I Promise

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Katara's POV

"See!" Jet exclaimed. I looked at Jet and the anger he held in his eyes. Zuko had just walked away with Mai and he definitely didn't make this conversation any easier. "He is using you to make me mad!"

"Well you're making it pretty damn easy, aren't you?" I replied getting bored with Jet's attitude. We have been going in circles ever since I first brought up the project. It doesn't matter that I was complaining about having to work with Zuko, all Jet heard was working with Zuko.

"Katara, I need you to take this seriously!" Jet basically shouted.

Oh hell, no.

"What do you want me to say? I'm not going to Master Paku and ask him to switch my partner. Telling him that my boyfriend doesn't trust me to work with a pain in the ass firebender, isn't gonna work." I countered, trying very hard to keep my voice steady but I knew it didn't work.

"It's not that I don't trust you." Jet replied, his voice suddenly full of hurt as if his anger had vanished. He reached out for my hand, bringing it to his chest and stared into my eyes. "I care about you and I don't trust Zuko. He has something in mind for you and I'm worried. You can't deny that he isn't trustworthy."

I couldn't contradict him cause there was something about Zuko that felt weird. Whenever I was around him, I had an uncertain feeling in my chest. 

"Please," Jet continued. He brought me close to him and held me in his arms. "Be careful when you're around him and I hope that you will tell me if he does anything stupid."

I looked up at Jet and he really did seem worried. He finally accepted the project, the least I can do is promise him this.

"I promise. If he does anything I don't like you might hear that a certain firebender is in the infirmary before I get the chance."


"So what exactly is this project about?" Toph asked. We were all in the common room, hanging out before curfew. I was trying to work on an essay for my Healing Seminar but it was hard with Aang and Sokka laughing so loudly. Jet had already went to his room which I think is a good thing. If Jet had to hear about this project again he might explode.

"We need to work together on finding ways to counter each other's attack." I began. "Basically, if he were to send me a fire blast what is the best defense or what can he do when I use the water octopus method."

"So basically you get a chance to attack Zuko without any repercussions." Toph said, with a smile on her face. Everyone who heard her started laughing and Sokka even gave her a high five. He just had to make sure his feet were touching the floor or she wouldn't have 'seen' it. 

I just shook my head with a small smile and started packing up my things. There was no way I was gonna get any work done here. Plus I had to get up early tomorrow. 

"I'm heading to bed. Goodnight you guys." I said before turning the corner and was out of sight of the others. All of a sudden, I was spun around and my back hit the wall. The only thing I could see was a pair of golden eyes inches from my face.

"Is there something you wanna talk about, Zuko?" I asked in a bored tone. My heart was racing but I made sure it didn't show in my voice. 

"I was just hoping we could figure out a time to meet up. This is a very important project and after the talk we had, I want to make sure we do our best." Zuko replied with a smirk.

"You mean the talk where I basically threatened your life if you ruined my grade? Glad to see I made an impact." I said and gave him a small smile. He needs to know that he can't get to me. He instead relaxed his body so it was almost touching mine. His hair fell forward slightly covering his eyes. 

"I'm hoping I can return the favor." He spoke softly. It was very obvious what he was trying to do, which was hilarious, and caused me to burst out laughing. The look on his face showed this was not the reaction he was hoping for, making it harder to stop.

"Well, good luck with that. I'm going to walk away now and I'll see you after school in the gym so we can find a room to begin sparing." I told him as I ducked under his arm, freeing myself from his barricade. He seemed lost and just nodded. I left him there in the hallway, a dazed look on his face, with a small smile on mine. This project might be a little more interesting than I thought.

Yay, another chapter! I decided to post this tonight cause I have family coming in this weekend which basically means I will have no time for Katara and Zuko (I have a BIG family).

Who else loved Zuko's terrible attempt at flirting? I loved Katara's attitude in this chapter but tell me what you guys think or what you want to see in the comments. Oh and votes would be cool too.

Don't forget to smile at least once a day :)

Zutara- Fire, Water, Steam ✔Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα