kidding me' face. "Don't give me that face. You're not perfect Azula." 

"But I am pretty close." Azula said. Before I could respond, my phone went off. I had a text from . . . Katara? The spirits must love to mess with me.


Katara: Hey

Me: Hey

Come on, there is no other response for that.

Katara: Finally got out of the library. Hope you had a better day.

Is she actually having a real conversation with me? Not just getting straight to the point and talking about the project? Maybe she's texting the wrong person?

Me: It went alright. Ya know, school is school

I have no people skills. None.

Katara: I get you on that one. What classes did you have today?

She most likely knows her friends' classes so maybe this isn't a mistake.

Me: Battle Strategy, History of the Elements, Metal Work and a double session of duel swords.

Katara: Metal Work?

Me: I do own swords and not all of us are metal benders so I thought it would be smart to know something.

Katara: Sounds smart

I'm glad someone thinks so. Azula thought it was a waste of time but it's only an elective so she and Father didn't push it.

Me: I thought so

Katara: I think my brother had Battle Strategy today

Yeah and he shot daggers at me the whole time but not gonna tell her that.

Me: Was that the same guy from the other day?

I already know it was.

Katara: Yup, that's why I'm texting. Just wanna apologize for his attitude

Me: Don't worry I'm used to it

After that it was a longer til she answered back. Almost thought the conversation was over.

Katara: Still wasn't right

Wow, wonder if she said that to her brother?

Me: Don't even worry. So you wanna meet up again?

Hope that didn't seem desperate. 

Katara: Can't this week. Already got plans.

Should have seen that one coming. That girl has a lot of friends. Plus that idiot of a boyfriend. What does she even she in him?

Me: Got it. Guess I'll just see you tomorrow for Bending in Battle with the crazy professors

Hopefully, that was a good way to change the topic. Apparently, I'm not supposed to let her dictate everything. At least according to Azula. Man, I need to get some guy friends.

Katara: For sure. Actually, gonna head to bed. I always end up exhausted after a lesson with Paku

Should I say something lame like, "I can help you relax afterward"? Nah, if I think it's lame she will most likely laugh at me again.

Me: Smart

Katara: I know I am :)

That was a good come back. Damn.

Me: Yeah, yeah. Don't let it go to your head or you won't be able to fit threw the door.

Katara: Oh whatever. See ya Zuko

Me: Later

So she did mean to text me. Unless she realized it was me while we were talking? Why do I keep questioning this?

This plan is gonna drive me crazy.

What did you think of Azula's plan? I guess it had some effect on Katara if she texted Zuko. Did you guys like the commentary from Zuko? Personally one of my favorites . . . so far.

Let me know what you think. Hopefully by pushing that little star at the bottom.

Don't forget to smile at least once a day :)

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