Nothing Left

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Katara's POV

That guy was such a spineless idiot. I thought as I walked back to the common room after speaking with one of the members of the board. He obviously wanted to vote against the headmaster but whatever Ozai has on him must be either really good or really bad. If we could find out what it was maybe, we might have a chance to talk to him again.

"Katara!" A voice called out and I turned around to see the firebender that I usually see talking to Zuko. Even though I was hesitating, I waited for him to catch up. "Hey, um, I'm Kuzon and, uh, a friend of Zuko's."

"It's nice to meet you Kuzon. What can I do for you?" I asked him. There was something different about this kid from the other jerk firebenders.

"I was hoping you've seen Zuko. We were supposed to meet in the fire arena, but he never showed."

"No, I haven't, have you tried calling his cell?" I asked.

"Yeah, a lot actually, but he never answered." Kuzon said, "I was about to check his room when I saw you."

"Then let's head over there together, I need to talk to him if you guys are going to start training." I said and we walked in silence. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kuzon's hands fidgeting. I had no idea what to say to ease his nerves, or why he was even nervous, when he spoke first.

"So, um, how are you doing on finals?"

"I think I'm doing really well, and you?" I asked back.

"I have no idea," he answered sounding almost defeated, "if it wasn't for Zuko I would have failed a long time ago."

"Why do you say that?" I asked, from what I understood Zuko still had his Prince persona before me.

"Well, I'm not what you would call popular with the firebenders. It makes it kinda hard to focus on school when students are throwing your books into the toilet," Kuzon began explaining, "But then Zuko started protecting me and with the headmaster's son on your side people back off."

"I'm surprised." I said honestly, "I wouldn't expect that of the old Zuko."

"Yeah, neither did I," Kuzon chuckled, "The first time he came up to me I thought he was going to join the others. I had no idea what to say to him and it was awhile before I became as comfortable as now. Though, I still can't be around Azula but not many people can."

"It's probably safer to stay away from Azula. That girl has some serious problems." I said as we began down to the hallway to the boys dorm. Kuzon kept walking but something in the corner caught my eye. I turned and saw a notebook on the floor.

This is Zuko's notebook. I thought as I flipped through the pages.

"Dude, its Kuzon and Katara, open up." Kuzon said as he knocked on Zuko's door but got no answer. I rushed over and knocked again but heard nothing from inside his room.

"Maybe he fell asleep?" Kuzon suggested.

"No, we would hear him snoring." I answered before trying his cell again but this time it went straight to voicemail.

"How do you know he snores?" Kuzon asked and immediately began waving his arms and stepping back. "Oh my spirits! Uh, just forget I ever asked. Everybody snores so, uh, well, uh, that's why you said that."

"Relax, Kuzon." I said laughing at his reaction. Then I got a text message from a number I didn't recognize, and my blood went cold.

Looking for your boyfriend?


When I couldn't find anyone on campus, I ran all the way to the Jasmine Dragon. Poor Kuzon, I didn't even explain why I suddenly left him in front of Zuko's room. He tried to keep up before I lost him around the library. I burst through the doors and physically feel a weight lift off my chest when I saw Aang, Toph, and Sokka at the bar talking to Iroh.

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