That Is An Excellent Question

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Katara's POV

Of course, there is that one crack in my curtains that shines the sun directly to my face. Even when I roll over I can't escape the light. I am so not a morning person.

Suddenly, my dorm room door burst open causing me to fall off my bed.

"What happened?!" I yell from under my covers. The covers were pulled off my head and I saw Yue, Suki, and Toph standing in my dorm room. Yue and Suki look as if they're on a mission while Toph seems as though she's trying not to laugh.

"We've processed things so now it's time for you to tell us everything." Yue says with her arms crossed. Last night they didn't say a word after Zuko left which was more of a shock to me than to them. I expected Yue and Suki to talk really fast at the same time making it hard to understand them. Toph would stand there, most likely leaning against the wall, waiting for the other two to calm down. Only none of that happened.

"So when did the flirting with Zuko start? Or was that the first kiss?" Suki asked before I could even stand up.

"Not sure we ever 'flirted'. We just talked while working on the project and um, no it wasn't the first kiss." I said and blushed as Yue and Suki's mouths dropped open that it reminded me of anime characters. 

"I knew it." Toph said from my desk chair.

"What do you mean you knew it?" I asked. "Wait you guys didn't tell anyone else, right?"

"Oh please, I was trying to keep these two from finding you. I wasn't telling anyone who said hi." Toph said as if it were completely obvious. 

"Wait, so you knew she was kissing Zuko in the supply closet?" Yue asked.

"Well, I didn't know it was Zuko but I obviously knew someone was with her. Plus she was acting weird for the past couple of days. Something was going on and I wasn't gonna rat her out." Toph replied like it was no big deal.

"I'm not going to say anything to Sokka. He hates Zuko, like with a passion. Good luck with that one." Yue added. 

"I don't know if Sokka will need to find out." I said. "It's not like I've sat down with Zuko and had a whole relationship talk. I mean, we both just got out of long relationships not to mention Mai finding us in the infirmary-"

"What?!" Yue and Suki shirked while Toph just shook her head.

"Sweetness, you really need to pay attention to your surroundings." Toph said. I just let out a huge sigh.

"I haven't mentioned what happened with Aang." I added but they didn't say anything. "Why aren't you guys freaking out?"

"Probably cause none of are surprised." Suki spoke but I noticed Toph turn away. "That kid had a crush on you since you stepped on  campus." Sometimes I am completely clueless.

"Anyway, what are you going to do now? Do you want to move forward with Zuko? And if that does happen what are you going to do about everyone else?" Suki asked.

"Those are very excellent questions. Does that mean you guys would be alright if I did date Zuko?" I asked very hesitantly. If my best friends hated my boyfriend it would makes things difficult I already got to talk to my extremely stubborn brother.

"Well, we know one thing, he must be an amazing kisser." I blushed at Yue's statement. It is true but not important . . . at the moment. 

"But if you are seriously considering beginning something with this guy then something must be good about him. Even though he will most definitely have to show the rest of us." Suki continued.

"Don't forget his crazy family. I guess in a weird way you were lucky with Jet." Toph interjected. "Zuko's family lives on campus."


Me: So we should talk and I'm hoping not in the "this is going to be one of those conversations

Yeah, not going to text him that, I thought as I deleted the text. I was out by the stables looking for Aang. He was probably the easiest place to start and I can't stand him being upset. 

"Oh, hey there Momo!" I said as he landed on my shoulder. "Any chance you can tell me where Aang is?" I got a mumble before he flew off heading inside the stables where I heard Appa. Next time I should go there first.

"Um, hey there." I entered and saw him lying on a bale of hay staring at the ceiling. He lifted his head but once he saw it was me it went right back down. "Yeah, I deserve that. I shouldn't have waited this long. We've never fought so I had no clue how to apologize but that's stupid cause you're my friend, one of my best friends-"

"Katara," Aang stopped me, lifting his head up. "You need to stop talking." I simply nodded and sat down. "I have loved you for a long time. I've had to listen to you call me a friend and even compared me to Momo. Then the worst feeling was watching as you dated Jet. He was an enormous ass yet you choose him. I figured I could survive it because it made you happy. Finally, you come running up to me telling me you broke up with Jet and for that millisecond I thought I had a chance. All of that came crashing down because you kissed Zuko, who is probably a bigger ass than Jet. Seeing you with these jerks is driving me crazy! This is going to need more than just a simple conversation. I need time."

He lied back down, ending his huge monologue. There was nothing left for me to do.

Finally a new chapter. I know it had been an extremely long time and I'm sorry. Finals are coming up but I'm putting off three papers that I should be writing for you guys!!! Hopefully, when I'm done I'll be able to bring you more chapters more often. Plus freaking out at the number of views this story has received!!! Thank you all for everything!

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Don't forget to smile at least once a day :)

Zutara- Fire, Water, Steam ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ