Student Council Meeting

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Katara POV

Holy crap.

Ozai is gone.

We all get to stay.

Zuko is the new student president and  asked me to be his vice president. All our other friends included in the council.

He has never looked hotter.

"We really need to get going." Zuko said without letting go of my hips and continued to kiss my neck.

"Why? Its not like they can start without us." I argued as I tugged his hair. He obviously agreed when he sucked my neck hard. We were in his dorm room, him on his bed with me on his lap. I moan as he slowly moves his hands-

"I don't care what you're doing but it stops now!" A voice yells as they banged on the door. I'm so consumed by Zuko that it takes me a moment to recognize my brother's voice. If your brother isn't a mood killer I don't know what is. "You two need to get your asses to the auditorium in 5 minutes and I expect you to be presentable!"

"He acts as if I never caught him making out with Yue before." I mumbled irritated that we were interrupted. Again. I love my friends but I might hurt whoever it is if it happens one more time. Zuko chuckles and gives me a quick peck on the lips.

"But he does have a point. Stand up, I have to fix my hair and you need to cover your neck." I sighed as I stand walking to pick up my jacket. Don't remember which one of us took it off but luckily it's not wrinkled. Zuko did have to change his shirt though. Once we were "presentable" Zuko took my hand and we made our way outside. Everyone must have already been in the auditorium because we ran into nobody. Our friends were grouped at the entrance waiting for us.

"Gee, thanks for gracing us with your presence. You gain a title and it goes straight to your head." Sokka complained.

"Coming from the guy who puffs out his chest whenever someone compliments him on becoming part of the council. We don't even know what our official titles are and you're already milking it." Toph said causing the others to laugh. It was a week since the showdown in the meeting and two days since the changes were approved. The student body was waiting for us explain any changes and how to apply for any positions in student leadership. Running a school would be too much for only the eight of us while being full-time students. Zuko had asked my opinion on including Mai and Ty Lee which I agreed right away. We couldn't have done this without them. Zuko might have stayed in Azula's secret warehouse and missed the meeting. They also held her off so she couldn't interfere. I know she was crazy but she was still their friend. They didn't want a title but accepted the role of council member.

"If you want to find out your position then we should head inside." Zuko said with a smile. Sokka tried to seem cool but he sped into the room. We each gave a small laugh as we followed him. Silva was there too, waiting to address the school. After she spoke her eyes went to Zuko and me with a smile.

"And now I would like to invite your president and vice president to the stage. Zuko and Katara." Everyone began cheering as we made our way to the stage making me smile. Not at the attention but at realization that Zuko had truly been accepted. There were no boos, no snide comments, and best of all no Prince. He was all smiles as he took my hand and led us up the stage and to the podium.

"Thank you all so much. Not for the applause but for the role you each played in making this happen." Zuko began, "By proving your dedication and work ethic, you were able to show that you belong at this academy." More cheers followed his words.

"Now while we will be the president and vice president, it'll take a lot than us to run a school." I said once it settled down. "There will be a student council along with different committees set up. To apply for the council all applications should be submitted to Mai and Ty Lee. If you have an interest in a specific committee than submit one to head member."

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