Bonding Time

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Katara's POV

IT'S A MIRACLE! Zuko and I actually got through a conversation without someone interrupting. An even bigger surprise was that we are dating! Yeah, we have a couple of obstacles in the way but I think we can make it . . . though Azula is crazy. As he held me all I could feel was the warmth coming from his body. That makes sense since he is a firebender. I've gone through the whole conversation over and over and have been called out in class multiple times but who really pays attention in History of the Elements? 

"Hey Katara, is everything ok?" Sokka asked me as we sat down for lunch. We had no afternoon classes today so he suggested we have brother-sister bonding and eat lunch off-campus. Turns out he had another motive. 

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"Ever since your fight with Azula, you've seemed a bit off. Then you broke up with Jet. Finally, Aang looks like he's avoiding you so something happened there." Sokka listed. Wow, he is more observant than I thought. It took him forever to have a real date with Yue, not just "do an activity" together. It was entertaining. Now seemed like the chance to bring up Zuko, everyone else knows. 

"The break up with Jet doesn't really bother me. He was becoming really pushy and started using me as a trophy more than a girlfriend. Most of the time he would just put his arm around me or kiss me in front of his friends." I started. I have no idea why I didn't see that earlier.

"That guy is such an idiot. He even tried fighting Zuko at the Jasmine Dragon last weekend." Sokka commented.

"What happened?" I asked. Zuko didn't mention any of this!

"Nothing. I stopped him before he could land a punch." Sokka explained. I guess there was nothing to tell. "What really surprised me was Zuko. He never looked as if he was going to fight back. The guy tried to ignore Jet."

"Why did you stop him anyway? You knew by then that we had broken up plus your feelings to Zuko." I said. Sokka sighed before answering.

"I may not like him, no I think I may hate him," He said, "but that guy took a lightning bolt for you. Stopping a fight was the least I could do though I feel as I should do more." 

"I was not expecting that." I admitted to him. "I do have something to tell you that you will definitely not expect."

"Oh, oh let me try to guess!" He exclaimed suddenly excited. "I'm gonna guess that Aang knows and since he's not talking to you he doesn't like it or he's embarrassed. Did he finally express his feelings towards you?"

"No-wait you knew about that?!" I said.

"Oh come, I think the whole academy knew." Sokka said. I fell against my seat. He was half right but not sure what he's going to think about the rest of it.

"Yeah he did but I don't feel that way towards him and had to turn him down." I started fidgeting in my seat and looked only at my hands.

"I knew that. You were with Jet and I knew you wouldn't if you had feelings for another." Sokka spoke as I was trying to find the courage to explain the rest.

"Thanks, I guess. Only that isn't why I wanted to talk to you." I said.

"Ok now you're really worrying me. What is it Katara?" He asked. I looked up and saw the concern in his eyes.

"It's nothing bad. At least I don't think it's a bad thing. I'm actually extremely happy about it." I said as a smile overtook my face and Sokka eased up.

"Well if that's the case, why you freaking out? Just tell me." He said and took a bite out of his burger and stuffed some fries in his mouth. If the guy's eating then he's already thinking everything's all good.

"I'm dating someone new." I announced. He froze in the middle of his bite. 

"Who? Who is the guy?!" Sokka asked. If he didn't have food in his mouth, I'm sure the volume would have been way louder.

"Calm down!" I said and waited until he swallowed before continuing. "You do know him, I think he even might be in some of your classes." I added on as an afterthought. This had Sokka racking his brain. He was thinking of each of his classes trying to figure it out. It had to be someone he didn't like or I wouldn't be so nervous. Since he didn't really have a grudge against many people it came quicker than I thought. 

"This is why Aang is so upset isn't it?" He asked even though we both knew he had figured it out but I still nodded.

"I'm dating Zuko." I told him. A frown crossed his face and he said nothing.

"This isn't just because of what he did is it? A sudden attraction because he saved you from Azula?" He questioned. That seemed like a valid question.

"No, it had started some time before. Though you do have to admit that was pretty amazing." I said with a small smile.

"I'll give you that but Zuko? He may be an even bigger jerk than Jet!" Sokka fought back.

"Yeah been hearing that one a lot." I answered kinda exasperated of that response. 

"Not to mention his crazy family . . . Wait, isn't he dating someone? That emo girl that sighs all the time with the flying knives?" Sokka realized and that line above his eyes started forming. A clear sign that he might explode.

"They broke up." I said and was shocked that it seemed to piss him off even more.

"So he's just moving from one girl to the next! They have been together forever from what I've seen and he just dumps her to start dating you?!" He said. Hm, did not think of it that way though I kinda did the same thing. I made sure not to show that on my face.

"Please Sokka calm down. Take a bite of your burger." I instructed. Hopefully, that helps. "I really want you to give him a chance." Sokka kept chewing but I could tell he was thinking. I began eating my food, waiting for him to speak.

"Are you really happy about it?" He finally asked. "This isn't some dare? He's not blackmailing you or his sister threatening you?"

"No way! He's actually gonna have to face his sister and the headmaster to even make this happen." I said. Sokka's eyebrows went halfway up his forehead. 

"That won't be easy. I guess he is serious." He said after a few more seconds. My jaw almost dropped to the floor. "Fine."

Oh my spirits, no way.

We have a new chapter! This one was a little longer than the rest but come on there was no way a conversation with Sokka was gonna be easy.

Thanks for (still) reading this story! Please let me know what you're thinking by hitting that little star or leaving a comment. Now I really need to go to sleep.

Don't forget to smile at least once a day :)

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